Homesteading and growing some cheeba

That looks tasty as hell.

He has some impressive work. I need to get some one of these days.


Aww shit woulda ya look it there !
Nice work bro

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So taking the plants down tomorrow I think. I’m close to 70. Took 2 down earlier

Prolly a lil early but we had some boys show up although to be honest I think they were like dud sacs
Never the less I can’t mess with that too much as I just flipped some Tony green bubble gum. Light are off right now so catch this on next post. Oh yeah I got one female out of three of his catseye. Gg4ril I think. Anywho off subject does anyone else have inside/outside cats? My male for 3 years now usually fall/winter brings me presents 3 times a week.
Ok sorry no warning on that but like what the Sam hell is wrong with this cat? Same damn organ every time. He’s a savage. Crazy story if you have a sec, four years ago the wife and I were shooting pool in a dive bar in west by god Virginia. I set my stick in the corner to get my beer and a cat runs across floor into a hole in the wall no shit. The wife is instantly in mother Theresa mode and HAS TO SAVE THE CAT FROM STARVATION! I told her the damn thing is eating fries and chicken tenders guaranteed. It gonna be fine. Well, she goes next day while I’m working and buys a trap and talks the the bar owner and you know the rest. Meet spaz.


Ok someone help me out. How the hell did these bastards get in my tent😭. What are they? Having a panic attack.

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Pm me your address and I’ll send you some of Johnny’s “one and done” concentrate I have hete. Just mix with a gallon of distilled and fill a sprayer. Safe in flower too.

Not sure what they are, I’m thinking their young and undeveloped yet…


I already drenched everything in the tent. I’ve had one and done on hand for awhile now. Hoping it gets these pricks


It works…

Curious what these end up being.

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Hey @Boozer . I just found this thread. It is great! Your place looks very peaceful and quiet. My family just divided a 50 acre farm in Ohio. I got 10 acres on the far end so I guess I am homesteading too. I was born and lived here most of my life except a few years of high school when I lived in California. When I grew up we had all the things you are doing now but it was just farm living. Ha ha ha. We still have 12 head of Charolais cattle. We raise and sell calves. I have 10 silver laced wyandotte chickens and a little yorky dog who is my best friend. Great looking plants.

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Awesome my friend. Feel free to post some pics. Love all of em.


Idk exactly what they are look close to some sort of aphid ! The one and done deff works for what it’s worth ! Don’t be shy with it ither there was a point I was hitting it for three days letting it rest for 2 then repeating then letting out the ladybugs …make sure to mist occasionally for the lady bugs sake and they will live a while .
If you are in a tent I highly suggest ladybugs bro !
They r my soliders they are my friends
They fight the battle till the end


Thank you gents

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Hey man. Here is a winter view of part of my herd. And the first calf of this season for any females that might read this. Aaaaawww, aint she cute ?


Oh yeah. They are loving the hay bed you gave them. Good lookin beef.


Hey @Boozer . Things were quiet here until last Saturday. These are twin bulls. The mother could not take care of them so now I have to feed calves twice every day. :sweat_smile:


Oh boy there’s a job. And those bull will be tame as a dog. Fun times eh? They look very comfortable.


How you doing brother …enjoying winter yet :sweat_smile:


No complaints here. Wouldn’t even call it winter anymore. Got 2 days ice fishing and it was gone. Like fast. How are you my man?

the ducks are laughing at this winter.


I know bro I know ! Fricken winter …where deff no stable ice out this way !
Chickens are even out of the barn roaming around for the third day now …
Have 2 left over Muskovee females unclipped and they r flying everywhere haha wonder where they r laying just turned 5 months a little while back …
Chickens think they r cool again and laying where ever they want :confounded:


Yea, these little guys are my buddies. :grin: They keep trying to head-butt me in the family jewels when I feed them. :woozy_face: Thats OK. Tomarrow they both become steers. :flushed: The ultimate betrayal. Ha ha ha. :rofl:


So testing some promising genetics from @DEFSeeds
10 for 10 germed and popped. I’ll keep you posted my man thanks for the opportunity!