Hoodbilly Highjinks


gave all the flowering plants stem rubs.

The black snow smells like fruit stripe gum
Fogdogs are citrus chem
Rk62 x diesel ryder is just pure funk I can’t really describe it


hopefully the flavors last longer than the fruit stripe gum, lol.


Brought a fogdog out the tent to see in normal light

Obviously the tent in the pic is not the one she came out of :sweat_smile: that’s got the black snow in it


Cut the rk62 x diesel ryder and got her hanging to dry. Could’ve pushed her a bit longer but I’m just about out now so she can hold me over till the fogdogs are ready in a few weeks.


Trying to think how I want to handle this next transition to flower. Do I do it in both 4x4s or get an 8x4 and run half hps half led. 11 of my 14 vegging are fems if all 3 regs are female I can take the leds out the 2x4 and use them instead of the hps(I’d need a 4th led but they’re $50/ea so no biggie)

Veg tent is coming along nicely

Swapped the hps for mh to finish the fogdogs with a bit of UV they have maybe a week or two left I think could be longer though.


Everything’s good so far, gonna top the Miami Mamis and Pisthash probably within the week they’re all at 4-5 nodes. Durban Diamonds and Irene Chem are pretty vigorous considering the low temps, got stuff drying right now and probably will for the next month given how close these fogdogs are(may swap out for mh once the fogdogs are done with it just to keep the tent warm)


checking in. how far along is that black snow now?

4-5 weeks from when she started flowering, probably 6 from flip.


I really should keep notes :sweat_smile:

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How long do they usually take? Somewhere in the 8-10week range?

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only grew them outdoors, but i would guess about 9 weeks

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Started super cropping the Irene chems and Durban diamonds. I’m thinking 1 topping only(already done) should be able to flower 6 in 5gals in each 4x4, if it’s to much I guess that’s another tent and light purchase I’ll need to make because I don’t see 4 topped plants fitting in my 2x4

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I like the looks of the young DP. That is one thick stemmed plant and spacing is perfect for how I like to train.

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Training is one thing I really need to work on. I have pretty bad canopy management habits :sweat_smile: might give the trellis netting a shot this time


Training is fun. Training with purpose is fun and profitable. I got just over four dried ounces from the beast Gelato we grew. When it was growing, it looked like a tabletop of buds. I don’t think I’d have gotten near that without training her.

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With 6 per 4x4 how do you think I should approach it?

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That is a problem I haven’t had to deal with. My room is way larger than I need.
I’d like to try a screen of green but I am thinking I’d physically be unable to get down there and look them over for problems.
I will have to figure this out for myself soon though. It looks like I’ll have to build another space for my GDP seed run. I won’t take a chance of a possible herm from another strain messing that up.

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Fogdogs still putting on some weight

they’ll be done when they’re done :man_shrugging:t2: