Hormone and sex manipulation on cuttings, past research on hemp

@shag do you have any thoughts or ideas on how long a person should wait till planting seeds after they have even harvested? Right now I have them in the dark and open air room temperature.


I think the reason for intersex traits is the cannabis types as they branch out and have less viable mating options become more homozygous and thus become more susceptible to the parasites or TEā€™s, the TEā€™s thus due to their proliferation cause the genome to become less stable sexually and cause say a gibberillic response in females and cause cross over (inter-sex) causing an epistatic response to provide more genetic variability through new seeds being produced to combat the proliferation of transposons by becoming more heterozygous and thus able to combat the TEā€™s to stay viable and when populations numbers increase and dioecious processes increase the variability thus heterosis increases due to the TEā€™s are kept in check or moved closer to the centromeres where cross-over is less frequent.

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Hey @hempy
Did ya ever get up the energy to try some experiments?
Just curious here.

I posted more info on hormones here if you are interested.


I know iā€™m replying to an old post here but yeah, boron is one of the main things used to reverse other plant species.

Its why i find that boron guy we see every few months as malicious. Apply too much boron in your soil or hydro setup and youā€™re gonna get herms.


I donā€™t know that getting herms from severe overdose is unique to boron, I think you could stress a plant to the point of herming with most/all elements.

Chunkypigs is cropping weed of stellar quality and when he showed his soil test came out at 15ppm boronā€¦ ā€œtoxic at 4ppm my assā€

But yeah balance is keyā€¦

Boron dude mixes 10% misleading bs in every posts by his own admission so thatā€™s what makes it hard to decipher hah


Thatā€™s, however, nonsense Iā€™m afraid. Too much calcium will cause herms. And pot growers tend to run calcium waaaaaay too high because Cannabis hyper accumulates Manganese. Increased boron increases Calcium.

If pot growers ran LOW manganese, LOW calcium and got their calcium into calcium pectate via proper boron, the scene would smell alot different.


Interesting :thinking:
I know when I tried dosing extra boron, i got more herms. I also canā€™t find the paper referencing its use in plant sex reversal right now. Been like a year since I last saw it and google-fu is failing me now.

Gotta say, thatā€™s the first time Iā€™ve ever heard of that :eyes:


Should have tried your OG-fu :wink:


Ah good catch!


Hmmm, as far as I know you should be able to plant them as soon as they dry a bit.
Cannabis seed have been known to sprout right in the buds given the right conditions.

I agree and I think this is the general consensus.

The rest is quite a mouthful and above my pay grade. :exploding_head:

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Boron Dude is that you???Joined but one day ago ,I knew you couldnt resist the urge and control yourself to try and get back on here.Please please tell us were all dumb and we need to add more boron and have another melty again


The messiah has returned Overgrow!!!Rejoice


Hey maybe I should drop that and step back and look at what is happening now? I donā€™t care either way.

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Hi Shag I took the cuts and was planning to do it but had a few other projects in the works, and they took priority.

I am still planing on trying this.

Thanks for the Link, Shag, I will bookmark it and take a look.

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Too much of the B word up in here, now Iā€™m suspicious of everyone

Just kidding, great information. Thanks!


Shhh he will hear youā€¦.i swear he only comes out at night hes the dude who walks

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They are finding that you can have genetically identical plants but have different TEā€™s and such that the phenotypes are not all the same. I think this makes sense since the epistatic randomness of which chromatids get activated is random correct? The randomness is very intriguing.

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I like this idea.

@Cactus has done the leg work for us here.

Nice work @cactus and thank you for your valuable time.
Is anyone else willing to try this?


Bed  1 post harvest 2021 copy 2

I donā€™t know if 255ppm of manganese is high or low but thatā€™s the low down lol


Hit the males with some Ethephon 780 ppm see what it does

Florel = 3.9%
39000 ppm
Desired Strength = 780 ppm
Ratio = 50
Florel to be Added = 5 ml
Amount water Needed = 245 ml
Total amount of Final Mixture = 250 ml