How far can you cut for clones?

It was one of those things I thought I knew, but I don’t know enough to know I knew it.

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Your intuition will guide you. You could even argue that my clones are super small but no big deal and it works fine.

I’ve had clones flop over for 2 days but they perk back up.

The only real issue I’ve ever had cloning in my rig is that the water pH rises pretty fast.

Changing the water regularly fixes that problem.

And cold temps make them take longer to root, but they will root.

But seriously, leaving them some leaves to eat will give you a much bigger margin for error.

Best of luck and all the best.

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I’ll go 4-6 inches, usually closer to 4". Making sure the there are a few nodes that’ll be in the area of media contact for the roots to really pop. I’ll scratch the heck outa the stems in this area and add hormone before placement.

The leaves all get clipped off except for a min of 4 fan leaves, but then I also snip the tips off of each point of the fan leaves remaining to push for root development vs veg growth.

So far I’ve had only 2 cuttings fail out of 20 doing it this way.

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I like to clone when about three weeks/ four into flower …any longer it’s harder.

Once they start growing out the vegging stuff…depends on the strain ,how long this takes.

They go out in the greenhouse.

Your plant has great potential…just needs love.

Cloning and revegging is great fun.

I’ve had good results with Mango sapphire.


Great question by the OP and great answers from the gang. But my only answer is to plant more seeds. Clones are fun and it’s nice to dial in cloning, I definitely haven’t, but popping seeds is much more fun IMO. :sunglasses:


Yeah i find early flower clones quickest to root also. But ive taken em 6 weeks in before to save a cut. Ideally best case is to take em in veg n have the copies waiting when you know how they are through flower. No reveg needed that way but last ditch effort ill take em right before harvest if i got to just super ugly for a month.


Also like @Panamajock said. You can always take that ugly girl outside and give her some new life. It’s also the secret to clones that lose some vigor


I agree with @Panamajock .

I pull clones 3 or 4 weeks into flower.

I know it will take longer for them given the time needed to reveg, but the results are far worth it.


I’d love to- but haven’t figured out how to hide her. Need to move, lol. I can’t even put up rabbit wire without the HOA crawling all over.

I am allowed by my med card to grow in a “locked greenhouse” that is “out of public view”. Wondering if I can’t just throw up some trellis… but hey, that’s way off topic now. Lol.

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One of the best flower cloning was GPS Copper chem…a delight to grow …cloned great…like 100%


Got a couple of LC Clones just now in the veg room (my wardrobe)

They were a wee tad slow…but bouncing now

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I find long flowering Sativas .are harder…I grew a cannabiogens destroyer .Cuts just didn’t want to Go, seems they don’t dig it as much as hybrids.

EDIT…maybe it’s because of the longer the plant flowers…I don’t know…

Happy growing

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I find the same.

Sativa’s are much harder to clone in flower.

I find I’m pulling dozens of viable clones when I clean the bottom of my plants though, so if I have to pull 10 to get one really good one it’s not that much an issue.

Some strains I find I can have 100% of the clones I pull take root, others are much lower.