How long until these just rooted clones kick out of their phosphorus toxicity

I clone them like I chop and just put them in a rooter cube in a block of rock wool and run my flood and drain hydo on fill for 2 weeks

I gave them a little floranova gro (which has a ph buffer) and they’re getting greener

Hopefully photosynthesis kicks in and new cells develop

So what do you think? Grape kush


I would rather think about Magnesium deficiency, which is normal under led lights, you could spray some diluted Epsom salts and see how they react, nothing serious anyway … beer3|nullxnull


its no big deal, my own fault for not taking out my table and cleaning it, its a bitch with bleach so im just gonna let my plants get used to the conditions and see if its worth killing them and replacing them with this minty auto and cleaning the table or one more grow season with a dirty ebb and flow table

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It looks like light burn or mag problems. Just be gentle with them and give them time to recover and be on point with PH and feeding, If they get worse they are probably exposed to light them dont like, either its the wrong spectrum or too strong. Clones should have around 200 par(light) until they take off, then you can use stronger light with heavier feeding.

You can install an app on your phone to take an estimated par reading.

Pz :v:t2: