How my My Cannalope doing?

Just kicked off my first grow with some epic Cannalope Kush seeds from GCS. Got 'em in a 5-gallon fabric pot, Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil, and under a Mars Hydro LED. Everything’s running smooth, but leaves starting to curl up. Is this normal, or am I missing something?


Hey @DigRepresentative I think I read awhile back that one of the things that can make the leaves curl up in that shape is the light intensity. Which model Mars Hydro LED are you using? How strong is it set? And how far is it from the top of your plants?

I’m not certain that this is the cause of the issue. I’m still learning here and I don’t have a lot of experience under my belt yet. Just passing along something that I picked up recently and I hope it can help

Well your first problem is thats cannabis not cantaloupe!
In seriousness though it looks like too much N


thanks for responding man, I’m using the Mars Hydro TS 1000 LED. It’s set at about 75% intensity, and it’s hanging around 18 inches from the top of my plants. I appreciate the tip on light intensity affecting leaf curl – every bit helps!

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Haha, my bad on the mix-up, but good catch! Thanks for pointing that out. And yeah, it might be something to do with nuts. I’ll dial it back a bit and see how it goes. :wink:

Ya, looks like nute burn.

Your setup sounds solid, man. First things first, let’s talk watering. How often are you watering, and are you checking the runoff pH?