How the hell is this legal in the USA?

Not the first time. Cops love cash. It’s against the law to carry so much. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: if they take it in some states you might not get it all back.

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Its still sounds unconstitutional to me. But hey…what else is new?

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It’s all about telling the govt. how much money you have so you can pay fair taxes, like most people who work for a living. Unexplained cash that shows up is a red flag to banks and the govt. It’s nothing new. Banks have to report any transactions(?) over $10,000. I can’t remember if it’s deposit or withdrawal or both. I sure don’t have that much cash to move around.

If you are caught with a lot of cash, it’s assumed that it’s dark money and never taxed, unless you can prove it, but the majority of people already have their accounts balanced and accounted for.

Large amounts of cash indicates money laundering and tax evasion, basically.


These kind of cash seizure violate the due process offered everyone who is a citizen. I have no issue with a judge who find me guilty (as jacked up as the system of jurisprudence is,) seizing my assets… but this is clearly a case of the police acting as judges. Its no different from the police shooting people they think are guilty…imho


A writ of habeas cash-us.


Then they tell you that ignorance of the law is no defense.

Apparently I know the constitution better than they do…maybe time to invest in alternative currency?

Amendment 16?

The world powers are trying to figure out how to regulate crypto currencies while we speak. Not sure how long that dog is gonna run.


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