How to convince family members you live with to grow indoors?

Maybe… you could build a shed? Then it’s outside like your mother wants but still “inside” to hide and control your grow.


I had to convince my wife when va went legal. She not being an older Jewish lady and also not my mother made it much easier than the path I believe you will have.

I would try to bargain. Point out that the costs offset the losses you experience in an outdoor grow. You will also be able to show that with carbon filtration you will not smell the plants unless you open the tent in flower. You could mitigate even that smell with a large carbon filter set up for the room.

The pros list of indoor is much easier to sell to a nonbeliever if sold prior to growing outdoors.

All that being said, I wish you luck in your endeavor and hope you get to start your indoor journal soon!


I’m going to second the suggestion of growing vegetables, herbs whatever you will use, in the tent first.

This way, your mother will see the whole set up in action minus the drug part.
She will probably appreciate the literal fruits of your labor. Homegrown anything is almost guaranteed better than store bought.

It will also become something she gets used to seeing. See it every day, it becomes part of the house.

This is a longer term approach but also incorporates respect for your mother’s ideas.

It may blossom into a couple of tents after she tastes those tomatoes :wink:

Edit: Seems for legal grow - In Michigan, anyone 21 and over can cultivate up to 12 marijuana plants for personal use iinside a locked, enclosed facility.
You may make her aware of this stipulation but I caution you, it could go the other way. She may freak out and not want them outdoors or indoors. Roll the dice.


Bribe her… I’m running out of ideas sorry :disappointed:

As others have mentioned I would approach it from a security of medicine mindset

Is your medicine secure outdoors? No

Can anybody see it? Yes

Is the quality of your medicine guaranteed year around? No

Do the police or strangers need a warrant to see outdoor plants? No

Out of sight, out of mind. “Inside the house” vs “out of sight”


Also it’s important to approach it as an open dialogue or people will feel defensive and double down


Sit them down on the couch and yell at them until they submit.





See how intimidating it is? Perfect.


Yeah rorschach is a huge role model. Can’t go wrong. Especially the not showering.


I don’t ever shower as an homage


What a coincidence, me too

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I mean I did today but usually never

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This is a challenging problem @Sintax, the kind I enjoy puzzling out.

Here’s what I’d do.

Get your brother (and his wife?) onboard first. When Mom asks them for their opinion they need to tell her it’s no big deal and they support you. Put your plan in writing with all the specifics of where and how you’ll get setup. Address every concern including the additional electrical and supply costs. This will allow you to have clear and cogent answers to any questions she may have. Memorize this stuff in preparation for "The Conversation!"

Then write her a letter:

My Dearest Mother,
I’m 50 years old and we are co-owners of this house. We live together and we take care of each other on a daily basis. I love you and you love me, but we have a problem to resolve.

I have a true passion for growing this beautiful plant and, as you know, the medicine it produces helps me cope with my problems and keeps me healthy. My brother and his family also enjoy the benefits and appreciate my efforts growing and providing it to them.

Growing cannabis is completely legal here and, as you also know, I don’t sell what I grow or have any other contact with shady folks so the only concern with growing out in our yard is that someone else who values the many benefits of this plant will see my outdoor growing and invade our privacy trying to get it. Outdoor growing also risks bugs, mold and fungus in my plants which is a health hazard.

It is my intention to bring my hobby indoors so that I can avoid the problems of growing outside and ensure that I have a reliable supply of the herbal medicine I need. I realize that you’d prefer to avoid this but I can assure you that in time you will come to accept or at least understand my desire and reasoning.

I promise to keep this activity out of your way as much as possible, and ensure it having as little impact on you as possible.

We are both adults, we love and care for each other. Please remember that as I tell you that this is what I need and what I intend to do.

Your loving Son….

The Conversation
There will be some blowback, histrionics likely, perhaps tears. Everything a Mom has in her guilt arsenal. You’ll need to remain gentle but firm in your resolve. At some point she’ll start asking questions about the details that you can answer. That’s when you’ll know you’ve won.

Regards, and Good Luck,
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


24 years ago, when I got the indoor growing bug, as I talked with my wife, she was very apprehensive, church lady syndrome. She could come to grips with puffing on some, but growing?
So, I started to seek out a spot where, I could build a cheapo false wall.
I had to tear apart a kitchen island, I removed from a house, then rebuilt it in the basement, but put rollers under it.
She could not figure out how to get it to it, and it left her mind, as a worry.
Move that, slide a panel, and into a back area, anyone would very hard pressed to see.
By the way, Israel, has one of BEST Medical Marijuana systems on Earth to day!


Just start growing indoors during winter months at first, then they will all lighten up…hope this helps.


Dude that killed it. Putting my plan(t)s together, I’ve already cleaned our basement out, keep in mind it’s been our storage for over 30 years. I’m about 60% done, took me about 2weeks so far. It’s never been this clean or had windows open. So I’m hoping she sees how much I want this and the drastic change to the wreck of a basement.


Outdoor there are bugs, thieves, and sometimes the weather just ain’t right and can destroy all your hard work and time! The medicine can be pricey like all meds and this also helps ensure that you KNOW what’s in it. I don’t even have to convince my family about the dangers of smoking someone elses grow, can only imagine what people spray on their plants whether it’s just nutes or bug sprays. Let alone hygeine and cleanliness. All my biggest concerns



So…… what seems to be the problem? :man_shrugging:

Perspective I say…. :face_with_monocle:

Does the bathroom medicine cabinet cause controversy? My guess is no.

When people can be informed their opinions can change but we’re working against a century of better funded propaganda—generations passing beliefs over and over.

At the moment I’m sitting in the DMV :joy: wish I could do some informing :rofl:



Good news!!! Not only did you guys knock it out of the park, but ive been approved to find a tent setup. So now I need your help again. You have 200$ to find a complete grow setup. Post links. Please!