How to identify AI and bots in order to protect OG

Lol no man he’s not im just saying it’s weird how someone can influence him to start thinking he actually is one from an internet joke. That’s what snowballed this

Hey man, i’m weird. Had he stayed a little longer the joke would have run it’s course but I get why he got sick of it too.


Oh cmon u normal next to that. 3200 general replies of pastes, niceties, and seed begging and one comment makes it go heywire?

I haven’t done that math I’m just going on the tone/interactivity.

His Bigfoot thread, while not my scene, was pretty decent.

Anyway, I just feel bad. I got in a joke or two, and it was all in good fun, but it got piled and piled and piled.

There are a shitload of people who are only here for seeds, and even if he’s one of those (and I’m not saying he is) at least he made threads that got people engaged.

When I was new here I was all over the free seeds thread. Now I rarely touch them. Shit changes.


Well i didnt know it’s upto me but im libertarian here they can come back on their own accord they are not children jsut chill out or not it’s cool but until funky from Eww is king of the world expect some jokes.

I talk a lot of shit (a lot) but I try to only do it to people who can take it unless they are really pissing me off with nonsense. There’s a fine line between banter and bullying.

First he’s a bot
Now he’s thin skinned
Give the man a break.

I think what happened made us all look bad. And I don’t care for the joke police either but there’s an ignore function that I try not to use but sometimes do.

Feel free to make jokes at my expense. If they’re funny I will laugh and if not I’ll judge you for being a poor joke maker :joy:


Its hard to you never called me a creep or paranoid then bitched and left.
Oh shit is this about the 1800 number joke still?
Im sorry about that in fact…i made another number if you want to call to complain about that one

I don’t know the 800 number joke.

Am I complaining? I don’t think so.

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No it was part of the thing…nevermind.

I don’t get your point here. I have hard time understanding you sometimes.


it’s political, best to leave it alone, as i did when reading it. some things are best left alone. like libertarians. they’re the cats of the political spectrum…


I was hoping he was talking about the king of ooo.

I’m sorry to see Burt go. He surely is strange, but who isn’t.

No. This situation is horrible. People who bully others on the internet are the smallest. Be kind or fuck off.


i liked the guy. it was easy to see he was spending too much time here though. it almost looked like the actions of a bot. he was pretty nice too, way too nice for social media. i’d like to see him return but not at the expense of his health or welfare.


I blame “ free seeds “ for most of og problems and fears

But the site wants traffic

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So let me get this straight and I will put it in mathematical terms

(More Money and more problems) - (no money and free seeds) = more money and more problems.

(More money and more problems)/(no money and free seeds) = undefined
(no money and free seeds)/ (More money and more problems) = 0


Glad you made that clearer lol


Glad I could help but bots don’t get this or do they?

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They probably have a better chance
: )


Spring and fall boxes yes
Occasional Site fundraisers yes
Everything else back behind closed doors
: )

I will stick to the Spring and Fall boxes for I believe like Amazon most people are honest and look out for each other. I don’t let the 3% of the population (psychopahs/sociopaths) make the rules for us, they are most of the time unteachable and no amount of policing will fix this especially when we look at the War on Drugs has taught us jmo.