How to identify AI and bots in order to protect OG

Enough with the pitchforks.

Bots are easy to spot they are passive and boring. So are some people and I avoid them equally.


Queen :honeybee: is employed by a State University System that receives Federal Funding. As our “HOBBY” is still a Federal Crime, I won’t do ANYTHING to jeopardize her Career Employment. That’s the promise I made to her when I joined OG. Several years ago, a very dear friend of mine and I grew on his property (300 plus acres). As he had major Grants from the USADA, $50,000 per year/5 years. He was diplomatically “warned” he could possibly loose FOUR years of Payments. Needless to say, we hurry up and ended our venture. I document all my activities, so when she finally retires next year, the self-imposed prohibition will be lifted. If my OG Membership is dependent upon disavowing my approach, I’ll suffer in silence, no regrets. I promise you, ZERO B-O-T GENERATION employed here!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Definitely not trying to throw any shade or call you out to defend yourself, just wanting to point out that we all have different situations and levels of comfort. I find it a little strange when people start gatekeeping this online experience, especially without specific site rules.

E.g. capulator runs a forum where one needs to document a full grow to gain access to the rest of the forum. Obviously OG is a different situation and there are no such stipulations.


I have to admit that I really dont care about this anymore. If I ever did. I only responded because I was tagged in the opening post. I asked the original question because we were talking about spambots and I was curious about how they were identified. I did not think it was a controversial question. Some people say bert is a bot. Some people say I am old. Im not old but I dont care. Peace :rainbow:




all that would prove is that his handler is growing pot and/or knows someone who is. i doubt he was a bot very much, but it would be a good testing ground for one. it’s not the bots on this site that worry me (if anything does), it’s the feds that have legitimate accounts and document their grows.


They masquerade as marketers.


They’re the ones trying to win free seed all the time. Spot them a mile away.


That’s why I stopped using a return address after all the scamming


I have a fake one


Yes.These AI programs are free and easy to get on the internet. Scamming seeds happens all the time. I have seen scammers create very complex life stories in order to get seeds. Granted, scamming seeds is not a threat unless they reproduce and sell your genetics that you worked hard on. Let us not forget TLT and how they aquire genetics. I think it should be assumed that the feds are watching. We all want to be nice and polite. That is what the OG community is built on but we should not be willfuly blind. Remember that “best friend” who you showed your plants to is always the asshole that narks you out.


This is a much better topic. Which user here is your favorite fed?


Doug’s my favorite fed. Basically anyone who “claims” they live in “Canada” = fed.

Everyone knows Canada isn’t real.


not gonna touch that one. i have my thoughts on it though…

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You can check out github and huggingface for many people who are trying to outdo each other with AI scripts. What you see there will be picked up and absorbed by larger companies months later. On reddit there have been bots for years and twitter. Most people on the internet now are not even real. Especially in an election year, you’re looking at most likely over 50% bots when you see conversations. It could be leaning more toward 100% now with the way they are showing stuff.

For instance on IG, They show different people, different comments based on their history. Noone even sees the same stuff and they’re being influenced ever so slightly that the “real discourse” is a, b or c. You can see this by looking at IG on a phone next to a friend that’s looking at the same post.

I’ve noticed in the past few years a significant increase in nonsensical/slightly illogical postings on reddit and then they will never reply back to a comment. Places like OG are the last bastions of somewhat real conversation. Some people are not sociable and they may speak or act differently from most people but that doesn’t make them a bot. The “bots” now are getting so sophisticated that you can’t even tell so someone who is speaking like a “bot” may just be real and the person who posts like a “person” could just be a bot.

Things are changing fast and don’t believe anything on the internet.


they found that something like 85% of the misinformation came from 6 or 10 accounts on twitter. forgot the exact numbers but it was staggering. and people fall for this shit.


Things are changing fast and that information is from 3 or 4 years ago. You have to look at 3 or 4 months ago and soon it’ll be 3-4 days then 3-4 hours…


nah, it was a couple of months ago before i got logged out of twitter. haven’t bothered to log back in. i just forgot the actual numbers.

You got the point. Wise
Here’s the summary folks.
He came replying 1000 replies an hour.
Accused of being too nice and general.
was asked if they’re an AI bot in a satirical environment.
Did what he did.
Got seeds.
Then, “ok you made me think im a bot I leave now” right on queue. Very childish.
In between the above theres a lot of other bs like the exposed lies, name calling in trade feedback and for what trade lol
I wonder what he was smoking that made him think he’s an AI bot from one post in an internet forum. Can you smoke social media?
They could have used ai tool or not like foreigner said it dont matter they may as well be a human zoidberg.
It’s done. We got a little bit of freedom back.
Happy Independence!


I think it’s very unlikely he was a bot. An odd fellow perhaps but not a bot.

Unless there’s information I’m not privy too I think it’s a shame he got run out of town.

A few jokes is well and good but it escalated fast.

Where you at @Bert ?