How to make "Consistent" fems seeds w/ my mother plant?

Hey guys :wink:. My dad and I are about to venture into the world of creating feminized seeds! We want to start with our selected PBB mother, as she’s very unique.

Albeit a low yielder, she is stinky and frosty as all hell, and impossibly dense!

Anyway, the idea is to reverse it (S1), but what do I do from there?? When I grow out the S1s to look for something like the original mom, do I then hit that with the original mom pollen, or reverse it on itself again? Then what’s after THAT, and how many times??

Ultimately, I’d like to end up with fem seeds that will, as consistently as possible, come out looking like the original mom with little to no “hunting”.

Thanks for any help :+1::+1:


Give this a listen, it goes into a ton of detail about exactly what you want to do. Good luck.


5 hours dang, that’ll keep me busy a while, lol! Thanks I’ll give it a listen with a notepad handy. :+1::+1: