How to not treat bonsai moms

The DEA clarified that the amount of THC is what they consider to be the distinguishing factor between hemp and marijuana, and issued a memo to other federal agencies suggesting that they use the same standards. As far as I know, the only real results of the memo are people online saying that now seeds and clones are fully legal. :stuck_out_tongue: None of the federal agencies that would be impacted have updated their regulations, no laws have changed on the federal level. If someone is caught sending clones through the mail, the potential penalties will be the same as before the memo. Granted, that doesn’t stop people, but all this noise about it being fully legal now is just that - noise.

And yeah, as you said, doesn’t change homegrown at all. Local jurisdictions haven’t changed the laws, and local police will be just as happy to bust a grower’s head open to prove that they can. Property seizure laws are just as lax as ever, and we’re still considered guilty until proven innocent as far as everything we own being considered proceeds of crime.

Sorry again for the hijack, @Jasper. :slight_smile: I just wouldn’t want anyone to believe growing is perfectly safe based on whatever wrangling is going on at the federal level. Today, it’s still a patchwork of badly-written laws, aimed largely at profitability, and what’s legal in one state might well be a felony in the next.


FWIW I have come to consider the USPS a life raft of sending clones. Don’t care what the legal status is since so long as you keep it packaged well and your mouth shut I have had literally a few dozen or more strains delivered to me incognito.
And I consider clone banks mostly a huge gift for sourcing cuts but buyers beware for bugs and now HPLVD.
I think the laws are a hodgepodge but ultimately my state and local government would arrest and do their thing if push came to shove. But I’m speaking from a position of a home grower that does my very best to fly so far off the radar I will never have to worry.
I would never consider pushing the legal status or even posting here were I a for profit grower on any scale.

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That picture is awesome.