Don’t spray sulfur and neem oil it will burn your plants by eating holes in the leaves.
Thanks a lot man for following up. Yes I just sprayed milk and water solution as I wanted to treat asap. Tomorrow I’ll receive my neem oil and isopropyl. then I’ll spray that. So may be I’ll skip sulfur.
Need some advice on this thought. I think I’ll leave them to grow out and take care of them with their nutrient needs or natural remedies. As the weather changes will these flower automatically? Or will I anyhow need to bring them in and provide artificial light for flowering? As there is no direct sunlight now.
Also should I remove some leaves or the top of the plant to limit the growth?
Sorry with my lame questions, its first time for me. Thanks again!
Well, I would try to find a way to do both. But, you’re also up against time, so it’s a tricky balance indeed. Neem and iso is for combatting the bugs. Sulfur is for the pm and potential bud mold. If you have access to the neem and iso sooner, you could start w that. I would do two days of sprays, back to back w the neem. Then wait a couple days and make a spray w Hydrogen peroxide, hit them w that every other day for a week or so. And then to the sulfur.
Yes, to get to a solid harvest indoors, it does require a bit of setup. The most basic needs are to be able to control the light schedule/ environment and to keep humidity and temps in an acceptable range.
No, growth is limited by the available light and the size of the container/ media they are in. Top growth is generally what you want to keep, that’s where the best buds will develop. People will sometimes top a plant (cut the top growth off), but that is to encourage additional branches to grow, not to limit growth.
You might benefit from trimming some of the lower growth, the idea is to open up more air space underneath the canopy to help prevent mold and pm.
Yes, assuming you are headed towards a fall / winter season. When the sunlight hours start to diminish towards 12 hours of darkness, it will trigger the plants to flower.
Use neem, baking soda and soap at this ratio below. Make sure to use warm water when making the solution so it emulsifies. Shake every now and again to keep it from separating when spraying.Baking soda will raise ph of leaf surface to not provide a suitable environment for PM to thrive and neem will smother and wash away. Ise the sulphur for ultimate annihilation as joe recommended and def follow through with eradication of the outdoor area as well
Spray in the evening out of direct sunlight
- 1 Gallon Water.
- 2 Tablespoons Baking soda.
- 1 Tablespoon soap (Recommended: Castile Soap)
- 2 Tablespoons Neem Oil.
Good luck
thanks for all your support! lets see how it goes.
Shit…we’re agreeing with each other… has the world gone mad? Just jerkin your chain.
Thanks @GreenHighland
Thanks for the support everyone. Almost got rid of the PM. But I will still do a round of silphur next week.
This is what plants look like now underneath. Should I trim come to make more space for air?
Does this kind of side growth look normal? Again do I need to trim or do anything else at this stage?
Yea, they look good. Keep up the IPM.
Structure and side growth varies quite a lot from any one cannabis plant to another. There is a wide range of what is normal. As a general rule Indica type plants will be shorter and have less side branching than a sativa type plant. Selection is in part about finding a plant that grows how you like it to.
I would take any damaged or imperfect leaf, and I often remove the first node growth of all lower branches. (By first node I am referring to the growth closest to the stalk).
In the first pic, I would also remove a couple, 2 or 3 of the lower, more spindly branches entirely. I remove lower growth for a couple reasons; one to help open up some air space, and also additionally to help direct the plant’s energy towards the top branches. Lower growth when it comes time to flower, will just produce larfy wispy buds as compared to upper growth that has good access to light.
One more sulfur spray and that mildew is extinct
I’m glad that shit is toast, it’s so irritating if you don’t do the protocol right, it can come back. The second spray finishes off any dormant colony that’s left.
I noticed today there are few leave on other side which still has home PM.
I have used NeemOil+ isopropyl+Dr. Bronners soap solution 3 times. But I prepared this solution one time and reusing it. Should i prepare fresh every time?
Somehow I’m not getting hold of Sulphur. Amazon doesn’t want to deliver to a pickup location because apparently it is hazardous. If it is only way I’ll try to get it with someone’s help. is there any other way?
Hydrogen peroxide… 3%? is this good?
Only sulfur will finish it off, I can get it at the agriculture supply store. It’s used to acidify the soil. Make sure that’s actually mildew and not just more sulfur stuck to the leaf.
Yeah the soap / oil / iso mixture will help cut down on PM, but it doesn’t eradicate it like the sulfur will. I’ve had some luck with copper sprays as well, but again, sulfur is the best here. If you can’t get sulfur powder, I would also alternate in w @GreenHighland’s recipe
I think they sell it like this here. Looks good?
Sorry just saw this post but why in the world are you starting plants outside and bringing them in?
When I’ve done it, it was to utilize the free light. The sun grows big plants.
Yes I think so. Wettable sulfur is what you want.
I don’t read German, but firefox page translate says it is sulfur. Should be about one tablespoon per liter of water. spray once then again 14 days later. Mildew shouldn’t come back ever.
successfully sprayed sulphur today. Hope it kills all the Mildew.
I also sprayed other plants, surface and surrounding area
Yep, don’t forget to spray the plants one more time in 14 days before bloom. The mildew will definitely be dead at that point. You won’t be seeing it after the first spray but make sure you do the second one or there is a 50% chance it will come back.