Howard's Hunt for Headstash

Oo that’s good stuff.


Woke up feeling so fucking sick :frowning_face:


Thats never good let’s hope it’s not Coronavirus but something minor. Take care of yourself and keep us posted.


I am glad you are staying Howie, I find the mute user/topic/categories makes my overgrowing experience shine :slightly_smiling_face:

Hopefully your sick doesn’t last long.


Keep us posted Howard. How long you been at home, & have you been around a lot of people?


Been home for years, literally. I don’t go out, for health reasons. I get out of the house maybe once every few months. Same with my wife.

The only person we come into regular contact with is her mother, who works at the largest employer in the region in a series of buildings with thousands of other people, and which didn’t allow workers to stay home without fear of losing their jobs and retirement benefits until last Wednesday.

Other than that, one friend in the military who helped my son move out, and various delivery people who never entered the house but did in person hand off of groceries, etc.

All three of us are in high risk categories, and therefore likely to be denied treatment if the health “care” system is overly stressed and we progress to critical condition.

I’m thankful our Governor is taking the situation seriously and doing his best for our state, but his efforts are hampered by a lack of leadership and competence at the federal level.


I was up all night with stomach and back pain hope your feeling better


I deliver food for a living and we’ve been offering “no contact” delivery for the last few weeks and it’s working out very well for both sides. It can only be done if paying with a card, as it can’t be done with cash and still be no contact.

This should also be an option for delivery where you live and one that you should use for your own safety.


ignore me - wrong thread - sorry!

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The problem where Im at is there are no available delivery dates from any stores near me. Ive tried all the ones that offer delivery and no slots available as far out as they go. Same for the other independent services. On-line ordering is the same way - they are out of everything I want as far as staples and groceries.

We are ok for now, but Im hoping this improves in the near future.

Oh No! Hope its not you know what. Good luck!!!


If I was in your area, I’d deliver to you, most certainly!
I enjoy my job and use more caution to protect myself and others than ever before. I’m more concerned, than worried, about being out in public and going to people’s houses on a daily basis… I’m working 6 days a week now… and that increases my potential exposure. Luckily, I have a strong immune system and I rarely get sick. I am counting on this to get me through this virus outbreak.
We have one confirmed Covid 19 case here now and thank God its on the Naval base and they’re locked down with no access atm.

Wash your hands and don’t touch your face… if you touch your face, then wash your hands again!
Stay safe everybody and we’ll make it through this!


Probably gonna keep these for myself :wink:


Yum! xoxoxoxoxoxo20


Damn @Howard.Crane. … you grew the shit outta that Orange Gogi!! That looks amazing!


God damn, further evidence that whoever’s got Orange Goji, keep it. Grow logs from everyone I’ve seen growing this seem to show it is pretty damn special.


The genetics did all the work.

Happy to report that my wife really loves it, too. Good pain relief, and always puts her in a good mood :smile:


Pain relief is a major factor in everything I choose to grow. My wife and I have both had at least one spinal surgery and rely on cannabis to take the edge off. We used to take opiates, or stronger, for pain relief, but there’s no future in that… cannabis is where it’s at!


Ten out of ten rooted, five of which are now in 1L pots in the cabinet. Too sick to take pics or document the process today, will post photos in a couple days.


Meanwhile, in the tent…

The three tallest and branchiest plants are Durban x Jungle Spice, unsurprisingly :wink:

Will do a better update when I am able.


All of my Durban Poison x Jungle Spice plants have stems that look more or less like this. Very interesting. I like it :smile: