Howard's Hunt for Headstash

Oh man, it smells so freaking good. It’s way too strong for someone with a low tolerance like me, but I think I’m gonna have to hit some once it’s fully reduced just to see what it tastes like


From the amber color I’m sure it’s full of terpie goodness. I haven’t made oil in a while but that last comment has got me planning a run already. Prolly not for a while though the local shops are closed no place to get the tane and good luck finding any alcohol either. Smh this covid19 over here fuckin up my buzz lol

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I got lucky and had a friend that was feeling real generous with a few bottles of Everclear for me to do a quick wash with. He’s gonna be happy with the results, I’m sure :wink:

Judging by how much kief I’m collecting while trimming lately, the next run is going to be even better.


I’ve got a very low tolerance, so this is not something I’m used to, but this stuff just smells too good to pass up.


Sit down when you hit that @Howard.Crane … you’re gonna feel that right away!


Those are awful gorgeous flowers you got there . I hope your feeling better and wish the best. Just soaked some of your Gorilla Slippers you made to put outside this year sounds like a delicious match and come highly recommend.


Thanks for the kind words, much appreciated. :smile:

Oh, man. I’d love to grow those outdoors myself! I hope you’ll keep me updated on how they do for you. I hope it turns out great!


Absolutely will keep you posted.


Orange Goji #1 - Chopped and Jarred

Final tally of the Orange Goji #1 plant.

This was a single 28" tall plant in a one gallon fabric pot, topped once at the fifth node, grown with Jacks 3-2-1 at 1.8 EC avg. in a flood and drain system.

Four quart jars fairly full. Minus the stuff we’ve already smoked and given away, of course. Pretty respectable haul, considering.

I’ll post an update with the #2 plant in the next day or two. It’s a lower yielder, but much frostier, so I’ll be curious about how it compares.


I’m sure he can get more cuts from me for a backcross. :wink: anyone else for that matter, once this lockdown is over I would be happy to send out cuts of Zak Haze.


I think I’m gonna “pre-lockdown over beg” for some of those Zak Haze(s). Appreciate the generous offer. Stay safe and, be well.


For sure nice haul Howard. Just jarred the tops from my first Orange Goji after a 3 week hang and got 2 full and a pint but still have the bottom of it to jar yet as I took it a week later. Real frosty and have some nice dry sieve as well.
Here’s a pic of the top of one when I burped it today.


Looks tasty. Yeah, this stuff is pretty great for making dry sift, eh?


Set the timer on the tent to flower. Tonight will be the first full night of darkness. Been looking forward to this!


You bet. Because I haven’t been smoking it much yet I sure don’t need much. I relit a joint 3 times last night before finishing it :+1:


Heh. I haven’t been smoking much lately, mostly just CBD, with a few exceptions. Now that I’m getting over this insane illness, I expect I’ll be puffing on this stuff much more regularly.

I can’t even imagine smoking a full joint of it right now. I decided not to do that whole dab of that oil last night and had just barely enough to taste it instead, and that was still too much for me, and then I scraped up more and now the damned thing is larger :wink:

Still too small for the camera to focus on, apparently. Whatever. Stupid camera.


very light toker here, but usually for resin which i smoke pretty much exclusively, i typically only consume a rice size chunk or a bit less per puff, so yeah you don’t need much


Is half a gallon of larf and sugar leaf too much for fifty Tootsie Roll minis? Asking for a friend :wink:

My wife says “these taste really really really strong”. Waiting for them to cool more so I can cut them.

I obviously have no freaking clue what I’m doing here, lol.


have fun… and yeah at 1/2 gal depending on tolerance you wont need much, haven’t made edibles in awhile though, @ReikoX on the other hand…


Nah man you good. Tell the wife to sit back, relax and strap it down!