Howard's Hunt for Headstash

Some bitch that plant has some nice girth from what appears to be a five gallon plant. Nice work.

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Yeah I’d love to know 6 d as well

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Ended up having to add more candy to compensate for messing it up at first, so they’re not as strong now, but they’re still good. Gonna give some to a friend who is retiring from the military on April 20, 2020 lol.


Zak Haze

These little ladies are wasting no time. They’re already exploding. I have a feeling this cabinet is going to be pretty well filled in the next couple of weeks, lol.

I want to spray a couple of the plants in Solo cups with colloidal silver to pollinate the rest with, but despite having read about it a hundred times I can’t remember when spraying should start. Is today too early? Gonna have to go back and read about it again, apparently. :smile:


The plants in the tent seem to have filled out their new two gallon pots quite nicely.

I noticed a few fungus gnats (possibly?) on the yellow sticky traps, so I treated them all with a strong dose of BTi for good measure. I use Gnatrol WDG and just water it in. Works perfectly every time.


For the spraying usually at light flip or a bit before or after, were just trying to affect the new growth, saying that im always on the fence as to when to do it as well and more as of recent been doing it on the later side when in hindsight i should be doing it earlier, but a bit different with autos and timing it.

… and if you make some seeds, i’ll probably take you up on your offer :wink:


@Howard.Crane are you using that with coco? Like just sprinkle it on top and let it go to town?

I’m getting irritated with fungus gnats. The yellow stickies prevent serious infestations, but mine are filling up. I recently got so irritated, I just dumped an entire bottle of azamax in my reservoir… but it was the only thing I had on me.


I had them too but between the lights, fan and ooey gooey stickiness of the plants, they exist no more.

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Yes, with coco. It probably works best if you can spread it throughout the media (the WDG stands for “water-dispersed granules”).

Since I’m doing flood and drain, I usually just mix a tablespoon into a gallon of fertigation solution and hand water that while occasionally agitating the watering jug to keep the stuff suspended, but I’ve sprinkled it on the top and watered it in before also. Both ways work fine.


I’m going to be decarbing about a half cup of kief to make edibles with today, and snapped a couple pics of gathering up the last bit in my Trim Bin.

I honestly love this thing. It’s pretty convenient. If I was really into dry sift I might want something with multiple screens in order to get the purest possible product, but other than occasionally smoking some kief for kicks almost all of it goes into edibles, so convenience is a top priority for me.

Starting material

After a few minutes of gently carding it across the screen


Wow. I think you just sold me on a trim bin. Is that the name brand or just a general name for them?


Mine is the name brand, but I seriously doubt there’s a big enough difference between any of them to care about that.


What micron size is the screen your using? Just one screen?


150 micron, apparently. Yes, it’s just the one screen.


I just use a framed 120 grit $8
My bin is a gallon ziploc
Couple of cookie sheets


That one is definitely gonna be that morning cup of coffee headstash nice cross


Yeah, I’m super curious to see how they are going to turn out. Glad to have the opportunity to test them :smile:


Hey @Jetdro, get yer butt in here and tell me what you think of this Orange Goji male I’m using for the F2 seeds and crosses! :stuck_out_tongue:

Would love any thoughts @50State has as well, obviously :smile:


Hers my orange goji male similar to yours I think ?


Great looking male! Looks very close to what I used myself. Sharp leaf’s and good branching, that will be an excellent choice for breeding in my opinion.