Howard's Hunt for Headstash

Looks the same as Howards to me, you also have a good un!
Appears Orange Goji will be around for a while, as it deserves to be!


That’s a good looking male, @ShiskaberrySavior :smile:

I feel like they are pretty similar, but there might be a bit more double serration on mine, maybe? Or maybe it just seems that way to me because I can see it in person?


I have a female just starting to flower and noticed the double serrated leaves.

I have a couple males I am seeing how they look. I will have to check their leaves as well.


Yeah, I really liked the branching, that’s one reason I kept this one as opposed to the other two. The leaf shape was the other big reason.

I cut more than half the branches off already. Don’t need 'em, and the tent is pretty crowded, so I figured why keep more than I need to?


The male I used was just as branchy as the ladies were, looks like you got the same thing. Should make great F2’s and cross’s


I’m such a nerd, lol. I’m all excited looking at everyone’s leaf pics like


Love it! :wink:


Smoked a bit, now I’m sitting here pondering…

In the tent with that male, I have two Orange Goji clones. Definitely planning on pollinating those, obviously.

I also have that 3-A, which I’ll be taking cuts of today. I think I’ll pollinate that as well. I haven’t flowered it yet, but I’m impressed by it so far, and I’ll have cuts to do seedless later.

I have two clones of Rain City Blues. This is my favorite plant I’ve ever grown, period. I’ve got more cuts for later, so I’m definitely planning on pollinating these. There’s almost zero chance I won’t love that cross :smile:

And then I have the three Durban x Jungle Spice plants. I didn’t keep any of the males since they’re testers, and don’t have any more seeds. I haven’t flowered them out before, so I’ll probably take cuts today or tomorrow. I’m fairly impressed so far, and I think I will want another shot at them.

They’re the only ones I hadn’t been considering for pollination, largely because I have absolutely no idea whatsoever what to expect from these and therefore no idea what to expect from a cross with Orange Goji.

On the other hand, it sounds intriguing to “just see what I’m gonna get” if I do cross them, and then I wouldn’t have to worry about making sure they were excluded or protected during dusting. But I’m not sure that’s a good test grow, know what I mean?

So basically, I’m baked y’all. And thinking of overgrowing the world. As one does.


Depending on what you think of them, I can help you on that front. If they turn out really good and you have a clone from your favorite plant, I can probably even get some pollen to you.


That sounds ideal!

I do think I’m going to really like them, even though it’s hard to say for sure at this stage. But having backups, and the possibility of obtaining pollen, makes me feel more comfortable with experimenting. Even seeded, I’ll be able to get a pretty good idea of their qualities, scents, flavors, and highs.

Thanks again!

By the way, the scents are starting to build a bit on those, and I’m getting excited about it :smile:


I have a few small Orange Goji plants running I’ve killed all the males but I’ll send pictures tomorrow with a description of terps from the stalk rub and sugar leaf.


Zak Haze

I snipped a few of these branches for clones, so here’s a pic since I was in there.


Wow, the forums are seriously pissing me off right now. I just want to upload a photo without it being reduced to look like I took the pic with a potato :frowning_face:



Decarbed some mixed kief for making another batch of cheeba chews. Smells mostly like hash, pine, and lemon. Whole house is smelling pretty good, lol.


id say you already have your mind made up on what your thinking pollination wise, and you being on the fence about the Durban x Jungle Spice, well might as well just focus on the ones your excited about and say if a few random seeds show up on the Durban x Jungle spice then oh well bonus seeds :wink: , or hit a single lower node just to have some to play with.


Baked and goofing around, playing with decarbed kief that acts like Magic Sand, lol.

Apologies for the horrible sound and shitty video quality.


I feel ya on the photo upload issue. The automatic compression really sucks.

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I feel like this batch of kief chews turned out quite a bit better than the last one. Pretty strong, too : wink:


Here’s the link to the pictures and info of my Orange Goji that I was supposed to do yesterday but my brother came over and we had drinks instead lol


I just read through and checked them out, thanks for posting it!

Gorgeous plants, btw. :smile:


Absolutely one of the best purchases Iv made love it there great at just siting in a chair with them and doing some seed harvesting as well!