Howard's Hunt for Headstash

Orange Goji male getting ready to do his thing.

:metal: Post 666! :metal:


Group shot


Zak Haze



Looking bad ass!


Happy 4/20 Everyone!!!

This is a graph of sales across the legal US market after stimulus checks hit in USA vs Canada (no check).

I find it incredibly amusing that after all of those years I spent worrying about getting locked up, and all of the people whose lives were ruined by the government’s bullshit war on (some) drugs, that today there are a lot of people out there getting ready to smoke weed that the government paid for.

Which many of them purchased completely legally, in commercial storefronts that state governors have declared to be essential businesses.

I literally never thought I’d live long enough to see this day.

There’s still a very long way to go, and the system is still far from fair and equitable, and not evenly distributed, but I am neverthelesss amazed that we’ve made it this far.

I hope everyone out there has the very best possible day!!!


It really is incredible isn’t it? Once upon a time was looking at a 3 year sentence for less than 2 ounces, and now I can legally walk around with more than that. No need to worry about doing twice that for growing a few plants. I never thought it would go this far, figured it would stop at decriminalization for small amounts.


My best friend is now officially retired from active duty today. He’s planning on smoking a joint to commemorate the occasion. He sent me this, this morning:

So I’m gonna smoke a joint in solidarity with him, and we’re gonna have a virtual smoke session with friends and family online.

I feel like letting my freak flag fly
And I feel like I owe it to someone

[Edited to add] Virtual group session accomplished. Retirement christened. All participants stoned.


How high did your buddy get? High school high?


Yeah, he got pretty ripped, lol. They smoked a bunch of Grease Monkey, got really baked, and dropped out of the video meetup first, lol.

He brought his mom along! That was awesome, and really tickled me and did my heart some good. Two of my kids joined also, which really made it perfect.

Three generations smoking cannabis together and enjoying great conversation, like it should be.

I got pretty ripped too, to be honest. Smoked more in one sitting than I have in decades. The wife and I each had a joint of an Apollo hybrid, and a couple bowls of our recent Orange Goji haul. I smoked a bowl of Sebring’s Revenge as well.

Now we’re hanging out on the back deck feeling very mellow, enjoying the mild Spring evening weather, stoned to the bone and grateful for what we have.


Haha sounds like a great day. You’re living right HC


Durban Poison x Jungle Spice male

As it turns out, that may not be necessary. I’ve got cuttings of all of them, including this one that turned out to be male.

It’s got a strangely captivating scent on the stem and leaf rub, and an interesting structure, so I’m gonna keep it around for a little bit…

I think I’m going to stick it in the spare bedroom so that I can collect pollen from it :wink:


That looks quite a bit like the dad actually. It’s really starting to show it’s sativa characteristics. Can you describe the smell at all? I wonder if the buds will take on a minty smell…

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Heh. You’d think I would be able to. Just rustling the plant releases a bunch of scent, but I’m really not great at describing them. I’ll bring in the ringer later on today, her sniffer is ten times better than mine, she’ll know what’s up.


Speaking of showing sativa characteristics…

They apparently want to grow right into the lights, and they’re not going to let anything stop them :wink:




just gotta keep raising the light ;), then the roof after that lol

curiosity sake what light levels do you figure your running at or say even just bare bones w/sqft


I am currently running 3x HLG 4000K 100w V2.0 boards in a 24"x48" tent.

So 300W ÷ 8sqft = approx. 37.5 watts per square foot.

I’ll have to rig new hangers at some point today, they’re at max height with the ones I currently have.


Lol yep looks like they’re hitting stretch. Pinch and bend!


My Orange Goji male has a couple of branches growing into the lights also. I may just remove the tops of those branches, as I’m sure the rest will provide more than enough pollen :wink:


Just discovered a rather sizable infestation of… Something I don’t think I’ve encountered before.

There are thousands of tiny little mite-like insects floating on the surface of the water.

They don’t look like root aphids, they look more like some kind of translucent white mite with no spots, two legs or hairs extending out the back, and maybe a slight tan coloration in the legs. They move fairly slowly, and don’t seem to stop moving much.

I was unfortunately unable to get any photos, even with a microscope. These things are too tiny, and I couldn’t get sufficient focus and resolution.

So far as I can tell, there are no mites or other insects of any kind on any vegetative matter, but I have not yet checked the roots. The plants don’t look like they are suffering in any way. They are no deficiencies, spots, trails, or discoloration on the plants that I can see. All of the roots than can be easily viewed look fine, or at least in decent health.

So now I guess I’m googling this. If anyone can help identify these, it would be great.