Humboldt CSI Plant Guide


I agree with the logic of your argument.

C&C is crickets and cicadas?

And Little Chief Collabs is the Pure Sativa guy?

What’s your opinion on Karma? And like countless others have asked and I agree with your POV about that too but if you can list any breeders you like, it’ll add more to the discussion.


Ive never grown anything from Karma honestly so I have no opinion of him other than what I see online and the work he does
To me it’s nothing special anyways…
Having elite genetics is one thing, getting them to perform in seed form is breeding, anything else is just an experiment on growers at their own expense.

I think I need to change my strategy about growing, I’ve been running packs like crazy, growing smoking and trashing over 150 plants just in the last 4 months, not even one worthy keeper
Got crazy smells, even one or two with a nice taste, but that’s it, no effects.
Seeds were a lot more worked in the old days or the clones were a lot more true breed clones
Either way, buying all sorts of pack with 5-7 beans in them ain’t gonna cut it with breeders practices today.
People used to sell 3-5-7 seed pack because you actually hit something crazy at those numbers
So the numbers stayed but you don’t hit anything anymore as people got crazy clones but have no idea or will to stabilize them.
I think today if you really wanna nail a good example of a strain you need to run at least 50+ fem beans of that strain
I’m gonna give it a go in my next run, this one is already full :grimacing:


What u got lined up… i also popped like over 100 last year, and found maybe 2 plants worth keeping… so i totally understand your point


And i would def give karma a try! If u want i can sed ya some f2s


Bro I never in my life ran such high numbers like the last few years, it always was 5 bean packs from Cali or ams, maybe 1-2 a year, and that was enough, 1 cycle a year, indoor or outdoor and your set, who took clones ? I never cloned anything other than the elites I received and cherished, seeds were always the mystery that’s gonna surprise you with flavours and effects and you wanted to run different shit every year, not the same ones.
Today I’m looking for just 1 so I can throw anything else away haha how life has changed

Right now I’m running
Hoss Truckstop Diner (MB15)
Chem D from Crafty
Tahoe from GPS
Chem D x OGKB from Crafty
Hollyweed V2
GMO from Crafty
Loompas Punch from GPS

My friend is flowering soon the Underdog OG x TK I will post pics of it here


He runs Greenpoint Seeds. Nuff said :rofl:


I’ll bite. I’ve ran a whole pack of Sowaah, and then packs of Headbanger F2 and Headbanger F3 from others and I got 100% herm rate across the board on all 3 packs. Males with hairs and females with balls. I haven’t looked at another Karma pack since :man_shrugging:


Thats crazy, ive ran 2 packs of headbanger, sdbx2, sd bx4 and only saw 1 little nanner in over 20 plants…

Also ran another 4-5 packs from karma and no major issues… my room is far from dialed too


GPS so far is better than any other I ran, you people hate people and relate that hate to seeds, hilarious really
All the Thin Mints from Bodhi that I just finished were straight meh.
All the TK S1 and Crazy Crocs were meh
GPS, Bodhi, CSI, same league seed makers.

So let’s do a piss contest, you run Bodhi packs, not even 1% work behind them, Nuff said.


To be honest Bodhi is even worse, he smash elites with males not even other elites
Not stabilizing anything, not making sure you get anything remotely close to the elite he supposedly have, chuck em and sell em that’s the money way :joy:

And if he was such a good breeder, and the males he was using was so good and recessive, I should get at least one pheno that’s worth smoking, but you get nothing
Just another hyped pollen chucker from the forums that gets too much attention
At least he got the dignity to sell the packs he makes in what they are actually worth and not x10 more I’ll give him that.

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I was a tester for Gu before there was a GPS. So yea I know Gu.

And anyone who has ran TK S1 and says they were “meh” has some issues to sort out


Calling people pollen chuckers then hyping up Gu who didn’t even select his own males? Bahahhahaha


a little bit of work a head of you hope you don’t have to hold a 40hr week job.

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I expect 1 in 150-200. Packs, not just seeds. The amount of medicre seeds on the market is absurd. But selling seeds isnt about making the best thing ever, its about selling a lot.

I dont got a dog in the fight, but sounds like youre really misunderstanding what Bodhi does. He spends years and years breeding and selecting super stud males, and has probably the biggest collection of rare and interesting clones of any breeder.

Thats completely untrue. Super stud male breeding works wonders. Its not about making a cross just like the female, its about adding traits that compliment the female. He also does extremely extensive testing. Thats anything but pollen chucking dude. You clearly have never line worked any bodhi. But if you start line working them, thats where the real magic is. He says it publically, hes giving people the tools to work lines in unique and new directions.

Second this.

Of course CSI work is going to be more pricey. Hes a small indie breeder making fem seeds of oldass genetics. Reversals lead to a lot of failures. If people want cheap fem seeds, buy white label stuff. But dont expect to find great plants lol. In terms of finding actual keepers, CSI and Bodhi are the only ones Ive found. I say this having had a big collection of what the kids now call “elites”. How many people online these days have actually ever ran an elite clone??


Lol, I wouldn’t be surprised if you are a tester for CSI aswell, seems like you got a dog in this match, a lot of respected people here ran the TK S1, non were hyped about it whatsoever, so I don’t know where your coming from with this remark, probably imagination or just very low tolerance to mids

@Cannavore, where did you see me hype GPS ??
Or you have a dog in this fight aswell and you read whatever you wanna read ?
GPS is no different than CSI or Bodhi, probably worse with all the stories behind him but it’s a shitty game as it is, no one is working for you, so what is so important in the name ?
I didn’t hype GPS, the stuff some of you guys say is just so funny and telling who you really are.
Your our ability to debate about things is remarkable indeed please say more lol


Not according to your journal.

Lacking at best. Walk the talk.


All I see are ad homonym attacks, you having a bad day there bud? Dont worry, itll get better.

So youre saying no, youve never ran an elite clone then? Or grown very many plants in general for that matter. Sounds like the real issue is youre an inexperienced grower that thinks they got it all figured out. And wont eat a little humble pie that maybe you dont get it all figured out when you grow a few plants that take skill. Gotta be everyone else’s problem huh? Cuz your projection isnt a great look homie.

Define to me “big runs” then. I never claimed to do big runs and pop at least 100 seeds a month. Are you smoke testing all these plants individually? Or just doing the classic rookie grower thing of “this plants the best cuz it grew the biggest”?


This criticism applies to ALL breeders selling seeds. I dont understand how this is a CSI criticism when that is simply the environment.

I agree that seeds are too expensive and it’s a bubble that is coming down. But CSI’s business model is one of the better ones. High price entry but overall cost per seed is quite low due to the amount of freebies that no one else will give.


Grows great stuff but still buys bags of outdoor :eyes: and then pops the seeds he finds in it :woozy_face:
i love the ignore feature