I have had multiple experiences but I still don’t believe. Who’s to say what these crafts are. Or what the orbs are. We just don’t know. I think we are jumping the gun by calling them aliens.
Going to one morning about 10 years ago, this craft approached the traffic light that me and several other vehicles was sitting at.
I thought it was a helicopter looking for the nearby reserve base. But as it got closer to the light, I knew this thing was different. It was the very definition of what we are taught is a type of space craft. Off the top, it was too small to be any type of interstellar craft. It was the size and shape of the Orville’s shuttle craft. The difference was that it had several huge lights on the bottom of it. As it made the turn where we was sitting, it rolled on its side, allowing me to see the light, as well as the unusual flight characteristics.
Although this wasn’t any type of plane as we know it, but who is to say it’s wasn’t some mofo riding around in some deep cover vehicles.
Not only did it fool me, but a few years ago, a lady described to my wife how she saw the same ship in the same spot that morning. So this thing was very real. I’m just saying. That still don’t make the craft alien.
On another occasion, I have been arms length from sever small disk shaped crafts. It started out as a glowing orb in the sky that I noticed was following me as I walked down a isolated trail near the house.
The craft was about 10 feet in diameter so much too small to house a human passenger.
It gets weirder because this craft seemed to alter my perception as I got closer to it. Believe me when i say that I was in a high anxiety state as I tried to rationalize about what this thing was parked in the woods at night.
As I was walking towards east the little red orb, it seemed to change shapes multiple times as I got nearer. Did I see what I thought I saw because I was scared as fu… I walked over in look into this thing that I thought was a police car. Knowing that it was virtually impossible for a vehicle of any type to get to that location.
As I looked over into it, I noticed that there was no passenger. It was illuminated by a strange orange glow that I assume was a radio of some type. Police scanner was what I was thinking because it was making a weird staticky sound.
As I was looking into this thing I noticed out the corner of my eye a type of dark pewter colored metal near my hand that wasn’t there before. I scream wtf. I’m scared. As I turned around to move away… ran… I saw several other vehicles of the same type.
I was disoriented it was like I was standing in the woods but also standing in the location these ships. It was so clear to me that i could see in detail the type of metal of the ships.
This all happened in a split second as I screamed and turned to run. The real question is how was I in both places at the same time, or did they simply implant that memory in my head.
I’m a thinking person who doesn’t crack easily under pressure. Yes I’m scared as fu. But I’m also examining the situation as I’m looking for an escape route. Fight or flight was in full effect. Running was the best option at the time.
So let’s get back to the part where I notice that something was badly wrong. That’a part where I screamed and took off running.
At the same time that I yelled wtf, I heard this loud swoosh sound and the entire area was lit up with orange light. It was dark and I was walking by moonlight. But when this thing took off, it lit up the area so much that it blinded me for several minutes. I ran past the trail that I was on into the thickets. I had to talk myself down in order for me to stop running. I have never forgotten what happened that night.
So I don’t get it. Why would as alien species go through such effort to make contact. Only to have the person not remember what actually happened. That doesn’t make any sense for these objects to have interstellar or inter dimensional travel capabilities, and not be able to make a person remember what happen. Yeah these things are something…. But alien, I don’t think so.


space is so fantastically big, there likely is a planet fully inhabited by used pens and a zany two headed hitchhiker has a lucrative 2nd hand pen business. probably.

that said, it is hard to reconcile the availability of cameras and ufo proof…before even considering the fantastical expenditure of resources to travel thousands of light years to inspect the interiors of Bubba’s rectum.

There’s very likely life out there. And I really hope they miss us.

Think of that next time you step on an anthill.



Wow. Just wow.

First off, there is no way I would be walking down some isolated path and then make my way towards a strange object in the woods. Kudos to you, dude, for being that brave.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic . - Arthur C. Clarke


When I first saw it, I thought it was the red light that sits atop a nearby tower.
I decided to walk until I reached this spot where there was no underbrush and the trees were thinner. It would have made easier walking to reach a set of train tracks. That way I could walk the track back out of the woods.
I had no ideal this thing was actually following me. I noticed it would be there for a second then would be gone. So I thought the tree branches were blocking my view of it.
When I made it to the spot that I was going to cut across the woods at, that’s when I walked up on it. It’s was maybe 20 feet off the trail where a portable deer stand is set up. It wasn’t until I walked up on the thing before I realize that it was keeping pace with me.
When I first saw it, I thought it was someone parked in the woods. The entire time I’m was telling myself. How did that car get there. It no way because there is no road access for a car to be there.
I really freaked out when I saw the metal of the thing near my hand. Where the f did that come from. It wasn’t there a second ago.
Plus the image of them being all around me. I just took off running back the way I came from.
Not realizing that I was only a few feet off the trail, I kept running through the thickets.
I had to keep warning myself that I would get lost if I didn’t stop running. I’m such a panic, I just circled back to the trail and never slowed down
The direction I was headed, it’s at least 4 miles to the nearest road. I ran until I couldn’t run any more. Every time I wanted to stop, I would power walk to keep going. I would do that until I caught enough breath to run some more. That was a mess up situation for me to be in and I’ll never forget it. Several other people in the community have said that they have seen the same object. Small disks, too small for a person. It it’s what it is. Just be careful when you are out there.


Agreed. Lots of possibilities with these things. The fantastic speed and motion abilities for orbs and different shaped observed objects are hard for us to comprehend. One thought about how they can move so quick, and do things our interpretation of reality can not define, is that the tech being utilized can bend time and space as easily as our car drives down the street. It would make it possible for objects to accelerate (according to our constant perception of time) at rates unachievable by our means now. That theory seemed to fit for me anyways. Never seen any of these things mind you, but I’m always looking.


Exactly my situation.

No problem at all. Not trying to convince anyone of anything, rather just putting things out there for contemplation and discussion.

Pull up a chair and pack a bowl!


Put it this way.
I see thee things chasing passenger planes. Then military jets will start chasing them or patrol the area if the jets don’t get there in time. Hell no they cannot keep who with these things.
The objects can hover and disappear. We see them hide in cloud banks and the jets fly right by them.
After the jets leave, they reappear and go the opposite directions. I have seen stuff like this happen so many times.
Remember last year they had the videos posted about the invasions. They said it was hundreds of those those interacting with an aircraft carrier. The same day that video was released, me and some buddies where standing out counting how many those thing we saw. I have never seen that many at one time. There was way more than 100 of them. That’s not coincidence that someone leaked that video and we where standing outside seeing it happen. But just like they say. I still can’t tell you what they are.


Good news and bad news. With currently known physics in space it sort of impossible to travel more than 20% the of the speed of your exhaust because the mass of the object would need to be so low to make that happen. Proxima b is 4 light years away. that’s 20 years at 1/5th light speed. But you are going to need food and other basics for 20 years unless you cyro sleep but then you still have 20 years of radiation to the body to worry about.

The good news. If there is aliens it is equal or more likely time travelers. Here the logic. If it is so expensive to visit alien life. Wouldn’t it make more sense to go someplace where you know life exists? It would take advance future physics but time travel solves the unknown location and a lot of the new planet chemistry problems .


I like the way you think. Even with my many encounters, nothing makes me think alien.
As close as I have been, I should have some symptoms of radiation poison.
These are man made high tech objects despite what we believe in.
Yeah I want to believe, at one point I did believe. But now. Nah. It’s just happening way too much for nothing to come of it. Somebody is f’ ing with us.


And therein-lies-the-rub.


Every ftl capable ship is a time ship.

I love the Xindi Arc. Good read.


They made a movie back in the 1960s called The Visitors. The plot was a cracker. Rich tourists from the future paying to travel back in time to witness the big events in history. Major disasters etc. I watched it in 1988, it was in black and white but it was creepy and left an impression on me.

They made a few more movies over the years since using the same title so it’s now pointless looking online for any mention of it but there are movie buffs around who still consider it a cult classic. Strangely difficult to get hold of a copy though for some reason…


I understand what you’re getting at, but just don’t agree with the “currently known” aspect. It always reminds me of high school physics. My teacher loved to rail against Star Trek and would quote some “Physics of Star Trek” book that talked about how it’s impossible to beam people up because the amount of space it would take to store someone’s information would require an impossibly large number of hard drives (based on 90’s technology, btw). Yet 30 years later we have thumb drives can hold tons more data than the tech we had in the 90s.

So yes, by our current understanding it may be impossible, but that means nothing.


I mean you are writing this message on a piece of thinking sand connected to a million others. By current physics I meant rockets. My bad. But energy still costs. I still like the time traveler idea. I personally would love to see Earth when dinosaurs roamed rather then explore an new planet. Your interests might be different. Its makes this conversation fun.


I like the time traveler theory as well. As for this movie, I seem to remember a similar book/movie that was also discussed in my physics class. I believe the basic plot was the same, or maybe it was people could pay to go back and hunt dinosaurs but with a myriad of rules such as you could not leave the floating platform you were on, could only kill a dinosaur that was on the verge of dying anyway, etc. all so that the future wasn’t fucked up when you returned (i.e., you didn’t change the past like Back to the Future rules). Then a dude steps off and squishes a butterfly or something “insignificant” and when he returns to the future, it’s all different, like lizard-people different.


Once a spaceship hits 88mph it automatically goes to the future.

Seriously though the tech changes all the time so who knows what the future holds. I’m also curious to see what will happen with private space flight beyond William Shatner. It’s a game changer.


It’s a topic. I have to agree with that.

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I am sooooo excited for this telescope, can’t wait!


There were many civilisations much more advanced than we are now.