Hot off the press (today)…

Pentagon officials also played a video and displayed an image shot through night vision lenses that showed glowing green triangles moving through the air. The first video puzzled military officials. But the small triangles in the second recording, made years later, were determined to be drones.

“This time, other U.S. Navy assets also observed unmanned aerial systems nearby and we’re now reasonably confident that these triangles correlate the unmanned aerial systems in the air,” said Scott W. Bray, the deputy director of naval intelligence.

The declassified videos were released as lawmakers pledged to bring transparency to an investigation of unexplained reports by miliary pilots and others that have long been shrouded in stigma, confusion and secrecy.

But Pentagon officials said they had to be careful not to reveal the precise abilities of military cameras and other sensors.

“We do not want potential adversaries to know exactly what we’re able to see or understand or how we come to the conclusion,” Mr. Bray said. “Therefore, disclosures must be carefully considered on a case-by-case basis.”

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence released a report last year, largely compiled by the military, cataloging unexplained aerial phenomenon dating to 2004.

The intelligence community criticized the document because it failed to draw conclusions or offer explanations for most of the events. Of the 143 episodes examined by the Pentagon, only one could be identified and categorized: “a large, deflating balloon.”

Mr. Bray’s remarks were aimed at trying to explain why it is so difficult to identify the images in the fuzzy videos. But lawmakers insisted on Tuesday that the Pentagon had been too dismissive of explanations.

“You need to show us, Congress and the American public, whose imagination you have captured, you are willing to follow the facts where they lead,” said Representative André Carson, Democrat of Indiana and the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee’s subcommittee that is holding the hearing.

“We fear sometimes that D.O.D. is focused more on emphasizing what it can explain, not investigating what it can’t,” he said. “I am looking for you to assure us today that all conclusions are on the table.”

Privately, many senior U.S. officials have been dismissive of theories suggesting that unknown objects captured in videos could be extraterrestrial aliens and insist there is no evidence that such explanations are probable.

Mr. Bray tried to stamp out some speculation that the phenomena were extraterrestrial in origin.

“We have detected no emanations within the U.A.P. task force that is, that would suggest it’s anything nonterrestrial in origin,” Mr. Bray said, referring to unidentified aerial phenomena.

Representative Rick Crawford, Republican of Arkansas, said he was more interested in discussions of Russian or Chinese hypersonic programs than unidentified phenomena. But he said that it was important to identify the images.

The government’s inability to identify objects in sensitive operating areas was “tantamount to intelligence failure that we certainly want to avoid,” Mr. Crawford said. “It’s not about finding alien spacecraft.”

Officials are also skeptical that the phenomena could be some unknown Chinese or Russian technology, but concede it would be a significant concern if they were. That possibility, lawmakers and officials have said, is why the phenomena need to be examined more carefully.

“When we spot something we don’t understand or can’t identify in our airspace, it’s the job of those we entrust with our national security to investigate and report back,” Representative Adam B. Schiff, the California Democrat who leads the Intelligence Committee, said on Tuesday.

Unidentified aerial phenomena is the term that the federal government prefers over unidentified flying object, or U.F.O.

Congress last held a public hearing on the issue decades ago, after Project Blue Book, the Air Force’s flawed effort to investigate reports of alien sightings, which inspired generations of television programs.

After the report last year, intelligence officials pledged to renew their efforts. Prompted by Congress, the Pentagon overhauled its task force for looking into the unexplained events, calling it the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group.

In his opening remarks, Mr. Carson criticized the Pentagon for failing to name a director to lead the new task force and pledged to bring “the organization out of the shadows.”

Military officers who were too embarrassed to report unexplained phenomena had impeded “good intelligence analysis,” Mr. Carson said.

“Pilots avoided reporting or were laughed at when they did. D.O.D. officials relegated the issue to the back room or swept it under the rug entirely, fearful of a skeptical national security community,” he said. “Today, we know better. U.A.P.s are unexplained, it’s true. But they are real. They need to be investigated. And any threats they pose need to be mitigated.”

Not all experts are convinced. Mick West, a science writer who has focused on debunking conspiracy theories, said some of the objects seen in the videos recorded by the military have plausible — and dry — explanations that are far more likely than any kind of extraworldly technology.

Some strange movement could be attributed to movement by the sensor, Mr. West said. Other videos showing fast movement could be an optical illusion, and others could be caused by glare.


I’ve been following along. The continued obfuscation by the military-industrial complex is nothing new. The truth will come out eventually.


Someone from the military industrial complex is googling obfuscation right now :grin:


Must be some kind of secret weapon technology…


It’s been a while, but one day me and the misses visited one of the local fishing holes. It’s semi-secluded, but near the local lake so occasionally you meet someone there fishing as well.
But anyway we arrive and pull out our gear. Next we locked the truck up as we prepared to walk down the trail to the fishing spot.
It’s just a regular day so we suspected nothing.
Once we got to where we wanted to fish, we could hear something walking in the woods. Being an avid hunter, I know that there are very few animals that make sound while walking.
Being cautious, I tell my wife to keep an eye out for wild hogs. What else could it be? An armadillo, but the steps are way too loud to be that.
Anyway we commenced to fishing, but nothing is biting. However we can hear the steps getting closer and closer. The area is somewhat open, therefore something the size of what we were hearing would be easily visible. I’m constantly scanning the woods because it sound like it’s about 50 yards away. So I’m questioning myself as to why I can’t I see what whatever it is. Convinced it’s a armadillo rooting for grubs… we’ll i not that convinced because I can hear the steps nearing the opposite creek bank. Wild hog?…The only thing dumb enough to walk up on a person.
I / we see nothing… but the steps aren’t echoing in the woods anymore. This thing should be visible.
I know animals, so I say if this thing is going to cross the creek, it’s going to cross in the shallow where my wife is fishing. So I move about 40 yards away from my wife so I could get a better view when this thing shows itself. Yeah I’m that guy, I’m curious and I wanted to see what was trampling across the woods like that.
It wasn’t 5 mins later and my wife starts to point at the water. I’m showing signs for her to be still and be quiet. I can see she was near panic, but I’m showing my hand in prayer gesture and my finger on my mouth telling her to be quite. She is giving me that look, so I’m begging for her to remain still, and be quiet.
She finally complied. A few minutes later I can hear this thing walking the trail behind me.
Worst case scenario what I hear is the game warden who is walking the creek bank coming up from behind me. I’m thinking it was yeah that’s the game warden and his sound is just echoing in the woods.
Since now the sound is coming from the trail behind me that we walked in on, I’m thinking, what else could it be but a person because I can clearly hear that these are the steps of something that’s walking upright on two legs.
I’m down an 8 -10 ft embankment, so I crawl on my belly near the top to get s peek at whatever it is that’s walking by us. The trail is only about 20 ft away and I see nothing… but I hear it loud and clear.
I lay there for about 15 mins, thinking I would soon see a game warden asking us what are we catching. I could here the steps getting further away but still no sign of what’s making them. Now I’m getting kinda worried because we have to walk back up this trail in order to make to the vehicle
After the sound of the steps got out of hearing range, I got up off the ground and look at my wife. She was still standing there looking dumbfounded like wtf just happened. I motioned to her wrap it up it’s time to go. As she is gathering our stuff, I’m making my way to her. I just started grabbing my stuff and not caring how I do it. It’s time to go.
Then I had a thought, “we have to walk up this trail behind whatever the f that was. I tell my wife, we might oughta give that a few more minutes because we don’t want to walk up on that. It’s takes about 15 mins to walk to where we was fishing so I gave it about 20 more minutes before we decided to move. My wife is freak and I’m having a, this can’t be real moment.”
As we walked back to the truck, I repeatedly asked my wife what did she see? And she repeatedly said nothing. I’m like you saw something because you are afraid as heck. What was it.
She said whatever it was walked by here so close that she could feel the hair stand up on the back of her neck. She said that standing still as it walked by was the hardest thing that she has ever done.
But anyway we walk back to the truck. Im checking the ground for tracks and all I can see are ours. I tell her, look no tracks.
So we get to the truck and the driver door is open, the passenger window is down, and the tailgate is down
I’m thinking the worse like someone has taken the battery because nothing else is missing. So I put the key in the ignition and the truck starts right up. Now I’m really confused. We don’t leave the vehicle open while we are down off in the woods.
So by the time we get loaded some relatives pull up. They are some older aunts. I tell them what happen, the driver says to the other lady, I told you I heard something last time we was here. She tells me thank you baby and just takes off.
She didn’t give us time to get in the truck or see if we were ok, she just took off. We don’t do that around here.
The entire way home I kept asking my what did she see. She was still in a panic and kept saying nothing.
It was about 5 months later before she was able to tell me what she saw. She said that she could almost feel it as it walked by. She said I couldn’t see it, but when it stepped through the water, I could see the water running off it’s feet. She said it scared the stuffing out of me. The hair stood up on my arms and the back of my neck, but I couldn’t see anything but the water running off it’s feet. We stopped fishing for 7 years because of that. We still don’t go to that area unless it’s a large group of us.
Come to find out, this has happened to Everyone of us as some point.
Another thing, they found a man there who was shredded to pieces. Police friends said they had never seen anything like that before. They said no animal could have done this because the cuts where as if someone had taken a razor to him.
I don’t know what to believe, but I know something isn’t right. I remember coming out to feed one of my dogs one morning and it was cut from the tip of its nose to the tip of its tail. I’m thinking bobcat, but no animal could do that.
There wasn’t a single spot on this dog’s body that wasn’t cut. The dog was white so I could clearly see the cuts. What puzzled me the most was that the dog didn’t have a single drop of blood on it. It just had those 1,000’s of razor cuts. Alien? Fiend? Bobcat? You tell me.


Missing 411 The Hunted, one of the cases, was in Ohio if I remember correctly, older lady, in a deer stand, see’s * a saran wrap type thing in the trees*, with in a few minutes, a few miles, away, a whole practicing marching band at a school sees an object in the sky.
Since reports of Foo Fighters, being spotted during WW2, by allied fighter pilots, did no damage just weird balls of light.
Then you give some thought to Operation Paper Clip, then the sister program, brought some 2800 German scientist to USA, then many of them was given jobs in aviation, rockets, and of course into the weapons programs. Not much of a screech for me to see area 51 being a paperclip lab, and now we see tic-tac’s doing incredible stuff in the sky.
The Nazi Die Glocke, a bell shaped anti gravity machine, was supposedly used at the end of the war, by 4 people in the Vril society. Then years later, a bell shaped object crashed in Kecksburg Pennsylvania, and immediately scooped up by the Army.
So for me whoknows.


Wow again. I love hearing these actual encounters that people have had. I’m simultaneously jealous and terrified.

That whole scenario is just insane to me.


I chopped it up as an encounter with an entity. A life form unlike what we are used too. Good thing it was peaceful.
The problem with this type of stuff is that we want to know what our government is doing about them. I assure you that this thing is at the top of the “food chain”. You know what I’m saying. There is nothing that man can do with these type of beings.
My son and I was retuning from a hunting trip late one evening. We had lost a dog so we was out later than we should have been. It’s dark.
On the way back home a truck approaches from the opposite direction. As it passed I noticed that it was a heavily armored vehicle with some type of holding cell. Ok. As this truck, tank on wheels approached, we could hear loud deep growling, that was more of a roar. We could hear the animal beating inside of the truck. There was an announcement over a speaker saying. Danger danger, warning stay back. It was repeating on a loop. The roaring and beating was immense. The area was a secluded lake area and the road is normally flooded. When passable it’s a a straight shot to a Lockheed Martin complex that builds bombs and jet engines.
Come on now, what kind of animal could have been inside that was big and powerful enough to be heard beating on an armored truck similar to this. And whatever was inside of it, you can believe the govt knows what it was.


Makes me want to live where you live.

And also not…


The area is mostly pine forest and bottom land. There is plenty of lakes, and creeks.
It’s normal to talk about ufo’s , bigfoot, man sized bird, and what ever else someone might see in the area.
We have a rule around here, you don’t call someone a liar when they report seeing something out of the ordinary.
Hunting and fishing is a way of life here. Most of that has all but ended because people are afraid of going into the woods.
Can you imagine something charging at you full speed, your hear it coming. My buddy says that he started blind firing, but the thing kept coming. He saw nothing, but he say he could feel it as it ran by, through him. I told him now you know why I don’t carry a fire arm when I’m in the woods anymore. A gun isn’t going to stop these things.
I had something run me up a deer stand one time. I could hear it coming so when I figured it was close enough, I took off running to a deer stand that I had past. When I got to the stand I leap as high as I could and bent my legs up as high as I could. I looked over my shoulder to see what it was…. Nothing. No tracks no dust nothing but the sound of hooves as this invisible thing run by. I felt crazy. But I knew it was real.


Keep these stories coming if you have them. These alone are going to give me lots to think about tonight while I’m smoking a j.


Yes, yes, yes!

I love the WWII ufo stories, and fully agree with you regarding the importation of Nazi scientists. In addition to that, you can’t forget Operation Highjump when the Navy sent a whole mess of ships to “scope out” Antarctica.


Some of the stuff is just too frightening. We have this one thing that claws around the houses in the community. Had one that was beating on the house so badly that I thought someone was breaking in. I have seen times that we sleep with the lights on or park the car at the back door. About an hour ago my neighbor across the street said that she heard something tear through the woods next to my house. She said it was big and she should have been able to see it. But she saw nothing. For real, We were just talking about this. There are no stray dogs in the area. And the deer are practically petted. Wild animals don’t run when we walk by them around here. I told her not to let it bother her and be careful when she comes out. And most of all, don’t bother it.


I used to think alien. I’m a believer in that sense. But this type of stuff isn’t alien.
Have you ever notice how when animals approached one another their stifles will rise and they start sniffing the air.
As humans we also have a type of early warning system that lets us know when we are in the presence of another animal, human. The hair that rises on our body is a our ews. We don’t have to see something bro know it’s there because our bodies tells us that it is there.
Ok these things don’t trigger that type of response, therefore if we listen to our bodies, nothing is there. That’s why I say it’s not alien. Any life form would trigger our built in ews.
So what’s are these things. My theory is that they are the product of time overlapping. Remember the magnetic vcr tapes that if you don’t fully erase them, sometimes you will get over lapping pictures. I believe this is what these entities are.
Because our senses are hard wired into our brains, so sometimes we are able to detect objects that we are unable to interpret. That’s because our bodies have evolved beyond using these types of preceptors.
Since we just can’t throw these types of mechanisms in the dumpster or in the closet, our bodies simply leave them in a suspended state.
Yeah theses systems still work for us, but they are out dated so the body has a hard time interpreting the information. That’s why we kinda see something, or kinda hear something.
As our bodies enter these time anomalies, our brain’s processing ability has to change to accommodate the different type od data that it’s receiving. Some people are more able to make the change than others so they see or hear more of the strange events. Some people are unable to make the change in perception all together so they see nothing at all.
Time is everything all at once. There is no tomorrow or yesterday. It’s all right here and right now. When you see something out of the ordinary, it’s just your body’s way of reacting to a change in the time.
Stuff don’t just appear and disappear, it’s always there, our bodies ability to interpret the data is what comes and goes. It kinda like sticking a floppy disk into a m1 MacBook Pro. Even if you succeed, in making the attachment, that doesn’t mean that the MacBook can read the data that on the disk.
The events that I’m talking about happens often and randomly. Time is alway overlapping, or reversing. Humans look at time on a linear plane. But in my opinion, it’s more like a bubble. You can travel around the outer walls, or you can venture through the center where anything is possible.
The masters of the universe are those who can control the time crossing in a man other they can go and be anywhere at any time. Think big.


Love all the stories/sightings/experiences. I have had a number of sightings in the sky over the last few months, but nothing as interesting as what you are talking about. Did all these happen around the same area? The potential invisible entities, the ships and disorientation etc etc?

I have been holding off telling my sightings because I am trying not to go full crazy and dive too deep into things like I have done in the past heh. But I will at least tell what I have seen here in the near future.

I am very curious though, I have researched things like this for over a decade and am VERY interested to see what coincides with things I know and theories I have on the various phenomenon.


Most of this stuff happens at home or within 10 miles of the community because that where we are mostly. But it also happen In nearby town that may be 40 or 50 miles away.
It’s so common for us, that we don’t judge.
Done be afraid to share brother.


Nothing seems to surprise me these days. There are folk around who think we’re living in that matrix thing…some still believe the planet is flat

Can we go to the last century now cos this one sucks. I’m beginning to wonder if the millennium bug wasn’t real after all :weary:

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I believe there is a hole in the donut for a reason. Lol

Wait till they tell you time travel is real. Oh wait nevermind :wink:.

Time traveling, pot smoking, reptilians from outer space…sheeze and OMG :rainbow:.

I sure hope we have some dank hash to appease our reptile overlords :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:. “We still do that, right?” :wink:


We should start a feed the Reptilians club. We all get our best gear, save it in a safe place and when the time comes offer it up to the Reptilians in hopes that… But set it aside in a safe place untill that day comes. :grin: Lol :telescope:

Get a big list put together. I got same bomb Jack Herer I think they would like :cyclone:.
