I haven't done a grow log on here in a while. Here's my Pre98 Bubba and Purple Runtz

I transplanted them in to their autopots a tad early last week. They were in 1gal and solo cup, but I’m going to be in Vegas next week so I thought getting them in autopots would be safer than leaving them for 5 days.

Seed soaked July 16th. Pre98Bubba by Twenty20Mendocino

I supercropped her yesterday. When I transplanted her, I trimmed off the lowest 2 or 3 nodes and buried the stem. I’ll be checking this one over closely when it’s done because I always wondered how many roots grew out of the stem when you did that. Feeding this time with Cannacoco part A and B. Right now they are getting 520ppms @ 6.0pH. In my experiences grows in autopots go better in the 500-700ppm range. I’ve never used CannaCoco nutrients before, so this should be exciting.

Running about 3 weeks behind is my Purple Runtz fem by GPS. This one was started from seed on 8/8. I had another one of these that was started at the same time as Bubba, but it didn’t behave well right out of the gate so I plucked it and planted this one 3 weeks behind. We’ll make it work.

I transplanted this one at least a couple weeks before what would be ideal, but these two ladies are growing together so I transplanted her early to keep her in the same tent as sister Bubba.

That’s it for now. Everyone have a great weekend.


Follow a fellow autopot Grower, I’m pretty new to them myself.


They are my go to. Last plant I got 5oz of buds off one big plant and right at an ounce off the second one that was crammed in the corner of the tent. I’ve done probably 4-5 grows with them they are perfect for me because you can leave them alone for a week if necessary.


OK it’s been 2 weeks since I updated so here are my girls as of 5 minutes ago:

Lady Bubba Kush has been a champ. She might want a little more PPM’s in her food I’m upping it next res fill. Going from around 520 to about 650.

Lady Purple Runtz has struggled because I moved her in to the autopot when she was way too small. We understand each other and she knows I’ll do whatever I gotta do to get her what she needs. Earlier she’s shown some slight magnesium hunger but I got her some epsom salt so she seems to trust me now. :smiley:

I also put my first stickers in the back of my tent today.

Everyone have a fantastic weekend.


Wow. They are looking good. How was your weekend.

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Things were good and quiet here this past weekend.

Agree you can push them harder, looking good anyway… beer3|nullxnull

Good to know. :blush:

OK so I didn’t want things to get out of hand, I flipped the lights to 12/12 two days ago. So we’re now in day two of flower.

Last time I upped the PPm’s again we’re now at 790ppms. I think I may have been a little light on the feeding earlier because the plants seemed to respond well when I upped their nutes.

Purple Runtz didn’t really get a fair go at it this time. Sorry girl I’ll do the best I can for you. Watch it will probably be 3.4oz of killer smoke.

This one has received very little LST. I cut a few of the lower nodes off the stem and buried the stem. The plant has responded by growing a bush.

I got 3 more of these seeds left in the pack. Maybe she’ll surprise me. :smiley:


Two weeks of flower are in the books. I upped the PPM’s at the last fill to 920. Still doing Coco A and B + MgS and Fish $hit. Easy peasy so far.

Couple bud shots:

Purple Runtz getting the short end of the stick with the neighborhood, but she’s trooping along like a trooper.


I think I can smell hot rubber from my bubba plant. Not sure if that’s a common smell with these or not but I kinda like it.

See y;all in a couple more weeks.


I’m not familiar with auto pots but could you raise the runts up higher to get the stronger light?
Plants looking awesome by the way.

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That’s a great idea, but I think it would court problems with the autopot watering system if the trays were on different levels. I’ll just look at whatever I get from the Purple Runtz plant as extras.

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Bi weekly update. Just chugging along here. We just finished week 4 today.

Last two feedings have been 75mls each of CannacocoA and B plus 1 tsp of Masterblend 10-30-20 bloom booster and a little epsom salt 950ppms pH’ed to 6.0

Purple Runtz doing her thing in the corner of the tent.

See y’all in a couple weeks.


I missed last Monday because I was out of town. Bubba didn’t seem to mind me being gone very much.

Here’s a close up of one of her nicer buds. She finishes week #7 on Monday.

Purple Runtz is late to the party and got shoved in the corner, but she is making the most of what she’s got:

Cruising right along. Everyone have a great weekend.


She’s chugging along. Day 54 I think she’ll be done in a week. I put her on pure water a couple days ago.

A couple close ups of some top buds:

Here’s what’s up next: GPS Texas Butter regs x 2 I popped 4 seeds but this is what’s made it this far.

Unless something weird happens, the next update will probably be a chop update. Everyone have a nice weekend.