I missed the roadkill skunk party

old schooler here i am not looking for any RKS im looking for the mid-west mid 80’s SKUNK BUD not sure where that original name went or why ppl killed it off for the RKS tag. if i ever find something with skunk in her she will NOT have a RKS tag on her frame. SKUNK BUD or nothing.

crazy …


Anyone want to help organize a start-up company with an aim to genetically engineer a cannabis strain that makes RKS memories look mild?. The business mission is to deliver a point blank skunk :skunk: spray to the nasal cavities the moment you open the jar.


Yeah they’re named that because they were passed to Heime as RKS. All he did was preserve them and pass them out, like he did all the lines he kept. He was a preservationist. He didn’t make the line and call it RKS himself.

And like was said before, no one has actually found RKS in those beans.

The talk of residual skunk spray in some of the phenos and such tho, makes me wonder how the F2’s would turn out. Maybe it’s recessive :thinking:


Thiols, baby :slightly_smiling_face:

The part I can’t find out or figure out, How do you “manually” increase them in a plant??


@KropDuster he got some roadkill

I still don’t understand why anyone would actually want bud that’s really skunky. Skunk spray still causes blindness, difficulty breathing and nausea, right? As well as tasting and smelling horrible, which is of course the front line of our body’s defense against toxins. It tastes and smells horrible because it’s harmful to us. I’ve never heard of anyone getting high from being sprayed in the face by a skunk, either. If it’s just about strong bud, there are plenty of other strains that taste good or at least neutral and hit plenty hard. If it’s about recreating your lost youth, you’ve already failed before you started. :man_shrugging: Probably more efficient to try and figure out time-travel; at least it can actually be used for other purposes besides getting as high as we were the first time we smoked.

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When will this debate die? Many people ran skunks this year to find the road kill skunk terps, and no one found it. I think it’s time we all give up on finding it

Unless someone wants to go back to the original source and hunt through a bunch of Afghan seeds, then this topic should slowly creep into the depths of the darkness


I had a few freebies of dinafem critical + fems back in 2012 that came from the tude and they turned out to be huge plants with skunky smells and semi berry tastes that I was very impressed with but the smell had all my surrounding nabors taking turns jumping my fence to steal my plants at night , got them on camera but the critical was too big to pull out of the ground :laughing: i remember laying in my 1 man army tent at night seeing the top of this huge plant shaking in the moon light and me yelling hey and chasing off some kids. The potency was low and the keif would fall off the buds is why I didn’t keep it around. I did make a cross with it before it passed I mated it with a random RD cougar piss and have ran f1 and f2s of that cross hear and there with my favorites being the skunky ones. I don’t compare this to the skunk bud I had in the 90s tho as that was on a different level


if you are getting sweetness with the skunk, i would say I agree. that is the later skunk. i am not a fan of critical, but with the og kush it was really nice. super dopey, and often some noticeable skunk odor. i think the critical probably has something (afghan?) in it that is related to the skunk people are looking for. most of the afghans i see are sweet these days. weird. i don’t remember them being sweet way back.,. i had a few months in a row once where all there was were 4 types of afghan.

I’ll be visiting the blueberry and the sour threads to tell people their efforts are futile.

Haze, catpiss, guerrero, panama red, Thai stick, chocolate thai and a bunch of others are on the list too :wink:


I don’t think it’s so much that we want it back because it’s really skunky and smelled like literal RKS. Its more we want it back because it was so permeating-ly loud. And despite the talk of the smell, it tasted great, and it would stone you to the bone quick. It just happened to also smell like a roadkill skunk.


Somehow in all the noise about whether it’s gone or not that detail escaped me, thanks. :stuck_out_tongue: My partner goes on and on about finding it, and now I’m actually wondering whether he ever even had it. Granted, he’s never said anything one way or the other, but every time we’ve smoked a “skunk” strain that tastes awful I’ve commented that it at least tastes like shit and he’s never once mentioned that it’s not supposed to. He’s definitely mentioned how strong it smelled when growing, though. It lends a bit more credence to the idea that it’s mostly VSCs that don’t make it through curing, I think… and possibly cobbed buds would retain the smell a bit more? Most of the shipments coming across the border would have been effectively cobbed, i.e. sealed in an airtight space with some moisture remaining in the buds and then subjected to heat/pressure for days or weeks. That also increases the potency and changes the high, from what I’ve read.

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Thank you bro…. Much respect :facepunch:t2:


I was awaiting your arrival while reading through this moments ago…. You Never dissapoint :raised_hands:t3:


And walk up hill both ways while doing it.

I let people think what they want, doesn’t phase me. But the negativity is useless :wink:


I will say this though, the hype surrounding skunk bud and the following feeding frenzy from breeders and seed makers alike isn’t all bad… we learned who’s who.


The real “Skunker” exist where im from. Getting seed stock is another story, hell hard enough to get a zip anymore… edit: my favorite herb to smoke while fishing!

Cheebah charged around $500 a pack

The funnest person to watch on ig, who says they have the real skunk is “blue skies Vienna”. Apparently he got his haze and skunk from old timer