I missed the roadkill skunk party

Lets start a go fund me to send me to the 'Stan. I’ll look for them there.

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It’s extinct but for strong skunky terps try white russian or sensi star. Those are 2 of the smelliest I’ve grown, coming from somebody who’s been growing indoor since 1998. That’s my advice and both are still available AFAIK. The white russian was very strong in veg too from what I remember. Best have some odor control if your not in a legal state. I had a real hard time containing it. Just wasn’t my cup of tea buzz wise. Seriously though brick penetrating stink. Do peeps still grow her? Very popular years ago.


appreciate all the info so far guys :pray:

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Also goes by sativa breather, yeah the guys delusional lol he was ran off most if not every forum 4-5 years ago.

Honestly I understand the frustration/distrust/disgust about skunk this, skunk that after dozens of sellers ran off with the loot…

When skunk comes back it’ll be a clone, and the flowers will be vouched for before that.
Nevermind the seeds guys


Most definitely did.


If it were me, I’d reach out to AK Bean Brains (dankortowne@gmail.com) and ask him for the skunkiest skunk he has. If he offers you the Old School Skunk (OSS) you’re in for a treat.


This right here

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That Douchebag BlueSky and his buddy Skunkfam podcast are pathological liars.Ive grown out all his gear absolutely no RKS in any of it.Mostly Armpit smells and some onion with some funky Feet and cheese i even F2 ed a batch of his Breeders packs even went so far as to pick my males in the dark time by smell to get the stinkiest ones he was selling and still got nothing.I cornered him on IG and all he kept saying was you got to F3 them man im telling you Believe me the RKS is in there man OT1 gave me personal head stash seeds and entrusted me.I would believe @Baudelaire over him anyday.Might not be the Skunk but Baud definitely has his ESB and its a wonderful plant


Where would you find the white russian if ine was looking?Is it from Serious seeds or is it someone’s reproduction of White russian?

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Blue skies and old school chronic lay in the same bed. I wouldn’t trust anything that comes out of either of their mouths. Blue skies has been called out so many times, it amazes me ppl still buy into his words

And you shouldn’t have to f3 anything if the terps are really there. You’re gonna sell me something you say has rks terps, but i have to f3 them to really bring them out :thinking:


Honestly. IMHO the roadkill skunk most likely is confirmation bias.

It was from serious seeds stock. You can research and mist who’ve grown it would agree its skunky as hell. Again not sure why it’s not mentioned often.


Been looking for White Russian a long time as I’m dying to recreate white Walker bubba since it’s never getting past the breeder (he says) even offered him 10/1 cut trade. Nada :man_facepalming:t2:


Closest thing i even have with White russian in it is Frankenstein.Serious Seeds had made white russian and you can catch facets of it in the frankie and her smell is off the chain.I can feel bits and pieces of the high in it Frankie The potential for foggy what the fuck happened last night is in there.White russian definitely had that.

My brother grew White russian in a homemade shitty grow cabinet made out of plywood using 3 foot Florescent plant and aquarium bulbs and that weed still came out so strong it would kick the shit out of what ever they have these days.Was around 2003ish.Freaked a couple people right out they swore it was laced.It was just pure White Russian

Nice I’m sure serious seeds will make a comeback being the new fad is nostalgic varieties from 80s and 90s. Sorry to get off topic, but these skunk threads tend to move towards what strains can be bought currently carrying skunky terps. Man o man this blueskies dude is making me cry laughing. Watching his videos and talking points on YouTube. I don’t understand why dude just doesn’t promote his seeds as f2s of old school varieties. I mean he would be way better off using that as a selling point. I think he’s quite clever using the rks fantasy everybody has selling seeds lol.

The forum soap opera is what he wants though, it makes me people curious enough to maybe try a pack. HelI i can’t lie id run a couple to see what’s up. Dude has balls taking on everybody from jodrey to jjnyc to notsodog etc haha. Anybody wanna send me a few for documentation purposes, I’ll put the story to bed with constant updates. Blueskies you there dude?

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Trust me your Not really missing much in Skies gear.Id put my money where my mouth was on The Nature Farm seed co or even Dominion Seeds company for having Skunkier gear.For some reason he has to have Oldschool chronic try and advertise for him.

Yes his always having these guys come on his old school cannabis project saying this and that about his gear. Never rks but seems a few people enjoy the seeds. I just follow him purely for entertainment, he’s a funny dude though.

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The Weed from his seeds isnt bad a lot of Oger Onion funks just not the RKS he’s peddling your right he could have just went with repro classics and not lied

Exactly! Everybody has stated that too late now though. I appreciate alot of views he has on older VS newer things in today’s market. He makes alot of sense, its just his mouth tends to move before his brain does. Like I said the guy makes me laugh so ill give him that at least.

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