I need a grower for a Medijuana strain seed run!

Count me in.
If I understand right, you a
Want seeds made from them and returned?
I have a ton of anonymous blue berry diesel (my interpretation)

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No I just meant after the seed run is done with the Medijuana, send me back some Medijuana seeds @Toker1

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Sounds good @Rhai88, I’m sure you would be a great candidate for the grow! Keep me updated my man

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best to use all 5 beans, and even then could be all males or females. just my opinion…

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I’m equipped as I have a mini breeding cell. But I’ve sworn off breeding for a while as it’s a lot of work. I do have interest in growing that strain if you ever grow some seeds for trade.

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Yeah I wish I had that to spare, but I don’t want to put all my beans in that basket. It’s a gamble either way I guess.

It’s all good @SativaKid, hopefully there will be enough for everyone who wants some :slightly_smiling_face:

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I hope someone grows for you. Another day I might of been tempted. I’ve heard good things about that strain. I’ve always wondered how they bred an Indica with lots of anti inflammatories. As usually the best pain meds are Sativas.

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this year I planted 6 beans of a rare strain hoping to make a few beans, resulting in 3 never germed - 2 females and one extreme herm that was culled. Took cuts from fem plants, one rooted, If I were to make beans I’d have to make more clones from that cut and reverse one for fem seeds, can u say inbreed… time, work, ect… your beans ur call… kind of like going to the casino… 5 plants for seed will fit in 2x4 area, they do not have to be big for seed making… wishing u the best of luck rolling the dice…


All good advice, and definitely appreciated. I would be up to upping the amount in the right situation

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Yeah that’s what got me too, but I don’t usually grow sativas because most make my heart race so I haven’t grown many. I guess I always thought since indicas are more a body buzz and less of a head buzz that they would be more painkilling.

Oh yeah? Well you smell!


Not a problem, she sounds perfect for winter

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@m0sirys stinkt schlecht


sniff sniff you are right ! but you smell always 2 times more than me !!throws loli on the floor and cry! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

ja du hast recht! aber ,du immer zweimal mehr als ich!


Can’t argue with that. I’m pretty smelly right now.

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than my friend, take good shower and than go to an onsen or the bathtube! :smiley:


Okay, I sent 2 seeds to @Toker1, good luck!
Got 3 more, probably going to @Rhai88 when he gets space. I’m hoping for the best! :crossed_fingers:


that sounds like a good plan! :slight_smile:

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Okay, so @Toker1 dropped both seeds, and both sprouted! Just a quick update for everyone


Well we went 1 for 2 from first seeds
On sprouting etc.
Several more are on the way, one way or another this project is getting done lol.

Here’s one, waiting on siblings