I need a little help here

Looks like cation balance and supply problem.

What are you using to pH? I See you list pH and thats not common in organics. And most pH products cause problems to get you to buy more products to solve the problem.
For pH down, use a tiny bit if vinegar in water.
For pH up, soak some calcium / magnesium (lime) and water that in.

Also, move the straw/mulch whatever stuff away from the stem, roots need to breathe, and unless you pick up your containers to gauge weight, you need to see the soil color to see if you’re overwatering. Grey is dry, black is wet. Because overwatering could be a problem you’re dealing with, too.

The flowering plants looked real good for starting organics, way to go.

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I really did a number on this s*** the pot still has weight to it



Your plants look very healthy

The light green i agree with @Rogue new growth

I did living soil years ago , I find it to be troublesome. For me the best way is to use a substrate ,with no nutritional value and add what it needs but that’s me . your plants do look very happy !!

Your getting some good advice but chooses what you do wisely

Things to grow by

Less is more

•You can always add it’s but do so slowly
Don’t do too much at once
Every change you make takes time to see the reaction

PH your water and feed every time and keep it between 6 to 6.3 ( works for me )

Meters are your friend
ph pens
ppms pens to check if feed is too strong or too weak
and a meter to check wetness of the soil ( the soil meter will take the confusion out of watering after 18 years I still use it

Also a big dose of

LITFA ( leave it the fuck alone ) is a big thing !
People play way too much with there plants
And tend to add things In a panic to try and correct problems that will correct themselves in time

The longer you keep at growing you’ll become more and more familiar with the plant we love so much !
And begin to read her like a book she will tell you what she needs just keep a open eye :eye:



:joy::joy: gotcha I appreciate the wise words of advice lord knows I spend too much time in my tent


What’s recharge and what’s in it? It is another fancy name and label hype or something your plant actually requires or needs?

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You guys fishing?

That snake oil has Mychorrizae in it (or so they claim, how much propoaules who nose). Annuals can not benefit from soil applications unless it’s applied when they’re in the seedling stage and grown for an extended period of time. Nursery growers benefit from treated plants kept in pots long enough before sales time so the mycho colony can build up.

I have 2 varieties for my farm and greenhouse, the latter where I grow/graft large tropical fruit trees.



I would try a gypsum flush and foliar spray with mag. nitrate.
The flush will help balance the soil and the Mg Nit. will fix the current problem and green thing up a bit.

Good luck

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You have a slight N deficiency going on, notice the yellowing. Give them a high N food, like a 9-3-6. A (legitimate one) would be Dya-Gro Foliage Pro. Complete with about 13 or so minerals including Mg and Ca.

I just added some blood meal to my newly germed seedlings for a bit more N. They are also fed Osmocote Indoor/Outdoor Plus in the top inch of my soil less mix before I drop the seed into the hole I make with a pencil. I buy that stuff by the 50# bag. It is the BMW of the slow release plant food industry. The Indoor/Outdoor has an NPK of 15-9-12. It’s more balanced than this foliar rocket fuel.


He doesn’t have a Mg deficiency. What’s with the gypsum?

I specialize in plant nutrition and soil chemistry, for like 50 years. Helps big time if I knew what he went in with regarding the nutritional value of his soil and/or foods.

Look people, fishing for answers that have no relevant use regarding plant nutrition is not cool. Another bit of wisdom in cannabis forums that just won’t die - Mg…good for whatever ails ya.

Real advice - save the epsom salts for that next morning toilet hug or a nice foot soak. :smile:


Sorry to hear you do not agree.
The gypsum will rebalance the soil CEC.
Check out slownickle on IG for more on gypsum.

My plants recently looked like this, so that is how I treated them.
They are looking healthy now.
Go with what you know…



How do you know he has a problem with his CEC. @Thats_bank, since everyone is so hung up on pH and CEC, you might want to do a feel good test on both. But if you have not added any salts (food) I reckon it’s a deficiency, not a high CEC.

I use calcium sulfate but not on cannabis. I don’t need the Ca or the S since my water supply has both. Nor does it do anything of value regarding soil texture, etc. My custom soil less mix is OK.

Hell, I live near a Gypsum mine company by Pacific. I just stop, get out the shovel, scoop up some fines off the road and away I go. :slight_smile:

I apply gypsum to mangos. They love it.

Don’t get me wrong, a little gypsum is not a bad thing. Again, I start with what I have and go from there regarding supplements.


I do not, but if the CEC is unbalanced gypsum should help to correct that.

Probably not high, but may be imbalanced.

Gypsum should help with compacted soil, as far as I know anyhow.
Personally, I try to crank up calcium any time I am able to.
My thoughts are, it never hurts to add a bit of mag when you add some extra calcium to the mix.

The plants look a bit yellow so the nitrogen in the Mg Nitrate should help green em up a bit.
To me the dark colored veins could be a mag deficiency hard to know for sure, but if your adding extra calcium/gypsum you may develop a mag deficiency if you do not have a good ratio of cal to mag in the soil.

I guess the hope is to fix the soil CEC balance and spray with mag and nitrogen to get a quick fix going.

If the gypsum does what it should, the soil should be closer to normal providing the plant with proper elements to uptake and hopefully there will be no more deficiency going on.



I’m pretty new to growing so all of my knowledge really comes from threads (well threads…there’s none like you guys on this site) like these and YouTube recharge is something I used to see in every video so I finally said f*** it and got it along with a bunch of other s*** like great white and various fertilizer most of which I don’t even use anymore but I definitely appreciate all information I receive then I just gotta take it all in and apply it to my budget or lack there of :joy: here’s the label on the recharge though


Any brand suggestions? It does sound like something good to have around

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Diamond K solution grade is what you want for a gypsum flush.
Any kind will do if your just adding it to soil.
you can buy small bags too, shipping is what gets ya, find it local if you can but good luck with that…LOL

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Thanks for the label.

FWIW - Cation exchange capacity (CEC) is a useful indicator of soil fertility because it shows the soil’s ability to supply three important plant nutrients: calcium, magnesium and potassium.


This perpetual 12/12 is very interest… you grow them from seed or clones? Just wondering.


hey bro, nice advices there… one in particular caught my attention, which is:

“LITFA ( leave it the fuck alone ) is a big thing !”

I always say that to people when they are starting… because that is what I did the most when I began, the plants must have been so pissed off of me! haha!

Way to go!

Cheers from Brazil


Hey there @OldUncleBen,

I hope you don’t mind me asking, but I am new to OG, so… are you the Uncle Ben from the Uncle Ben Topping Technique? Just wondering.

Cheers from Brazil.


Just throwing small handfulls of seeds in there now and again as I win them on here, letting males do their thing for a couple of days when they start pollinating so long as the females are only in the beginning stages of flowering so I still have a decent amount of bud left, no cloning.

Doesn’t work very well with auto’s, they stay very small and like to have more space.