I need some help please!

I left my plants in veg for longer than I’d have liked to. Life sometimes gets in the way. Anyway, I was wanting to flip them into 12/12 but right now they’re looking rough. I think maybe I left them in the same pots too long without enough nutrients?… anyway any and all help and advice would be appreciated!

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I’ve recently up potted from 5 gal to 7 gal and added some good soil. Also gave them a foliar feeding with potassium enriched water.

Hey whats your ph ? And ppm?

I should know those answers….but I don’t. Went to test ph at new place. Need new strips.

What kind of nutrients are you using ?

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Get your PH right and give them time to adjust to the new soil, may take up to a week. Their entire root system must recalibrate. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes: NOTE: DON’T make the mistake of overfeeding them!!


Are your lights adjustable at all?

I agree 100% with @misterbee

They’re probably a little overfed, give them time, dial the lights back a bit if you can and wait.

They don’t want to die more than you want them to live.


Lights can dim. Would you recommend like 50%?

I had them in fox farm soil and was feeding them a kelp extract nutrient high in nitrogen occasionally. Not too often lately with the feedings though…they’ve probably have been in those pots around three months.

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Same pots three months, not new pots and soil?

Yellowing on lower leaves is old?

If the soil is new, water only for next 2 weeks and go from there.

If the soil is old, calmag, water, then feed.

From that pic though it is hard to tell.

Could also be overwatering.

Could you close up the soil?


Are you using LED lights?

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I had plants looking like that and it was low rh, are they transpiring heavily?

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i was gonna say over watering grab a moisture meter ? check ph run off next watering and ppm. then im sure these guys can help you better

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Yes. Spider farmer sf4000

I would dim the light down to 50% and feed normally and they will bounce back. Get them looking healthy and stress free then flip to flower. It is 100% light issue.

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What are your water practices ? I mean as yeti said hard to tell from pic but every single plant is dropping so could just be thirsty or over watered …and that’s me just stating the obvious one …also I have learned salts can build up in the fabrics of your pots …I had a problem where nothing I did could solve the problem shit canned that one when I washed out the fabric pot it was in then concluded nute lock out I also use fox farm trio


More shots :laughing:of your ladies please we all are waiting

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Room temp also please