If you could grow only 1 feminized photoperiod seed at a time

This would mean no space for running multiple beans to find a good pheno.

The seeds are probably F4 or further (and maybe S1s as well) etc. and well selected so that every bean grows something truly worthwhile.

I’m interested to hear what breeders you guys would trust for something like this!


Check out Caleb with CSI Humboldt


CannaVenture ftw…


I have eyeballed cannaventure a few times and followed some grows on other forums. I like the idea of S1s for someone who cant grow many seeds at once and cannaventure has a lot of nice looking S1s.

I know a lot of people like the LVTK, but a lot of their stuff looks like it’s F1s, and it’s hard to tell which are F1 and which aren’t.

Same thing with Greenpoint, and I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, especially for pheno hunters but might not work great if you don’t have a lot of space.


cannarado genetics would be my pic


Cannarado is another breeder that looks like they do great work, and I’ve seen a lot of good grows with their stuff, but I cant tell if they are just churning out F1 crosses for people with the space to pheno hunt. Their website has lots of seeds that appear to be one of their strains F1ed with various others, but I really don’t know… Can’t really say as the info isn’t really posted in the description.


This is the only fem f4 that i know of. Trust me I’ve kept track for years. https://www.cannabis-seeds-bank.co.uk/female-seeds-c99/prod_637.html
I’d still go with cannarado, f1’s aren’t something to be worried about. If both parents are something you’re interested in then you really can’t get something you won’t like.


Well, one thing I like about Mephisto is that they tell you if it’s F4 or greater. All of their autos are at least F4, some as far along as F8 and that have great uniformity, but… They are autos. Can’t tell them when to flower which is a problem in hydro because they get huge and you can’t really do much about it.

Haven’t really seen any photo breeders that give the same level of info on how their strains came about etc. But I’d definitely be interested if anyone is aware of any!

Seed junkie or archive

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I have grown out 8-10 lvtk and will be getting another pk of them shortly. I had a pk right f his raspberry pure kush. A good friend of mine who has been VERY generous to me mentioned wanting another go at them so I sent him my pk as a thank you. I still kick myself in the ass everyday and cry myself to sleep every other night watching him grow them out.


20 posts were split to a new topic: Auto Flowers …Worthwhile?

CSI Humbolt or Brothers Grimms offerings. They both do actual selection for their fem seeds.

CSI has bubba S1’s that have produced some amazing plants. Not sure if they are in-stock.



I agree with Bothers Grimm…And maybe Mosca? Jordan Of The Island should also get a mention…Although…Greenpoints gear is looking stellar right now…Great topic @MumenRyder



For Fem’s, I like OG Raskal. Growing some White Urkel atm. :v:


Have you ever grown any autos, or know anyone who has? This is blatantly untrue…


I would never grow just 1 seed, too much gamble, but if I did it would probably be CSI Humboldt.


I would choose ace seeds there is no mistake and it doesn’t cost much…

namaste :pray:


What I was thinking too…


I’m actually looking for single fem photo seed :wink:

If you could only grow 1 photoperiod seed at a time which breeder would you choose? Which strain?

Some breeders stabilize a strain much better than others, and I figured I’d find out who people on OG liked for that.

We got derailed onto autos because I mentioned Mephisto always has at least F4 autos, and sometimes as far as F8s.

Most breeders don’t say of it’s F4 or F1 etc.

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i am not the one to ask, I do not run Fems. Nothing against them, just not my forte.
Someone who knows Fems well and has grown some will answer , and a few already have.

The only Fem I have ever grown was Sannie’s Sugar Punch, and only because it only came as a Fem. They were most excellent and had they not changed in my opinion in recent years, I would have reco’d them. I no longer would.