If you had to grow one strain

If you had to grow one strain, just one. For the rest of your time, what strain would it be, why? I’m wondering this as I’m sitting here thinking about how I have found a favorite amongst the crowd of strains out there. My favorite plant to grow has become rainbow ylly by @TricomaGoldGenetics . It hits all the top qualities for me, high yield, nice and potent, smells are intoxicating and the resin production is off the chart…not to mention all the beautiful colors in senesence. Remember pick one, and do explain why.



i think i have 2 packs of those. i’ll have to move them up my list i guess. so much stuff i want to grow and breed with but i don’t have the space or anything right now.

edit: i don’t have a favorite yet


Man, I was very happy that I succeeded in getting those out to so many people. :sweat_smile: that shits straight fire.
Edit: just sexed two yllys,… both are female!! Awesome :ok_hand:


The ylly’s I received just last week IIRC, easily moved to the head of the line for what to grow next…

If I could only choose one, forever? A GDP I smoked from a southern cali dispensary circa 2005/2006. The purple was insane, the taste was fruity and delicious. No GDP I have grown from seed is even similar. I don’t know how it yielded or how it was to grow, but it woulda been worth it to me!


i have some purple urkel S1’s that i hope to pop in the future for personal stash, i had grape ape once and that was nice. i’ve never tried GDP on it’s own but i would expect good things.


I had some grape ape before, won the cup in Seattle that year and every person who payed to test got sent off with a zip. That’s the last time I had the real grape ape. That was some kill.


yeah, i have some grape ape in my Apollo Ape strain, 25 percent i guess


Awesome I’ll make sure to put those on my list… I got some from you a bit ago…


10 or so years ago I bought some stuff called angel hair. Hands down best weed I’ve ever smoked. From the name I would guess it was maybe a cross of hells angel og and jack herer but I would love to really know what it was.


Sounds like a noteworthy name …how was it. Was it indy or sativa? Purple green??


Very circle golf ball like nugs light almost lime green with red hairs. Classic kushy smell to it. Just awesome lol. I remember being so impressed I showed it to my mom and this was the 1st time I showed her i had weed. She still remembers it even to this day.


That sounds awesome! Reminds me of when I got some bud called green crack. Well it was small gumball nugs, lime green, with an almost hunter orange color sea of hairs. Stuff was epic. Tasted like you bit into a pineapple chased with sugar…


you’ve got me thinking about that grape ape. it was special, only had it on one halloween. it was also one of the few times i would smoke joints because normally i couldn’t waste that much weed as my supply was very limited. most of the weed i got back then came without a name.


I haven’t seen it since that canna cup… I have had some Sirius black from a dispo in or. And it was some black buds, fruity af. Real good bud.

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i got a few pics of some random buds i took pictures of 10 years ago. Always had a taste for the good stuff haha

This one i got on a trip to NYC. Some guys out at timesquare selling music cds as a cover while they sold weed lol


If I could only grow one strain for the rest of my life I would probably get bored and quit.

If you ask me right now though it might be the rare OG. Christmasy.


No Brainer " Pink Christmas Tree. 1599321760729140235859534920183_264901545510757 Pink hairs and 1 plant is shared with the villagers all Holiday season. Lol. Actually it would be my Super smelly Skunky W.w. Blue Moon cross.

largest buds I ever harvested and you can smell this weed outdoors 300 feet away


I’d quit smoking
Bored smoking the same strain for more than a week :sweat_smile:


You think a week’s bad… I’ve been smoking the same stuff for a year and a half now. :frowning: There’s a reason I’m trying to run 8 different strains at once in my current grow, and it’s not because I’m such a good grower that I’m confident I can do them all justice. :stuck_out_tongue:

If I had to grow just one strain for the rest of time? I’d do my best to find the person/deity stopping me from growing other strains and argue with them until they got tired of me and zapped me out of existence, or changed the rules. :stuck_out_tongue: Or I’d just ignore the rules, of course.


I might have to go with the Pennywise if I’m locked into a single strain. It’s not my favorite as far as high but it is the best medicine I’ve ever experienced so that alone makes it valuable enough to make sure I have access. Add to the fact that it’s pretty vigorous, PM and mildew resistant, and grows perfect dense nugs and I gotta say it’s my choice if I’m limited to one. The high is nice too even if it’s not my favorite.