Ill Eagle Birdseed Testers


I most likely will, I just need more space to keep all the cuts I’d to take/keep.The growing pains of a grower. :joy:


You’re fucking on it brother! Much respect!

I can definitely relate. It is never enough haha. Positive vibes…



(Tropicana Cookies x Herijuana) x Cherry West Bc

Tropicana Cookies x Herijuana) x Cherry West Bc #1 (Clone)

Tropicana Cookies x Herijuana x Cherry West #2

#1 Smells more Piney / Evergreen / some light Tropical Fruit or Citrus / Cherry (Is that the Mango?)
I think it leans into the Herijuana side, its a good night time smoke.
Doesn’t force me to sleep though, can stay up and watch movies and feel great, blistering eye high when I go further into the night, ready to sleep great. One night I got too high and had some corner of my eye paranoia, like WTF was that movement? Oh the wind hit the curtain… Pine Tar Cookies

#2 is Straight Cherry Sherbert / Cherry Icee / Cherry Kool Aid / Cherry Starburst / Red Sour Patch Kids. The Mango might be there I’m not sure. It’s very tasty. Effects are less Face Melty Night Time than #1 / More Daytime. More Bliss, Anxiety Reducing, Calm. It has me diving into my interests, wanting to listen to good music I haven’t heard in a while. Chat up some old friends on the Phone. Mood Improving. Cherry Nirvana

I like #2 better, #1 is great too though, both keeper. I can see why Cherry Limeade won the Emerald Cup in 2015 or what year? I wanted to try this cross for the Herijuana, came to love the Cherry side too! Would love to try another Cherry West cross, it’s quickly become a favorite.

I fed the Clone and Big plant different Nutrient Lines and Clone beefed up well.
It liked the Calcium from the Nectar for the Gods in the ripening
#1 (Clone) was Liquid Bone Meal + (Nectar For the Gods)
#2 was Root Organics Terp Tea / Compost Teas

Thank you @stanknugzz77 for the wonderful work.
Chem Del La Black updates next, its coming down tonight or tomorrow.


Wow great report I’ve saved clones of this one

I do like the cherry west leaner more then the trop cookies leaner

She’s a keeper


Truth! Very beautiful detail.

I’m high, but I am pretty sure that @SleepySails ran the (Tropicanna Cookies x Herijuana) x (Cherry West Bc) and you tested the (Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies) x (Cherry West Bc), correct? Again, I could definitely be mistaken.

I am super stoked that you are still loving the (Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies) x (Cherry West Bc)! And the Irene OG x Dog Patch Grandma’s Dog seems to be working out pretty nicely for you as well. Any discernible smells coming off of the G Dog yet? Positive vibes…



I’m hi as well I miss read sorry
But I still love my clone

I harvested the small plant the big one has at least 2 / 3 weeks to go

The phenom I harvested went 74 days


All good brother haha. No apology necessary at all. It gets confusing with all of the Tropicanna Cookies and the Cherry West etc. I do a lot of plant alchemy over here haha.

I am so happy to hear that!

Is this the Irene OG x Dog Patch Grandma’s Dog? If so, any pictures before harvest or any smell descriptions??? Haha. You know I value your opinion! Either way, I appreciate you brother! Positive vibes…


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Bud shot 4 days before harvest
Dome style bud

This is the larger plant still going strong at 55 days

Stem rum smell is strong but I can’t place it

Nugs are hard and sticky


Absolutely beautiful work! Much respect for running it all full-term outdoors and still killing it! I know how difficult that can be.

The mango definitely comes from the Tropicanna Cookies combining in different hybrids, as I have found it in several hybrids that I have made and looked through with the Tropicanna Cookies. Probably 12-16 hybrids at least. Never so prevalent as with the Tropicanna Cookies x Herijuana, in which the mango flavor was present in like ~86% of the 16 females that I flowered out.

Awesome writeup on both females as well! It sounds like both females could be useful for different occasions.

I am happy to hear that!

I believe that it was 2015, but I am not good at keeping up with shit like that haha. The only cup that I really put much stock in is the My Lungs Cup haha. Although, I have heard good things about Emerald Cup.

I am stoked that you found something that you enjoy in my work! I will be keeping my Cherry West Bc male and female and working with them for as long as they want to stay around.

I have remade a few of my Cherry West hybrids and also have made a few new ones recently.

Whether you are interested in testing or just want to place another order for Cherry West hybrids, always feel free to hit me up. With documentation like that on purchased packs, I will always hook you up even more than I already do.

Definitely good knowledge to add.

I am just doing what I love and making hybrids that I want in my own garden. I am even more stoked when other people enjoy them in their garden as well.

I look forward to it whenever it is convenient! I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



some late flower pics of some killah killah​:sunglasses::fire:


Holy shit! Those are definitely some beautiful pictures! I swear, the Stagger Lee x (Black Triangle F2) Black Apple has been turning out even nicer than I expected. Everyone that has ran it has found some fucking bangers.

Are those outdoor? They looking fucking nice.

I appreciate you coming back around after being MIA for so long. You were definitely on the tester shitlist haha, but dropping some pictures after so long definitely makes it a little bit better.

Do you have any pictures of the other two hybrids that you were testing? I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



yeah sorry about that i get so crazy busy during paving season , lol… yeah these are outdoors.

i have a stagger lee cross inside my main growroom but it looks weird cus i had somehow gotten PM and had to treat it /prevent… but it’s coming along fucking sweet! i used a milk water solution to spray the leaves and the PM went away but ya see dried milk on the leaves… lol
once it’s trimmed it’ll look killer … I just didn’t want to post it on the forum so I got flamed haha

this is the stagger lee x blowfish x hazmat og
once it’s trimmed it’s gonna be beautiful

question tho… what’s the expected flowering time on these?


@stanknugzz77 the third hybrid never made it for some reason… i couldn’t get them to germinate :disappointed_relieved:… i tried scuffing them and soaking on heating pad they just wouldn’t crack after soaking for 18 hrs in bottled water

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and there’s two different plants in those pictures … similar structure , super tight nodes and omfg the stank they’re putting off is amazing :sunglasses:


It’s all good. Again, it makes it a little better since you came back around and posted eventually haha.

They look really nice, especially for outdoors. Any idea of an approximate day the Stagger Lee x (Black Triangle F2) Black Apple is on in the pictures? (yes, I understand that it is outdoor, so it will not be exact haha)

PM fucking sucks. I am sorry to hear of your issues with it. I had some hit a couple of my veg rooms this year, but surprisingly, I never saw any in my flower rooms. I was just about to harvest 2 of them though and then I reset my entire operation from cuttings. I am still treating everything with sulfur though.

I am pretty sure that it is actually (Hazmat OG x Blowfish) x Stagger Lee haha. I look forward to seeing it trimmed!

I have had some other testers of the same hybrid find some super quick like 8-9 week finishers, but I would guess the majority will be right around 10 weeks. The Stagger Lee has a lot of quick finishers, but if you get a female that leans towards the Blowfish, it could take a little bit longer.

That sucks, but I am happy that you got 2/3 and seem happy with the results.

We like the stank haha. I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



@stanknugzz77 id have to say these around 5-6 weeks outdoors … im going strictly from the day we went to 12/12 outdoors… it’s been around mid 40s-50s at night w highs around 55-65 during the day… they are absolutely loving it!!! and super hardy resistance to PM as well as bugs and fungus etc…: i DID hit them w BT back in sept a couple times for prevention against worms… these have not shown any stress whatsoever vs the other strains i had out there… now the indoor one is around week 8 and i scoped her today and all the trichomes are still all cloudy w minimal clear… so im guessing they might go another 2-3 weeks… room temps around 75-77 w 40% rh … under a 630w CMH and using GH Flora series ph at 5.9-6.2 and this is how i fed the black apple as well… cannot wait to see how they look by first on NOV


@stanknugzz77 I hope im not in the tester shit list… week late here. 1st up tonight is the Odins. Lost 2 more plants this weekend. Both sexed with balls. Unfortunatly one was one of the twins.
These plants took a beating on uppotting and room change. New growth is looking good tho.

This plant was one of the 2 squat plants.
#2 This plant was one of the twins.
This plant held up well. Has some of the larger side branches.
This plant also held up better than the others

5 total ODIN females for this run. Im going to give them a week hopefully get some clones rolling.

On to the Grandma’s Dog- 4 total females from this pop.

This plant was the runt/mutant in the beginning. It HATES airflow. Once i took her away from the fan she has perked up. Trifoliate.
Looks to have some decent side branches.
This is the varigated plant. Im glad it turned out to be female.
Has become the runt. She just dosnt enjoy my company. This is definatly the grandmas dog from accross the street that hates you. Probably pisses on pads in the house and her owners favorite chair.

Overall the Odins took the most beating in the change but remained the most vigorous plants. The Grandmas Dogs held up much better just a little slower. Im hoping i can get these girls healthier before flower. I have the time and space to veg a little longer if need be.


Haha! Nah that is reserved for the people who run off with my hard work without keeping their word.

I was just busting @CTGrown’s balls a little bit for being MIA for so long, but again, I have much more respect for him coming back and dropping some updates and he also placed an order, so that helps as well haha.

Looking good brother! The squat ones could possibly be Dogwalker OG leaners and the others could lean towards the Dog Patch side of things. Definitely more branching from the Dog Patch. Time will tell.

These are looking nice as well! Irene can be slow during veg for sure, so that is most likely where these are seeming less vigorous, especially if they lean more towards Irene than the Dog Patch.

This plant screams Irene from her looks. She almost looks more Irene than Irene, if that makes any sense at all haha. I love her look for sure.

Yeah this is definitely just in the genetics of each hybrid, although Dogwalker OG is pretty bulletproof, when it comes to OGs. Again, anything that has nice branching going on is most likely going to be leaning towards the Dog Patch.

This is the way.

This sounds like a solid plan as well. I would definitely let them rebound a little bit and then flip, if it was in my garden.

I truly appreciate the thorough reports! I look forward to seeing what you find! Positive vibes…



Update on the greases pieces x Tropicana cookies f2s : all seems to be going well, buds and color coming in aplenty. Smell is a sweet but acrid funk with mild industrial tones.


Love the fade on those leaves. Gorgeous!