Ill Eagle Birdseed Testers

I am happy to hear that! Yeah Stagger Lee x (Black Triangle F2) Black Apple and Dogwalker OG x (Black Triangle F2) Hel have been blowing everyone away that has ran them. I definitely couldn’t be happier with those results.

I know the feeling haha. It is why I literally never flower any plants without having at least two backups and also why I encourage every tester to take cuts.

Awesome! What pack are you planning to hunt?

I look forward to the smoke reports!

I truly appreciate the kind words! Thank you for following through with testing and keeping your word!

Everyone has been enjoying the Irene OG x Dog Patch Grandma’s Dog so far. Thank you again for helping to name that hybrid! Positive vibes…



Plan on scooping a pack of hel next paycheck so I can hunt a pack asap because I didn’t keep clones :sweat_smile: finding it hard to keep my hand out of that cookie jar have a feeling the jars arnt going to last too long :joy: also wanna get into grandmas dog with all the awesome I’ve seen on the Irene too! Loved hel so much getting dogwalker og clone sent to me from a homie too a bx with hel would be pretty neat :thinking::thought_balloon: @stanknugzz77


My black apple I had outside before the 40 day heat wave of 110 was holding up like champion’s


I appreciate you brother. Just doing what I love and loving what I am doing. I am always stoked when other people find something that they enjoy in my work as well. Positive vibes…


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Hit me up and we will make it happen. I appreciate you!

That is always a good sign haha.

Again, everyone has definitely been digging the Irene OG x Dog Patch Grandma’s Dog that has ran it or is currently running it.

Nice! Dogwalker OG is easily one of my favorite OGs. Basically bulletproof, especially compared to a ton of other finicky OGs that I have ran. One of the very few cuts that are considered “elite” that actually deserves the title, in my experience.

Way ahead of you haha. I made Dogwalker OG x Hel Dogwalker Bc1 this year and I am currently looking for a male to hopefully make the Bc2. I still hold my Hel male and female that I work with as well. Positive vibes…



I am happy to hear that brother!

This is the way.

They are all looking fucking lovely. I really look forward to seeing what you find!

Awesome! Any discernable stank to them yet? I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



Grandmas Dog #2 right now just on a bump of the plant smells like dog and puke. #3 has the same dog shit and puke but very heavy sour milk front to it.


Man you have those Stagger Lee x (Black Triangle F2) Black Apple looking on fucking point, especially for outdoor.

What kinds of smells are you getting from them?

Yeah the Stagger Lee and Black Triangle lines are both pretty mold resistant. Both lines are pretty fucking dense too, so that is always nice when they can be dense and also resistant to mold.

I am beyond stoked to see how those finish up for you! I appreciate you brother! Positive vibes…



Looking good brother! Yeah I didn’t even realize or maybe just never processed that you were running them under 11/13. It probably made them flower a little bit quicker (I have no actual idea haha, as I only run 12/12) and might cause the cuts to actually reveg. I hope the cuts root for you! I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



Just in case anyone did not know or maybe forgot that I am doing an annual contest to give away $100 gift certificate to @Great_lakes_Genetics, with entries ending on the last day of November and a winner to be voted on during December (The contest for next year will begin right after this one ends):

@Great_lakes_Genetics also mentioned elsewhere that he wanted to add to the prizes! When I asked him if that went for the prize package for here as well, he said that it would. I am not really one to speak for other people, so please DBJ, please feel free to correct me if I am mistaken:

Quote from @Great_lakes_Genetics :

Well let’s make this a little more fun.

I will add a Bad Dawg dubbie case

And add $100 gift certificate from GLG. And of course, a few Bad Dawg freebies. So that will make it a total of a $200 gift certificate. :+1::muscle::100:

I have been busy as fuck, but I should have another round of testers sent in the next day or two.

Anyone else who is interested in testing some of my work, please feel free to reach out and we will make it happen.

New Cherry West Bc male hybrids:

(Face Off IX) x (Cherry West Bc) Cherry Face

Goji OG x (Cherry West Bc) Gojis & Cherries

(Chem Del La Chem F2) x (Cherry West Bc) Chem Del La Cherries

(Mikado x Tropicanna Cookies) x (Cherry West Bc)

Irene OG x (Cherry West Bc)

Dogwalker OG x (Cherry West Bc)

Chem D x (Cherry West Bc) Cherry D

ECSD x (Cherry West Bc) East Coast Cherry Sours

Skunktek Sour Diesel x (Cherry West Bc) Cherry Sours

These hybrids are also available for testing:

(Face Off IX) x Dog Patch Dog Face

(Tropicanna Cookies x Herijuana) x Dog Patch

(Hazmat OG x Blowfish) x Dog Patch HogFishDog

(Cherry West Bc) x Dog Patch Cherry Patch

(Chem Del La Chem F2) x Dog Patch Dog Eat Dog AKA DED (pronounced DEAD)

(Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies) x Dog Patch

(Mikado x Tropicanna Cookies) x Dog Patch

Stagger Lee x Dog Patch Apple Patch

Irene OG x Dog Patch Grandma’s Dog

Dogwalker OG x Dog Patch Odin

Chem D x Dog Patch Chem^3

(Tropicanna Cookies x Herijuana) x Stagger Lee

I truly appreciate everyone’s love and support!

Positive vibes…



Out of curiosity could you tell me about your gogi pheno love me some Gogi and every cross I’ve tried with it


Thanks brotha, I have em snug in the clone zone.

I do think by flipping right to 11/13 it really kicks them into flower. I didnt get a bunch of stretch out of the ODINs. 1x was the average stretch after flip. The outlier doubled in size. Only stretching into the 2nd week.

Although it may have added a couple days into rooting/then reveg as the cuts have some flowers on them. They should pull thru. :crossed_fingers:

Hope you’re having a great week! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


I’ll be late as heck for that. Maybe some week one of 12/12 pics by then. Haha

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The Chemfluence (Chem influence) in the Dog Patch seems to be bringing some poop to hybrids. Luckily, I love foul/funky odors and shit like that with my flowers. Positive vibes…



Sour milk! That’s what I was smelling ! Lol good call @Tugthepup I get some of that on this #5 too
I smoked some Irene last night. I love the tingling sensation it sends down my face, shoulders then my body. Great herb.


My Goji OG is a cut that I found from F1 seeds. It is very OG dominant with some goji berry sweetness. Finishes ~10 weeks. Beautiful flowers and really nice smoke. I like her a lot. I run her side by side, basically every time that I flower her with my Face Off IX cut that I found from seed as well. My Face Off IX cut has a really spicy/earthy flavor to her, so I refer to my Goji OG and Face Off IX cuts as Sweet and Spicy, respectfully. Positive vibes…



I’m glad that you mentioned that:

To clarify, it is an annual contest, so any entries after the cutoff for this year’s entries (November 30th 11:59 EST) will be entered into the contest for next year. I hope that makes sense. My brain is on drugzz haha. Positive vibes…



Haha I understood that, just doubtful I’ll still be on here in a year. If it wasn’t for these testers and getting Santero some pollen, I’d be done.


Just to clarify, you get sour milk from your (Black Triangle F2) x Dog Patch Garmr V1 #5?

Seriously. To each their own, but I am always surprised when I see some people say that they don’t care for Irene. Sure she can be a little bit slow in veg sometimes and I feel like she might bitch sometimes if her feet stay too wet, but she is well worth any troubles in my garden haha. Positive vibes…


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Aha I feel you. I rarely make it out of my tester threads, so I am not really sure if you are speaking on something specific, but I will say this; I have been on countless forums in the last ~20 years and at times, they can be amazing and other times, those same ones can be shit. It tends to just be a cycle.

I truly appreciate you keeping your word and seeing the testers through though. To me, that says a lot about your character. Thank you for that. Positive vibes…
