Ill Eagle Birdseed Testers

I am hesitant to say too much definitively, but those leaves remind me a lot of what I refer to as the dinosaur leaf trait that I associate with the Cherry West Bc line. At the risk of a similar response to @webeblzr’s haha, are you getting any smells from that plant?

I don’t know much, but I do know the plants that I work with and the cuts that I run inside and out. I have all of my plants labeled, but I can easily pick out specific plants just by looking at them. Positive vibes…



I’m definitely getting a smell unfortunately I can’t really put my finger on how to describe it


The Apples & Cherries definitely have a sharper punch of a smell then the Black Triangle F2 x Cherry West Bc. Those are more of a Kush smell.


Still babies but had a growth spurt

Greases pieces x trop cookie x cherry west I believe the name is lol


Genetics are definitely not as simple as A+B=C, but the Stagger Lee and the Cherry West lines are definitely full of different smells and flavors (predominantly apples & cherries), while the Black Triangle line is a little more subtle when it comes to smells. More of a woody, earthy smell that most people associate with kush.

My Black Triangle F2 (Triangle Kush leaning) cut would probably be difficult for most people to discern from the Triangle Kush clone only, besides the fact that it roots easier/faster.

I think that most testers that received seeds of the (Black Triangle F2) x (Cherry West Bc), received seeds from the '88 G-13/HP leaning Black Triangle F2 mother. The Triangle Kush leaning mother made a much smaller seed crop and the majority of them sold out immediately and I kept quite a few for myself, just in case I wasn’t able to make more for one reason or another. I am hoping to remedy that soon though. Positive vibes…



Cherries…that’s what I think I’m smelling


It is a bit tart, maybe Cherry. Definitely unique smelling, I’ll have to wait until it develops to be sure.


I appreciate the update my friend. I kind of forgot that you had a runt. It will be interesting to see how that plant develops alongside the others.

And that is the name as of right now I guess haha. I usually let names just shake themselves out naturally, rather than force a name on a hybrid. Sometimes it happens and sometimes not so much haha. A year plus later and if I am not calling my Tropicanna Cookies x Herijuana female my Mango cut, then I just refer to my male or the hybrid as a whole as TCH haha. I am not really into catchy names and hyping shit up for marketing. I suck at that type of shit anyway haha. Feel free to slap a name on the hybrid if you wish. If it sticks, well, there she blows haha. Positive vibes…

That’s a tough one. Personally, I am always worried about having preconceived notions about smells etc based on names. And then some shit smells or tastes nothing like the name implies. I hate growing out hybrids like that from breeders anyway. I am weird. Positive vibes…

Are you referring to the Apples & Cherries having that smell? Positive vibes…

Speaking of flavors, I found some elbows of different cultivars from 2 1/2-3 years ago the other day in some bins in the garage. One was from my Mikado female that I used to make my Mikado x Tropicanna Cookies F1. It was labeled “Muffin” cut because it tasted like blueberry muffins. I had forgotten that I called the cut Muffin. 2+ years later in jars and it still reeked of blueberry muffins. Positive vibes…


I think it might be safe to say… that one and another one has that smell one more funky than the other tho


Yes the A&C have a really odd smell much stronger than the Black Triangle cross, very different than anything I’ve grown yet.

I’d love to see that Mikado in some other crosses, are you still holding the cut? I grew some SSDD to find that muffin smell but all 4 were male with kind of a minty smell that developed into something really nice I couldn’t really describe, I ended up using another male instead though.

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Plants are adapting well to the new pot.

Mystery Dog Patch are chugging along slowly due to cold weather.


You are running the (Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies) x (Cherry West Bc), correct? (Getting old sucks in relation to memory haha) The Grease’s Pieces female that I worked with cured to a cheeseburger with oniony typa funk. That might sound weird to most people, but it was so unique and I fucking loved it. Positive vibes…

That’s what I like to hear. I am out here doing what I do for unique and different. The smells will most likely morph several times before the end or flower/cure, especially since they are still in veg, but it definitely sounds promising so far.

Unfortunately, I lost my male and female Mikado cuts to russet mites around ~2 years ago or so. I had to cull everything and reset my entire operation to get rid of them. I lost most of my life’s work up until that point. I was literally sick to my stomach for a month plus afterwards. I still get emotional when I think about it haha.

I am pretty sure that I still have some packs of Mikado in my collection to circle back around to at some point, but for now, my Mikado x Tropicanna Cookies female fills the void haha.

Looking good brother! I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



That’s always a rough one, you’ve clearly worked it out though. I’ve been through some rough patches as well and it’s super disheartening to see your plants not at their best and then losing them.


She sounds super nice, I’ll have to try those next if you haven’t found anyone by then.

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Correct. Maybe that’s the weird funk that I couldn’t describe I definitely never encountered those terps before


I’ve encountered meaty smells in GMO and Breath strains, didn’t show until late in flower though.

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I’ve never grown any breath strains and only smoke pbb once


(Black Triangle x Cherry West Bx)
Working with a variety here. Will be up potting tomorrow into one gallons. Currently feeding around 1100ppms and they seem to be handling it just fine. No burning thus far. Gave a couple of the stems some rubs and there is definitely some good smell coming off but nothing definitive. Going to let these littles go all natty this round to get a good look at structure.


I am doing what I love to do and trying to do my best at it.

It’s always something when you are working with cannabis. It definitely isn’t for the faint of heart haha.

She really is. I am fairly sure that the (Mikado x Tropicanna Cookies) F2s and (Mikado x Tropicanna Cookies) x (Cherry West Bc) are being ran by a few people, but again, my memory is pretty shit, so I couldn’t say who off of the top of my head. I appreciate you though. And I mean fuck, more people running them wouldn’t hurt anyway. Positive vibes…

Beautiful work! They look super happy and healthy in your care. I look forward to the blow up after transplant. I appreciate you brother! Positive vibes…



That’s the dream man, hoping to be able to do the same.

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I definitely wish you the best with it brother. No matter what, just always keep moving forward with your work. A lot of times, it will all be so much work and it will feel like no one notices your relentless hard work or gives a fuck about what you are doing and a lot of times that will be true. At those times, it becomes easy to beat yourself up and question why you are killing yourself for a plant when no one even fucking cares. Just keep doing things right and for the right reasons and keep moving forward and at times, good people who are after real genetics will recognize and support your efforts. Again, I wish you the best in your journey. Positive vibes…
