Ill Eagle Birdseed Testers

outdoor hel
hel starting to green out and spread black apple squat little thing starting to improve another HEL greening out and loving life after transplant taking 110 degree weather like champs @stanknugzz77


110 degrees?! Holy fuck me! I thought we had it bad over here with high 80s-low 90s. Yeah fuck all that.

They are definitely looking like they are basking in their new homes! I hope that you and @SleepySails and the other homies running outdoors have a beautiful season! Positive vibesā€¦



Yeah getting up there took awhile but the blaze is here this is the next 10 days



I repeat: Fuck. all. that. Hahaha. Good luck brother! Positive vibesā€¦



But itā€™s a dry heat, haha.


This comment sent me last night about died :joy: @ElGalloBlanco


Yikes is all I can say.


Not too bad. The actual temperature is the one on the left-hand side and the right-hand side is them telling you what it feels like for an ant under a microscope, right? :stuck_out_tongue:

And yeah, pretty much, just yikes. High noon here is about the same temperature as midnight for you.


Bro what the actual fuck



I truly appreciate everyone who has reached out to order t-shirts!

I am going to make the cut off date for orders/payments Friday (7-7-23).

T-shirts can be ordered with or without the motto on the back.
043fb53c70d4a526eab92b1762d0a9334b0f9cdf_2_500x500 - Copy
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To show my appreciation for everyoneā€™s love and support, I will be including a little something special with each order and even more with orders of multiple shirts.

Anyone else who is interested in placing an order, please hit me up with a message. Thank you! Positive vibesā€¦



I appreciate you, thanks!

Honestly, Iā€™m not catching any strong scents quite yet. Iā€™ll smell some good gym funk here and there, hoping it gets stronger. The stinkiest one was a crazy looking plant that sadly ended up herming by week 2 flower.

What it do, hermano? Had to finally stop by and add some pictures. I did run into some issues that I believe were fixed when I added a boost of PK. I really liked how I managed finding an issue on the plants this time. Instead of flushing entirely and checking run off, I just did a reduced feed and checked. Looks like it ended up being a deficiency of sorts.

Iā€™ll be running 1 or 2 Chem3 in my 4x8 sometime later this year so I can get some monsters.

Thank you, I was in the market for some Chem after smoking some mid chemdawg from the dsipo, ended up buying some from Ill-Eagle because Iā€™m all about supporting OverGrow members. Iā€™ve also been surprised to not see anyone else posting about it.


Chem Del La Black Day18F

it looks like the one on the left is still stretching. I turned the light up to 60% and dumped some blue kush pollen on this branch


This plant blows my mind. I kind of feel like it might have been a mutant, but it also kind of looks like some sort of nutrient lockout/shock. I didnā€™t find anything remotely like it in the large population of Chem D x Dog Patch Chem^3 that I looked through. I also didnā€™t have any intersex issues. Honestly, I was surprised that I didnā€™t find any intersex issues in the population that I looked through, just given the genetics.

I found the most gnarly range of smells in the Chem^3 that I ran. Some even had this almost rotting pineapple funk (pineapple doesnā€™t really describe it, but it is as close as I can get to describe it with words in existence haha) and at first, I was a little disappointed because it seemed like fruit was invading the funk haha, but those same ones dried and cured into something that resembled a rotting death-baby poo diaper with bad breath?? Yeah I donā€™t fucking know, but it was glorious, especially after being so worried about the fruit masking the funk haha.

I hope that yours start to smell more intensely soon!

Shit has been crazy for the last week or so. I had an elderly family member in the hospital for like a week and then moved to a nursing home and one of the lil homies was sick and up throwing up all night at half hour intervals haha. No rest for the wicked.

I appreciate you coming through and posting some pictures! Just with the little bit of interactions that we have shared, I feel like we are cut from the same cloth and share a lot of similar life experiences. I wonā€™t get all teary-eyed or anything haha, but it is always good to see you around.

Good on you! You canā€™t ask for better results than that.

I look forward to it! Definitely feel free to post some pictures here or tag me when you post about them, so that I will see them.

I truly appreciate your support brother! I feel like like attracts like and it feels incredible to have a really awesome community surrounding my work.

In all honesty, I am doing my best to create new classics with my work and I feel like they will most likely never be appreciated or sought out by the masses and if so, it will be long after I am gone haha.

Again, I just really appreciate the love and support that I do have from the tightknit community that surrounds my work. I could never ask for more than that. Positive vibesā€¦



Chem Del La Black and Blue sounds good to me haha. I hope that you get a fuckload of seeds!

Looking good brother! It definitely looks like they bounced back from the ā€œlack of light to too intense lightā€ issue or whatever you were experiencing. I look forward to seeing them progress! I appreciate you brother! Positive vibesā€¦



Fuuuck I wanna grow THAT


I pollinated that whole branch top to bottom so :crossed_fingers:

Like mf Rocky :joy:


Yeah the Chem D x Dog Patch Chem^3 puts out a lot of fucking crazy funk. I canā€™t wait to get my Chem D x Chem^3 Chem D Bc1 into rotation at some point. I mean, even the Chem^3 x Chem^3 Chem^3 F2s should hold some funk as well.

They tend to do that when we let them haha. Positive vibesā€¦



You might as well write my address down and just send them when they ready :joy: if youā€™re excited it bright eyes bushy tailed excited



I truly appreciate everyone who has reached out to order t-shirts!

Just a reminder, the cut off date for orders/payments Friday (7-7-23).

T-shirts can be ordered with or without the motto on the back.
043fb53c70d4a526eab92b1762d0a9334b0f9cdf_2_500x500 - Copy
ac090d9fd86eb64f209229b57b26cdd1cba60f5e_2_492x500 - Copy
To show my appreciation for everyoneā€™s love and support, I will be including a little something special with each order and even more with orders of multiple shirts.

Anyone else who is interested in placing an order, please hit me up with a messageā€¦ Thank you! Positive vibesā€¦



I almost took a picture of it. The picture was just like yours. It had a bunch of other pictures around it. Too much information was going on. I thought it was pretty cool. I shouldā€™ve took the picture. Maybe next time. I do like the T-shirt. I like 100% cotton.

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