Illinois growers... trade seeds or clones?

6 hours there abouts
I reside in MN now

Ok. I thought it was close then that.

I lived in the far NW corner known as the Em
rald Triangle.

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You were close to Iowa then

Rivers width away

Over near me thenā€¦ comparatively anyways. Closer than a lot of Chicago when you account for traffic.

Good old Mississippi

Last time I drove across the river up near Iowa Hawkeyeā€™s I was there for a tour cuz they were trying to recruit me. I had it madeā€¦ anything I wanted. Steak dinners cloths money tutorsā€¦

Anybody around South of Springfield? Im not to far from Interstate 70 closer to the Indiana Line,I got a lot of strains and am always up for some trading


Last time I drove across the river up near Iowa Hawkeyeā€™s I was there for a tour cuz they were trying to recruit me. I had it madeā€¦ anything I wanted. Steak dinners cloths money tutorsā€¦

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Iā€™m Illinois north central


Iā€™m also in the land of Lincoln. Just north of where I-70 meets I-55. Donā€™t have anything to trade or anything like that. but decided to say hello anyways.


Same here no beans to trade but a Shelby county native.


I used to live in quincy

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Hey Bullskinner you still havenā€™t stopped by to collect my new ones.

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Iā€™ve been so damn covered up. Iā€™ll get by a day or 2 after Christmasā€¦ill explain then. I need to put a package together before I comeā€¦

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Love ya brother Merry Christmas


Love you too Brother. I hope you and yours have a Merry Christmas. See you in a couple


Merry Christmas my land of Lincoln family!!! I hope you all are doing good!!


Grew this outside this yearā€¦