im going to be a rich man

If you want financial advice, get in touch with a financial advisor. Taking advice from some guy you met on the internet is probably not the way to go. A financial advisor will tell you exactly what I’m telling you, minus the bitcoin/crypto - probably, depends on the advisor. My own financial advisor has some bitcoin, but isn’t legally allowed to advise clients to buy it because of FINRA regs. He can, however, advise them on ways to get exposure to the crypto sector if they ask about it. :stuck_out_tongue: Fun stuff. Anyway, as a rule of thumb, high risk = high reward. Go with the boring stuff that doesn’t seem like it’ll pay out if you want stability. Go for the weird stuff that no one thinks will work if you want high reward, but a high possibility of throwing your money down the toilet.



I agree, I would go with them over anyone. But…you can open a TD account and do the same fuxking thing and keep all your money.

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Buying a stock today and watching it go up and down over the next month and not gaining anything is ridiculous.

Running contingent orders on a high daily volume stock is very rewarding if done correctly

Just giving you grief dude. Day trading sure sounds a lot like investing in stocks that don’t yield anything except when you cash out lol.


I dont keep a share for more than 15min…

Avg… about 2 or 3 minutes


hey thanks skunk, I was actuality planning a club with priests and a psychologist (NOT a psychiatrist) for public consumption, id rather throw. big parties then be super rich

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Some might call them gentlemen of leisure. A pimp’s love is very different than that of a square’s you see…

I trick out er…represent all the Canadian acts. Tragically Hip, Celine, Bryan Adams.

But if I had to give financial advice, it’d be don’t buy dumb shit and don’t tell people you have money. Don’t give away bitcoins or spend a dollar on anything related to Avril Lavigne.

Pay off your house, fix your car, buy a newer more reliable USED car, fix your house, pay off debt. If there’s any left over,

Sock away a couple hundred K for retirement. Banker can help with that.

Anything left over after that? See a financial advisor.


And if done incorrectly? :stuck_out_tongue:

I say go for stability. That means, yes, putting up with boring stocks that go nowhere for months at a time and opting for long-term investments over short-term. As far as dividend stocks, they’re far less liquid than the bond market, receive less Fed support in emergencies than the bond market, and often don’t give much more of a dividend than middle-grade corporate bonds. Junk bonds often give more than dividend stocks, and likewise have more liquidity and thus more price stability. Obviously, you’re gonna get different advice from the day trader; imo day trading is as much about the thrill of the game as actual long-term yield. Eventually, on average, most day traders lose to high-frequency traders and hedge funds who are playing the same game, but better.

Anyway, I’ve said my piece, not gonna get drawn into the argument here. It’s your money, not mine. :stuck_out_tongue: I know what I’m doing with mine, and don’t plan to change anything based on the advice of some dude on a growing forum.


This is good advice.

If you tell people you grow they start wanting deals…


That’s awful, hope you’re doing alright. Better at least?

What good is money without your health?


“you can’t go home again”

life moves forward. what you’re looking for may not be there, or coming back.

beware friends and hangers-on. you would have many.

if you can afford “anything” … I’d be thinking a nice parcel of land about an hour from anything, with clean water, to plop a nice little cabin-in-the-woods on.

other than that, laying low as f*ck and putting my health first. by now, you should know that without your health, you have nothing.

forget all the flashy sh*t you’re thinking about, and focus on the long game.

think long and hard before you spend one thin dime!

you’ve been tossed a lifeline, don’t waste it! :wink:


hey vernal, yeah man, im kind of a hippy, also I got advice from you a few times and you were spot on, awesome growing

im gonna live out some stuff that happened, its a long story, this Avril Lavigne shit is for therapy, I got involved with Comedy Central at one point and this is their reward I guess, a deformed body and a settlement

after I get done im just gonna settle into a small home and grow dope with friends, the initial settlement stake is high interest high stakes, im going to la to try to talk to some people I know about putting me on tv, big payout and big living improvement

it may be hard work but I get good friends and good money, you never know, you might see the mysterious stranger on tv


LA/Hollywood is EXPENSIVE and it’s a bad time to buy.

But if you’re chasing a dream it’s where you gotta be. Good luck.

Wait lol the Avril Lavigne isn’t a joke? Shit bud…you ever tried drugs? Way cheaper than meeting Avril Lavigne and probably infinitely more fun. She’d probably try to bring her Nickelback frontman husband and he doesn’t look very fun to hang with TBH.

IDK how much she’d charge for a meet and greet but I have a hard time wrapping my head around that one.


From what I have learned along the road ,
as long as a person is rich in gratitude they will do well. It all boils down to who has been there for you this far who will be there regardless and then going with your gut on everyone else. I have not gained wealth like some but have had an amazing life of service in gratitude gained so much more in experience money can’t get. Success is not monetary. Winning the game and having the doors open at the end of the story is what matters.Enjoy your good roll and may you have many many more. Id say Donate a bit to Og if anything keep the good vibes alive!!!1!!!1!!


I forgot that everyone on here is just a dumb stoner pothead that doesnt do anything but live in their gmas basment…

Gross opinion dude, keep it to yourself. We don’t talk like that here.


Yeah didn’t say it was a happy story vernal, she’ll probably give me a half baked excuse on why her boyfriend mod sun is infringing on my companies trade mark then sue her and him and get licensing rights then run them to the Troyes

Yolo right (that’s you only live once)

Still waiting for the pre settlement place to open

No I have like 10 years of medical work to do, a psychiatrist perscribed some antipsychotics that interacted with my potent Sf weed and gave me voices in my head,I need to visit a good inpatient hospitalization program and fix up my body and my brain

At the moment I’m incapable of raising a family since I have odd sleeping hours and can’t drive