im going to be a rich man

Buddy you need rest and please stick to the medication/doctor’s advice.

I suspected something was off here. I thought you were just messing with us. Call a trusted friend or family member if you feel things ramping up, getting out of control, or like something is wrong.


Not knowing any of your particulars, general advice would be to consult with at least a couple of CFPs, as well as some Attorneys.
Some type of Trust may be in your best interest.

Good luck.


It was a sarcastic to Cormoran 's comment… wow… some people.

His comment implied that you shouldn’t listen to a dude on a pot growing page, becauseethey should have no input on other daily life activites.

So therefore no one should give advice except how to roll a joint or grow pot…

Buy seeds and overgrow the world.

The fact that I don’t think day trading is a great idea for someone who just came into a lot of money has nothing to do with where you’re living. It might be your grandmother’s basement, or it might be a mansion. Either way, day trading is risky even if done right. I don’t know how to do it right, personally… if you’re making a living on it, great. Expecting @mysterious_stranger to jump right into sophisticated day trading strategies that can actually leave you consistently winning without spending as much on hedging as you can profit, and still occasionally losing more than your hedges can cover, is unrealistic imo. I had a few friends who worked for hedge funds and did day trading themselves on the side, and didn’t understand most of what they were saying half the time. :stuck_out_tongue: The average person off the street is not equipped to deal with all the sharks out there waiting to take advantage of day traders. They take advantage of everyone, not just day traders, but day traders trade more so they expose themselves to more of the arbitrage strategies that go into making the underlying markets.


You’d be amazed, I make it work. Children don’t keep regular sleeping hours either- then again you could hire a nanny :wink:


I bought this baby straight cash


Not sure how you got that out what I said. I would advise him to look into dividend stocks so he can live off the dividend $$… not sure how you would do that with bonds and investing in index’s that doesnt return anything until you cash out… makes no sense bud…

You’re right I should have magically ascertained that this was sarcasm.

And then you hit me with the “some people” for telling you not to be shitty. Ok then :+1:


Dividend stocks are fine too. I’m just telling him what my financial advisor told me. :wink: If he’d rather hear it from the horse’s mouth, I can give him the number for their group; they’re with Morgan Stanley. Either way, it’s short-term income to live off of while your long-term investments accrue capital gains. Pretty sure we’re telling him the same thing here, just a slightly different way to get there…


lol - we grow pot here, get your financial advice from a financial advisor @mysterious_stranger … if there is one here im sure they would hook you up but prolly not on this open forum.
anyway, good luck to you… i need to go check on my plants.


Financial advisors…

Only 1 rule when it comes to money. Trust no one with yours.

Generally speaking CFPs (Certified Financial Planner) are much more objective than
Financial Advisors… aka Registered Rep, Investment Advisor…aka Salesman


They make money off your money…

I make money off my money…

Wonder which one sounds better.

Good point. Most “financial advisors” are in it to make money on commissions. Regardless of their title, if you’re getting advice from a professional, you’re going to be paying them - but one who’s getting paid up-front is going to be much more objective than one who’s working on commission from their firm. Whoever you work with, also make sure they’re a fiduciary. If you know enough to do it yourself, then by all means do it. Either way, it’s probably going to end up better than meeting Avril Lavigne. :stuck_out_tongue:


Out of curiosity…Why would you come to a grow forum and create a thread to announce everyone and their friends you’re gonna be a rich man?


Yea…I’m with 'em… buy some land with live water and hide the fuk…away from erybody…but that’s just…me.


You can also represent yourself in court and save thousands but it’s not always a good idea to do things yourself. Really depends. If I found a bag with 10K in it, no problem. If I inherited a million, that’s a different story.

There’s a good reason wealthy people have others manage their money. They help you keep and make more of it and avoid taxes and plan for the future.

@PhilCuisine dude’s having some difficulties read the whole thread it sounds more like an episode than a real question.

@Calyxander people don’t want to hear rational, sound advice…they want to overestimate their financial acumen and invest in dogecoins and Tesla stock


Dude, I have read it…He’s coming into some money move back to his hometown and party like a rock star with that chick singer and his childhood friends…go to an investment firm and work it out with them…I personally wouldn’t tell anyone I’m gonna be rich because you’ll have friends and relatives coming out of the wood works that you never knew you had with their hands out…:joy::rofl::sweat_smile:


If you DID read it, it becomes fairly obvious about halfway through he’s undergoing a mental health episode once he started talking about being on antipsychotic medication and Avril Lavigne’s boyfriend ripping off his company.


Is anyone here on Overgrow qualified to help him with his mental issues? He needs to go seek professional help from qualified people not from growers and stoners from Overgrow…I’m just saying…