I'm the Black Sheep of the Family's Continuous Grow

Looking good as always brother

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Thanks guys, I appreciate the kind words
This is the stalk from the Smoothie


Dayyyum, what happened

And just like that Shazayyyum

All full again. I still have the White Widow, in the solo cup, that I have to put in there.
Here is the line up, this time

They will all be pollinated with the Bubble Gum pollen.
Well that’s all that I have new. Outside plants still chuggin along. I’ll try and get some pictures later. Looks like I am gonna be in seed jail, for the foreseeable future :wink: :grinning: :smiley: :smile: :grin: :laughing: :rofl: :joy: I hope that everyone has a great day :+1:t4: Y’all be safe and Stay HIGH :v:t4:


@G-paS This is my journal. I can’t remember if I ever tagged you to it before :v:t4:


Got it tagged now thank you.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Glad to have you along for the ride :+1:t4: :tumbler_glass: :v:t4:

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Just for full transparency, Here is the end of the branch that I broke off the stalk. I didn’t want anyone thinking that I was BSing them


Looks like I got a lot of seed shucking, in my foreseeable future


Y’all have a great evening. Be safe and Stay HIGH :+1:t4: :tumbler_glass: :v:t4:


Hey brother! You are going to be a busy, busy seed shucker 4 sure! I bet you’re going to be dreaming that you’re still at it! :joy:
I was sure I had this thread set to watch! Well dang!
Now I am.
You should have thrown something at me bro! I didn’t think you were at much on here.
Better late than never.


Wow :open_mouth:. Reminds me of my brothers outdoor trim last year. Never ending!!! Lmao. This year I don’t think is gonna be any better. Only 8 footers this time. Problem is he spaced them correctly so they are like the size of a vw beetle, well maybe not quite, but damn close. Lol. Super stacking loaded, some buds bigger diameter than a 20oz bottle and 2 feet long.

I’ll have to get some current pics I was over his house on Saturday and forgot. This pic was 2weeks ago


Glad to see you back, my friend :+1::v:


Repins12, I should drive up there, get out of the truck and bend over for a solid kick in the back 40 for not dropping by a long time ago.
:wink: My apologizes my friend.


you sir have been busy. Busy with your grow, with your breeding projects, and busy spreading that auto love. Keep throwing that pollen I love it. Have a great day



I wanted to get everyone’s opinion. I have 2 options at this point. Cross everything with the Bubble Gum pollen again or try to reverse the White Widow. The first 5 have already been hit once with the Bubble Gum pollen. If the reversal of the White Widow didn’t take, I can always hit everything, with the Bubble Gum pollen. I would have to start another plant ASAP, to be sure to keep my end number at 40. I’m gonna end up with 24 regular Bubble Gum crosses, already. This would be a chance to end up with some feminized autos as well. I just gotta make a decision PDQ, as to which way, I am going to go. I don’t care either way and my understanding and experience, has been that regulars, are much more vigorous. Either way, I’m gonna make seeds, regular or feminized, I don’t care. So what say Y’all ??? :+1:t4: :tumbler_glass: :v:t4:


I would say reverse the white widow


Agreed with you on that.


Kinda my thoughts, as well :+1:t4: :tumbler_glass: :v:t4:
If It doesn’t work, I have plan B :wink: :grinning: :smiley: :smile: :grin: :laughing: :rofl: :joy:


The 2 white widow I grew were unimpressive plants but the smoke was good. It almost begs to be crossed lol


My gdp is pollinated.
It has a ways to go but you will get seeds if you want them.


White Widow X BubbleGum = Awesome :ok_hand:
I’d definitely grow that out.

Let me be the FIRST to say, Man you gotta call this cross " Widows Gum ".

Or something like:
Webbers Dream
10 finger chew


I would absolutely be all over some fem autos! That sounds awesome. Just set them out and not have to worry about sexing. A guy could get two runs in one Summer outside and only have to take a hike twice a week or so.

I would LOVE to find some fem auto Freakshow!
That would be an outstanding thing.
I guess you figured out what my opinion is. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: