I'm the Black Sheep of the Family's Continuous Grow

21kills. Means repins12

Thank you for your service my friend!!!

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Your a bad ass repins12… 21sniper

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Edited , I misunderstood my bad lol

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For?? What variety

I hope that all is well with everyone and you are enjoying, the last bit, of the fastest two days of the week. Didn’t get much time to mess with my plants. I wanted to harvest the Suprafreak and the German Duck, that I crossed with the Freakshow but, it’s been raining all day. I spent yesterday picking up a new puppy. My male Cane Corso died last week unexpectedly. He is the Black Brindle one. The other 2 are my females. They all are registered Cane Corso’s.

This is the dad of my new puppies. Yeah went for one and came back with 2.


This is the mom

I went for this guy

But ended coming home with him and his brother



I named them Kimber and Kooter.
Maybe next week I can post some weed pictures :wink: :grin: :laughing: :rofl: :joy:
I hope that all is well, with you and yours. Y’all be safe and Stay HIGH, my friends :v:t4:


I am so sorry for your loss brother, my condolences :pensive:

Some beautiful parents there, and the pups are sooo cute!! :heart_eyes: can’t wait to see them grow, they look great. I’m sure they love their new home.

Wishing you and your family the best :slightly_smiling_face:


That is a beautiful breed. It’s such a powerfully built, solid animal. But the beauty, for me, is in the way they carry themselves. There’s a confidence and pride that shines. I raise livestock guardian dogs. Those are traits that I breed for.


Thanks, my friend :v:t4:


They are a very confident breed, for sure. I had Presa’s before but, I believe, the Cane Corso, is much more confident. Just my personal opinion and experience :v:t4:


Quick little update. The new plants are chugging along


The one that looks empty, has an auto called a Fat Blueberry, in it. It was started later, when I realized that, I didn’t have a blueberry of some sort, in this run. The ones in the tent are cruising along and most of the soil ones are starting to flower.




Oly’s clone, is the one directly under the fan, above. Recovering, pretty damn well from it’s cross country trip.




00 Bubble Gum above, pollinated with my Bubble Gum pollen.
I will know in another week or two, if the reversal of the White Widow worked and I can put the rest of the Bubble Gum pollen, into storage. If it works, the rest of this batch will be feminized, White Widow crosses.
I need to harvest the German Duck and the Suprafreak, that I crossed with the Freakshow, they are ready. Still waiting on the Dr. Grinspoon and Stealth fighter, to see if they took. I’ve got the freakshow clone up there with them, just in case. He is full of pollen sacks.
The Suprafreak male, that Hap sent me and I re-vegged, has definitely, crossed with the Suprafreak clone. I’m not sure about the German Duck clone but, I collected some of the Suprafreak pollen, just in case.
Carole says, that I definitely have some ABC X ABC and possibly some ABC X Drunken Bastard out front. I have done nothing with these plants, except put them in the ground and late at that. No water, no nutes, no nothing.
I hope that all is well with you and yours. Y’all be safe and Stay HIGH :v:t4:


Looking good brother


Thanks, my brother. I still haven’t finished de-seeding everything from last run. I’m about ready for a break, from seed making, This seed jail, is far more a PIA, than trim jail :v:t4:


Thats no joke.
My gdp is almost finished and its loaded with seeds.
I’m excited but it will be a pia


Outmotherfuckingstanding :+1:t4:
But unfortunately, yeah gonna be a PIA


I dont want to clutter your thread


No worries, brother. Awesome. Like I said, outmotherfuckingstanding :+1:t4:


I germinated some fem Critical Kush x White Widow seeds from my WW just to test @JohnnyPotseed ’ method. It works great BTW. The Critical went hermi and very slightly pollinated the WW.
Anyway, now the wife wants me to go on and grow out one of the crosses. What do you think man?
Risk the hermi?
The cross sounds good, I think, but I’ve been told that like begets like. The father was a hermi after all. Thoughts anyone??


If the seeds are from the mother and not the hermie, you might get lucky with some fem seeds in the batch. I’d keep an eye for pods and pop em off if you do happen to see any. You can grow it all the way out, being careful of course. Good luck, lol it does sound like a nice cross cuz


Sorry bro, I had the wrong thread pulled up. I dropped on yours by mistake.
You can still answer my query though. LOL

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I’m a bit late to the debate on which way to proceed reg or reversal I have been trying hard myself to fully master the reversal process but for me its more a matter of being able to reproduce fem strains to make seed without crossing back to a reg but as far as fem vs reg seed sure fems can be convenient but when talking fast autos regs are super easy as well they sex so fast the males even faster you just have to plant a few extra and keep an eye on them about 3 weeks in anyway just stopping in to say hey have a great day
