I'm the Black Sheep of the Family's Continuous Grow

Not so far. I know that ILGM doesn’t care for me much. They shut a journal or 2 down of mine but, I think that they know that they would piss off a bunch of their regulars and a few mods, if they banned me. I make sure that I bend their rules, but don’t break em. There are a few that I have come to care about, that I still watch their grows. Only reason, I still go there :wink: :+1:t4: :tumbler_glass: :v:t4:


I know they get pissy about any seeds other than theirs.
I have not been there in so long.
I’m about to fire up my system . Wifes been coco growing. We will see how big bananimal will get lol


Outmotherfuckingstanding, brother. I just need to keep plants in my system until, I am healed up enough to break everything down and loose my tent. It sure will be nice to be able to actually stand vertical, in my grow zone. That Arachnid Pie, White Widow x American Pie, was a helluva plant.
I hope that you have a great evening, my brother, from another mother :v:t4:

They used to get pissy about anything to do with me. I think that they even ef’ed with my account a few times but, you know what I always say, It’s better to be pissed off, than pissed on :wink: :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :smile: :grin: :laughing: :rofl: :joy: :v:t4:


That’s the only reason I popped up on ILGM again. A few good folks.


Me three, my brother, the rare still a few peoples grows, that I am watching :v:t4:


Same here. To strict. Only like in once in a while like you and see what going on


Ilgm I don’t go over there anymore. They think they got the best seeds.


Some of the mods are a little tight ass. Bighuff was his name. They got on to his ass like the fbi. Not sure if he was selling seeds or what happened. They where all over him. And you can’t delete message like you once could. I liked a lot of people over there.


Dont feel bad…They hate me.


This is kinda what I do, to transfer, my plants over to hydro. I’ve had a couple of people ask.

And that’s the way we do it around here, right or wrong, it sure seems to work


If it works, it ain’t wrong.


I do the same thing brother, all my clone tent seedlings will go into buckets to finish out


OOP’s. I forgot these.

Stoner moment :wink: :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :grinning: :smiley: :smile: :grin: :laughing: :rofl: :joy:


Looking righteous already. You have an outstanding thread. It’s actually OUTMOTHERFUCKINGSTANDING.


Thanks for the kind words, my brother. Very much appreciated. I’ve tried to keep everything rolling, since my surgery. Gets a little easier, every day :+1:t4:
I hope that all is well with you and yours. Have a great day. Be Safe, my friend :v:t4:


No very nice. I do have a few autos I started. I want to grow in water. Do you like it better than soil? I’m sure you do. But I’m wanting changes. I know water is 7 pounds a gallon or close to it. What do you do with your left overs? Just curious. Not trying to be dumb. I’m getting tired of several things with soil.


Thank you for showing that.
I’ve been talking to @Hydro921 about setting up a Hydro system for inside. I will always plant my outdoor grow in ground.
But, when he said he could go on vacation for 10 days and the system is fine and only works on his grow infrequently. I was in!
Gathering supplies now.
I know you showed Hydro so sensi is passing on the knowledge! Lol
Thanks guys! :green_heart::v:


This past August was a year since I changed my res and I still haven’t changed it.
If I top mine off slightly higher than usual, I can go well over 2 weeks before I have to add any water again


I like the low maintenance of it once it’s set up!
So much work for this old gal in soil.
Looking forward to trying this out.


My intent, is not have any organic medium indoors. I was working on designing another smaller system, just for my autos. I got all of the parts that I thought that I was going to need and then, I found out that I had to have surgery. That’s how this whole seed thing started. I wanted to try autos in hydro, to see if it would be feasible to build another system. When trying anything new, it has to work at least, 2 times consecutively, before I call it a success and not a fluke. My second run is when I saw the Bubble Gum and the way the plant was growing in the aerogarden, I knew that one way or another, I was going to use it as a pollinator. It was a regular auto, so I figured, it either turns out to be a male or I was gonna reverse it. Turned out to be a helluva male plant and the rest is history.
I’ll get back to designing the smaller system, as soon as I am able. :wink::+1: