I'm the Black Sheep of the Family's Continuous Grow

I gotta get some pictures up in my thread later but the Seymour Shit and Tang Wad popped up from the soil already. Seymour was up fast!


I hear this from most of the people that are growing, my crosses and it makes me very Happy, Happy, Happy :v:t4:


I have company coming in from several states away. A fellow grower and his wife. They are actually on the road now. I don’t know how active I’ll be on the forums. Hopefully, it will be a weekend, neither of us will remember :wink: :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :grinning: :smiley: :smile: :grin: :laughing: :rofl: :joy:


Right on bud, enjoy, enjoy ur time with company. Well still be here when ya get back.:+1:


He’s actually a member here, as well as a few other forums that I was on, Bow4Buck. :v:t4:
I actually was the one that got him to come to OG.


Tell him MoBilly says hey! :slight_smile:


:crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :slightly_smiling_face: :grinning: :smiley: :smile: :grin: :laughing: :rofl: :joy:


Tent no onger looks empty

Time to get a jump on the outdoor photos

I’m definitely running these, still having brain farts about the last 3. I had a plan but, now, I think, that I am going to do 2 peyote gorillas and 1 of the other peyote strains that I have and 1 Liquor Cookies Moonshine x Chem dog, I’m not sure whether this is a fem or a reg, as it was never released to the public. My thoughts are if the Liquor Cookies Moonshine x Chem dog, is a male, I will use it as a pollinator or I will reverse one of the Peyote Gorilla’s. Should be some, kick your butt, crosses. I reckon that we will see. I will also be working the Sobriety Check Point and the ABC again.
I’m freaking waisted, as soon as my brother tells me, that they made it home safely, I’m out. I hope that all of Ya’ll enjoy your evening. Be safe, my friends :+1:t4: :tumbler_glass: :v:t4:


Don’t drive my friend

1 Like

Dayyum. I must have been mo effed up than I thought last night. It was moving day for the other 3 White Widow feminized auto crosses this is what my post should have looked like…
It’s moving day for the other 3 White Widow feminized auto crosses

I have had several people ask me, how I transfer plants, from the aerogarden to soil. It’s actually rather simple, kinda the same way that, I do to transfer to hydro
Charolette’s Yesterdream

Wallace Organic World. I use that shit on everything

Don’t worry if you lose a few roots. Getting them out of the, rapid rooter cages, it’s no biggie

Then repeat 2 more times
Charolette’s Dementia

Crazy 8’s Monkey Fruit

And then there was none

The tent looks Happy, Happy, Happy now

Gonna get my photos for the outdoor grow started

I thought that I had picked the other 3 but changed my mind and I am thinking about another seed run outdoors. I think that, I’m either gonna run 2 Petote Gorilla’a and 1 Liquor Cookies Moonshine x Chem D, since I can’t remember whether they are fems or regs and reverse one of the Peyote Gorilla’s or run 2 Liquor Cookies Moonshine x Chem D and if I don’t get a male reverse one of them. I’m thinking about using the Liquor Cookies Moonshine, since I have fewer of those seeds, I can always make extra Peyote Gorilla, in the future :thinking:
That’s what my post was supposed to look like, I reckon that’s what happens, when you partake a little too much, like I said DAYYUM :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :grinning: :smiley: :smile: :grin: :laughing: :rofl: :joy:
Well, that’s all that I have growing on, right now.
Had an awesome time this weekend, with my brother, from another mother Bow4Buck.
I hope that all is well with you and yours. Have a great day, Be safe and Stay HIGH, I know that I will :wink: :+1:t4: :v:t4:


Had a great weekend with a good friend @repins12 some good peoples right there. You can have that damn traffic though. :grin:
I can verify the Liquor Cookies Moonshine is pretty damn good smoke. :+1:


Yea we want talk about the private message also. Lol I hate getting drunk

How are all of my brothers and sisters out there in WEEDVILLE doing this morning? I hope that all is well and that everyone is still Vertical and Kick’n.
Not much to report
Outside grow coming along

Indoor grow rolling along

Arachnid Pie

Charolette’s Yesterdream

Crazy 8’s Monkey Fruit

Charolett’s Dementia

Arachna Diesel

Widow Maker

The calm before the storm

Looks like hurricane REPINS, paid the tent a visit last night. Dayyyum :wink: :smile: :grin: :laughing: :rofl: :joy:

Well that’s all that I have growing on, at the moment. Thanks for stopping by. Y’all have a great day, Be Safe and Stay HIGH :+1:t4: :v:t4:


@Andrexl This is my journal, if you want to take a look :v:t4:


Could not be more interesting :heart_eyes:


Looking good brother, curious to see how they turn out. Working on a new hydro system, based on the trough system but slightly larger scale with better spacing, 6” troughs 5-6’ long , pump, manifold with line reduction for pressure and a series of jets Down the feed line in The troughs with return tubes in the ends. I’ll keep ya posted brother and throw some pics up. I love the growth rate of the trough system :+1::+1::v:


Outmotherfuckingstanding, my brother J. Once I get healed up a bit more, I’m gonna get back on the smaller system, that I was designing, before all of this bullshit came up :+1:t4:


So, I was poking around in my tent the other night and looky what I found

Friggin shrooms growing out the bottom of my cloth pots and my RH was at 33.
My soil tote on the back porch that has been out there all winter in sub-zero temps

Earlier in the year I opened it and shrooms were growing in there with ice crystals on them.

So, I potted up some of my outdoor grow

And then there were none

Reloaded for the next round

I wanna get at least 10 of these started, for out front. I made these last year. I called them Sobriety Check Point. ABC X DRUNKEN BASTERD. We’ll see what happens.
Well that’s all that I have growing on right now. I hope that all is well, with you and yours. I hope that you enjoy the rest of your evening or morning, depending on where you are. Y’all be Safe :+1:t4: :tumbler_glass: :v:t4:


Got everyone back in the tent. Dayyyyyum. My tent looks Happy, Happy, Happy again

:wink: :grinning: :smiley: :smile: :laughing: :rofl: :joy:


Looks great @repins12!! :smiley: