I'm the Black Sheep of the Family's Continuous Grow

I used to get blazed in high school and sit right in front of their desk. They all thought that I had allergies


When I was in high school, one of my teachers held me after class and told me if i ever come to his class high, again, he would turn me in.
I never went to his class high again.


I must have been doing it wrong. Never spent much time high in school. Then again never spent much time in school sober either…:grin::v::call_me_hand:


I had a teacher similar to that but, I got transferred to another class, shortly after that. I had one ask me why my eyes were red once and I told him my eyes were always red, I had terrible allergies. Then I had to be HIGH every time, I went to his class, for the rest of the year :laughing: :joy: I could see him looking at my eyes every once in a while, for the rest of the year. I caught my history teacher, doing lines, in the supply cabinet, one morning. Needless to say, I passed that class, with flying colors :wink:
Just put a drink in my hand and gotta get busy. Gonna set up both aero gardens. Should get 15 a run, that a way. Run it twice and I should get the 28ish, I want :smile: :grin: :laughing: :rofl: :joy:
Just vaped some Charolett’s Yesterdream, about 2 week dry and damn am I HIGH!!!
image (2)
:+1:t4: :tumbler_glass: :v:t4: :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: :poop:

OOP’s I forgot, vaped some Arachnid Pie yesterday and can’t wait to try it cured, these are all from my soil plant’s, I still have one left Crazy 8’s Monkey Fruit, it will be the last to finish up in the hydro as well.


@repins12 Thanks for the 80 tips!! :sweat_smile:

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I’ve actually had a friend in diploma whose eyes are always red…
He was a teetotaler, some medical condition…

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And so it begins or began, whatever, the solo cups are part of another project :shushing_face: :wink:

Smaller aero garden

The first 15 have dropped Juicy Pussy, Do Si Do, Red Poison, Auto Top 30, Durban Sunshine (from @Hydro921), Gren Crack, Wild Thailand, Strawberry Cream, Giggle Fest, smaller aero garden Berry Bomb, Skunk Cheese (I have already been playing with a name for it), Red Gorilla Girl, King Kush Auto, Cali Snow and Yeti Wedding (from @Graysin), from another forum. Well that rounds it out for the first 15.
I hope that all is well with my brothers and sisters, out there in WEEDVILLE. That’s all I got for now :wink:
Y’all have a great day. Be Safe :v:t4:
:see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: :poop:


All but 3 solo cups moved outside, for the Sobriety Checkpoint project :wink: :smile: :grin: :laughing: :rofl:

So far all show mutant leaves, damn how much longer can this dumb ol country boy luck, hold out

:see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: :poop:


Everything’s looking excellent and I’m tagging along for the grow and I hope u are having a great weekend Buddy
Happy Growing The Doc…


First pic. What is that. Clear cup with a colored cup inside and a clear cup as a humidity dome?


He can correct me if I’m wrong, but I think the bottom clear cups are kinda used as saucers…?


@Bow4Buck is correct, bottom clear cup is used as a saucer and to make sure that I hava a little bit of run off, each time I water :shushing_face: :wink: :v:t4:


I double cup mine too. But backwards from you.
I cut a few drain holes in the clear cup and use the colored for catching extra liquid. I do it like this so all I have to do is pull the two cups apart to monitor root growth and to catch runoff. I also use a Ziploc bag over the top instead of another clear cup. But both would work.
Interesting to me, the differences in grow methods.


I have been following along with your thread for about a 3-4 weeks and it’s always interesting seeing similar results with different methods/setups like I usually end up using a regular plastic baggie with a rubber band around the baggie whenever I’m low on cups or no Ziploc bags @BigMike55 and I especially like seeing others setups, like I just received 5 cuttings of some Vietnam Thunder Fuck and I have been growing in a Phototron and I’ve always liked making homemade examples of what I see people purchase for ridiculous money and every penny matters when it comes to just everyday cost of living anyway I have successfully gotten 3 of the 5 cuttings rooting and just for experimental and future reference I tried 2 different setups for trying to get some roots and I have 2 in my homemade 0.80 gallon fish tank in a cup of water aka the tried & true old school method (takes the longest) and I also used a little peat moss and perlite to act like a plug in a mini "bubbler with a miniature carbon filter so it’s making lots of tiny bubbles plus I didn’t even get any hormone rooting gels or the other 50 types of rooting gel’s i was told to get and I’m not a follow the rules grower and believe that if it’s able to grow naturally outside in mother nature than all I do is get overwhelmed and more worried/reluctant to even try to give my plants any nutes or fertilizers and I’ve had 2 successful harvests in the last 3 years and it also was my first time growing in early March 2020 so I really enjoy seeing what others do and I also never took cuttings or tried to root them before so I’m really excited about it and now I am just gonna start to take cuttings myself just to get my setup dialed in & to just get more experience experience and experience to get the method that works best for me to do clones and sorry for the long winded post and hijacking the thread !!! So happy that I have been able to get a few rooted and I’m not sure if u guys could tell me how much water should I have in the cup with the last 2 cuttings I’ve had them in water about 2-3 inches of water is that way to much stem submerged in the cup or not!?!???


Damn, I had a brain fart. The plant in the back right is Carolett’s Yesterdram and the plant on the front right is Widow Maker. That’s what happens, when you are trashed and you try to harvest shit. Sorry, my friends. :v:t4:
:see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: :poop:


You should fit right in here my brother. I love thinking outside the box, feeding schedule, I feed my plants when they look hungry. I like taking what I already have and converting it so it’s good for multiple purposes :+1:


Hi @repins12 I’ve been trying to do just that too!! After all, one has to learn from overwatering, having killed a few plants, to say the least!! :sweat_smile: :innocent: :flushed:
Have a great day! :hugs:


Brother, I’ve killed more plants than I can count from 1975 until now, not quite as often now, though. Your package went in the mail yesterday, my brother. Sorry it took so long. I seem to be running behind quite often lately.


@repins12 Thanks a lot!! Coming from you it is quite supportiveI We have to learn one day, right!? I will be popping some of them as soon as I have a chance!! Absolutely! Trying not to kill them though! :flushed: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I recently adopted this method ironically the seed was also from you, mine is clear cup inside with hole cut out shaded outside with the clear cup dome…
Been doing wonders for me… :green_heart: