I'm the Black Sheep of the Family's Continuous Grow

Got a WRBC coming down today. Anyone got a smoke report yet?


Hey bro. I was wondering if you got that other phone number from my email response. I only check my email about once a week. I am so unimportant that there’s no need to check more often. lol
I am an analog man in a digital world. I think that I should write a song with that name. :thinking: lol
Really, if it weren’t for this forum and Netflix I’d never be on the computer. That’s odd because I used to work in a computer repair shop. I didn’t mind working on them (that was fun actually) but I’d rather read a good novel with pages to turn any day.
I started at ILGM because I needed help getting from seed to established young plant (over watering mostly). When I got to where I couldn’t stand the politics over there Eagles led me here. I plan to stay and get more active again now that my Granddaughter has gone back to Fla. I couldn’t do much with her here. She’s an eleven year old with a father that is not down with growing pot.


I didn’t know they had a forum :rofl: I down loaded the grow guide and found og.

:green_heart: :seedling:

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There’s a lot of good folks on there but the mods loved to show who is in charge for sure. The mods here use reasoning In their decisions for the most part. Plus, it’s all about promotion of their genetics. I understand that but it wasn’t the thing that would motivate me to stay on a forum. This site is different in that respect. That’s why I have stayed. I hate messing with computers but I like this site for enough reasons for me to stick. Folks helping folks succeed in their efforts.


Anyone that has grown any of your seeds know its going to be an awesome grow. Here’s a couple outside of your. Crazy 8’s Monkey Fruit

widow maker





Happy 4th brother! Seems a few things are finally turning around for the better with the country.
:pray: it continues.


So, I got a little bored again
Crazy 8’s Mokney Fruit, is being chopped

This ones gonna take it’s place

I got all of the seedlings that needed to be up potted, in pots, plus I added a few

SHHHHHHHHHHHHH :shushing_face: Don’t ell Carole :wink:
Panama Red didn’t look so well, so I planted another and that led to another, next thing I knew there were at least 4 more :man_shrugging:t4: :man_facepalming:t4:
Now I need to figure out how many of these things, I can cram into an 8x8 :smile: :grin: :laughing: :rofl: :joy:
Had a little shrimp and scallops, for dinner

Well, that’s all for now
I hope that y’all have a great day. Y’all be Safe now :v:t4:
:see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: :poop:


My damn back was screaming, and my feet felt like 2 water balloons, that were fixing to pop

So I took a Zanaflex and went back to lay down for a bit, around 5:30 ish. My wife came back to ask me if I was okay around 11 ish, I usually never sleep like this and this is the second time this weekend/extended, that she came back to check on me. So I figured WTF, might as well get up and be productive. Really wanted to finish cutting up the Crazy 8’s Monkey Fruit outside. Looked like I had a couple of hours before the storms got here. No sooner than I got set up and started, I heard thunder and Ma Nature said, get your azz back inside :smile: :grin: :laughing: :rofl: :joy:

I reckon, I’ll re-group and maybe do some more seed cataloging today. At least we won’t be watering anything today :wink:
I hope that y’all have a great day. Be Safe, my friends :v:t4:
:see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: :poop:



Almost forgot, an early birthday present, from Carole


Take care of yourself bro.


Yep! @repins12 Try and rest a while with both legs up!! It’ll help a bit!

Agree! Your babies need you in good shape brother!! :pray: :hugs:


@repins12 Friend,I happily made a Grow Diary for your cross Redberrycheesebake.Feel free to follow everyone!


Really nice @Andrexl! Congrats! Love the clarity of steps and stuff done! :hugs:

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Thank you friend.I put all the info,that way if someone Needs help or wants to give a try of my style he can do It without no secret recipe or ingredients.:heart:

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@Andrexl Indeed! It slapppped me right on the face!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :joy:
Gee! Overheard my own brain/mind saying, “Could he be any clearer than that!? Damn! Some people have their thing together!!” :joy:
Kudos!! Can almost bet I’ll be one of those learning from your template my friend!!
Right on! Overgrow the world!! :footprints: :hugs:

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Thank you so much my friend!I am by no means a master,nor I claim to be experienced.I Just am passing out what I learnt with my last grows and trying to put a smile on Gary’s face.
We have lot to learn from eachother,there Is no master grower or better grower,we get better by doing more and gaining experience.That Is why I share my diaries and read the others.Feel free to Ask as Private message too.

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Entire Widow Maker harvest after trim and dry

I don’t usually do this, because I’m not a numbers guy. 3, 6, 8 zips, who cares. I’m more concerned with the quality of the smoke but, here goes

Over eleven and a half ounces, any way you slice it. Not too shabby, for an auto, created by a dumb ol country boy, that doesn’t have a clue what he’s doing :wink: :smile: :grin: :laughing: :rofl: :joy: :man_shrugging:t4:
:see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: :poop: :v:t4:


That’s from one auto?? Very impressive lol I’ve never got more then 2 with an auto


You and the wife killing it with autos.
She got a lb on one and 14 on another