I'm the Black Sheep of the Family's Continuous Grow

Dayyum, brother that sucks. I’m all too familiar with knee pain. I’ve had both mine replaced and the right one twice, for good measures :thinking: :grin: :laughing: :rofl: :joy: rather doc, screw up :wink:
Familiar with the blood clots, all too well, also. Tell him to take care of himself. Seems like when it rains it pours, for sure.
I hope that you are having a great evening. I’m fixing to put a drink, in my hand. Be Safe, my friend :v:t4:


Thanks for the kind words, my friend. Not too bad, for someone, who has no clue what he’s doing :wink: :v:t4:
Be Safe, my brother

By the way, I like your handle. I tell everyone, I will always consider myself a noobie. I still learn something every grow, even though, I’ve been growing, since the mid 70’s.
When we stop learning, we start dying :thinking: :wink:
:see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: :poop:


I hope that y’all are all enjoying the last of the fastest 2 days of the week or depending on where you are, it may already be Monday morning.
So, the Liquor Cookies Moonshine x Chem D, male

Got a little pruning

And I’m collecting, a bit of pollen

If any more nut sacks appear on the remainder of the plant, I’ll harvest it as well. :wink: :party_time: :a_little_behind:
Plants outback

Oly’s clone, seems to be bouncing back

45 gallon pot

Some shots of the others

German Duck clone from last year re-vegging??? Who knows

100 gallon pot

Volunteer auto, got a bad case of WPM and never quite recovered

Is that a friggin rat I see

I reckon y’all know, he met his demise. I snatched my wife’s garden hoe and let’s just say, he got to meet his maker :wink:
Part of wife’s veggie garden

Movin on. Front porch
Crazy 8’s Monkey Fruit

Volunteer autos

Behind the chair volunteer auto

Back porch family

The tent

I’ll harvest the above, as soon as I have, a seedling, to take it’s place
On to the nursery

Now that is truly all that I have, growwing on.
Not too exciting but, it is what, it is
Y’all have great evening. Be Safe, my friends :v:t4:
:see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: :poop:


Holy shit! That amount of plants would definitely stretch the limits for me. I’m only allowed 6 in veg and six in flower. But my wife has a card too so that makes 12 each.


You sure got a lot growing on! :astonished: :+1:


Well, are you going to compost him :smiling_imp::wink:
I hear they provide good amount of nitrogen :sunglasses:


I’m only allowed 4 per household, period. I reckon, that makes me still an outlaw :thinking: :wink:


Thanks, my brother. Things haven’t gotten busy yet :smile: :grin: :laughing: :rofl: :joy:


I composted that little fucker alright, if that’s what you wanna call it :wink:


I would do more, but I’m in a neighborhood, and the law has been to my house very recently. Long story. Not grow related. Was a domestic dispute between my grandson and his crazy fiance But I am pretty sure they smelled it.
They never said anything but now I’m paranoid that they are just waiting for an excuse.


Rest In Pieces!


I enjoyed talking with you earlier, my friend. Right now hammered. I am
:see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :poop:


You as well man. Thanks for the pointers on the use of STS.


@repins12 Hi friend,I have currently One of your crosses in my tent doing alright and One more sprouting.I also have already harvested One of your crosses that I run outdoor last week.
I am talking of Redberrycheesebake and Gelato-respawn.If you want some pictures I can share here in your thread.Also,your work on the cheesebake seems flawless,the plant Is outmotherfuckingstanding strong and resilient!


I was very impressed with how my cheesbake turned out 10/10 :fire:.


Me too friend


You are always welcome to post pictures or whatever you want on my journal, my friend. I am clad that they did well, for you. Got a new seed run, underway now.
If/when you need more seeds, let me know and I will try to get them to you, if I remember correctly, you are somewhere close to Italy.
I hope that all is well with you and yours, my friend. Are you on/do you have, WhatsApp? I have used this to communicate with others, that are in other countries.
Be Safe, my friend :v:t4:


How are you doing, my brother? Thanks, for the kind words. I have gotten the same report from others, that have grown that cross, as well.
Glad to hear, that you finally got your car straightened out. I know, it’s been a PIA, for you lately :v:t4:


Well the car is all good. Just had to drop $1800 on it because a mouse crawled up under my car and chewed up the wiring to my gas tank. They had to rip out the entire interior to get to the wire to fix it. I have been very busy with work training my replacement, I start at my new location on the 10th. I am starting to move up, I get an office to use. But other than that I guess I am doing alright.


I Should text you in a matter of hours on whatsapp.Here’s my second cheesebake growing in my box.And the other Pic Is half of the outdoor cheesebake harvest!Smells WONDERFUL.VERY GOOD JOB GARY

Edit-She s growing so quickly that I had to top her!You killing It with those crosses!Would you like me to do a Growdiary with your strain(obviously giving you credits)?