I'm the Black Sheep of the Family's Continuous Grow

Amen and Amen.


Right back atcha brother!!


Happy Friday brother.


Cannabis holds promise for pain management, reducing the need for opioid painkillers – a neuropharmacology expert explains how (theconversation.com)


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Looks like big brother has been busy trying to figure out how to get us for D W HIGH
Detecting Active Cannabis Impairment From Eye Movement? Gaize Completes Clinical Trial (msn.com)


That is a load of horse shit. I know for a fact that it helps with anxiety. I don’t know about depression but anxiety is one thing, along with pain relief, that I personally can attest to.

Then the video said that using pot that is not “commercial grade” could make your anxiety, ptsd, depression… worse?!
That sounds like they want to end Medical personal growing.
What the heck can you expect from a POS organization like MSN.

So here is what I can add:
" TORONTO (PRWEB) September 19, 2022
dicentra, a world-renowned Contract Research Organization (CRO) and global consulting firm, is pleased to announce that it has opened participant enrolment for a new groundbreaking cannabis impairment study with its client, Gaize. The study is seeking 350 participants to volunteer at dicentra’s clinical research site in Toronto, Canada. "

So they began recruiting subjects for this “study” on Sept. 19, 2022. That’s been ~ 8 1/2 weeks since they began asking for volunteers to participate in the study, much less having time to actually do any clinical tests.
Total horse droppings.


I agree. Just something I came across.


I like to stay up on that kind of thing too. Any “clinical studies” announced gets me to wondering about their motives. The laws are changing up on me in Mo. I can see the writing on the wall so to speak. The marijuana industry is lobbying to end home medical growing “for our own safety” since we don’t know how to grow pot that is safe to consume. It just angers me to no end. Thanks for the read. Like I said, I read everything I can find about the new “studies”. I’m just waiting for them to say they found contaminates in homegrown pot that “proves” we shouldn’t be growing our own…


Uncle Sugar and Big Brother always think that they know what’s best for us. :man_facepalming:t4:
Just had this conversation on another forum, the other day. Regarding getting a medical card and the purchase of a new firearm. This was my response. I am very protective of my second amendment rights and my concealed carry permit, even though I can open carry in my state. This is the reason I will not get a medical card. I don’t have the correct last name to get away with knowingly filling a federal form out falsely.
Take a look at the FFL Application, last time I purchased a firearm, there was one specific question.

Specifically question e on page 1



Hey brother. Went to the mailbox and found “Someone” had sent me a huge pile of marijuana seeds. One in particular caught my eye. It’s called “Juicy Pussy” have no idea what it is, but I bet it smells devine and probly tastes like a trip to heaven. Can’t run them next because of stupid plant limits, but the next seed pop will include some Juicy Pussy!

Thanks my friend!!!


Is the psychedelic drug ayahuasca safe? (msn.com)


Yes. As a matter of fact, it is!


Is the psychedelic drug ayahuasca safe? Just give me some and I will let you know the next day.

Edit: The South American psychedelic drug Ayahuasca is a “challenging but mostly safe” substance when taken in an “appropriate” context…AKA your going to need a wingman.


Glad that they arrived, my brother. One of my recent packages to California, got mutilated :man_shrugging:t4: What is a plant limit :wink: I believe we got one of those here. 4 per household. I reckon I will remain an outlaw :man_facepalming:t4: Old habits die hard. The Juicy Pussy was the one that I reversed; I grew 2 and these seeds are from crossing it with itself. Kinda sounds West Virginia ish :laughing: :rofl: :joy:
Not many seeds were produced this year due to issues that I had causing me to neglect my plants. I have a few of my new crosses started for a quick bud run, while I veg the clones that you sent me and a few others. Thinking about a fem photo seed run and any autos in the tent at the time will become fast photos. I’ve got a little time. Plan on vegging until after the first of the year.
Here is the info on the original Juicy Pussy

Juicy Pussy

With Juicy Pussy Auto genetics, Hypno Seeds has created an autoflowering cannabis strain that is dripping with trichomes, potency and flavor. She is a sativa-dominant cannabis strain due to her Thai Stick cross, and has been balanced with some special indica strains to achieve her mellow, yet arousing effect as well. Expect massive, juicy yields of big, hard buds!

Of all the autoflowering cannabis strains Hypno Seeds has created, Juicy Pussy Auto takes the lead when it comes to size and yield. With a growth height of up to 120cm and a yield of around 310 grams per plant, it can be used well in indoor grows as well as outdoors. Juicy Pussy Auto is a voracious eater. Give her a considerable amount of nutrients, especially in the flowering phase. This way she will be able to grow to her full potential. She doesn’t mind a little tying up, so tie her down to increase her yield and control her height, or make sure you give her enough room to spread out and show off her big, beautiful, firm, frosty buds. Sexy, by the way, is an understatement. She will be the star of your grow show and will be ready to be cut in about 9 weeks after germination of these autoflowering cannabis seeds.

Taste and aroma

After a nice, long curing, you’ll achieve sweet and pungent aromas with Juicy Pussy Auto. It smells and tastes just like Orange Creamsicle ice cream.

Effect of the Juicy Pussy Auto

Better than sex. This strain will tickle your senses and awaken yourbody with its therapeutic and relaxing effects. With up to 24% THC, it will captivate and enrapture you, but without any unwanted intoxicating effects. Although she is primarily a sativa, around 65%, her indica heritage makes her high a pleasant physical experience. You will never be able to get enough of this Juicy Pussy either!

Product Details

Flowering Time

8 - 10 weeks




mostly sativa

Seed Type



Growth Area

THC Level

over 20%

LED optimised Strains



Thai Stick X Indica Strains

I hope that you have a great day, my friend. Be Safe :v:t4:


I hope that all is well with all of my brothers and sisters out there in WEEDVILLE. I hope that everyone is enjoying the last of the fastest 2 days of the week.

I’ve been trying to get things back on track

Tent is starting to fill back up again.
Left side

The very front is a Viuda Blanca Border Jumper, that I had on the front porch. The solo cup is a Cotton Candy auto. The 3 in the hydro system are Buddah’s Cane. I was recently gifted some clones. The front one had no roots when I received it and the back 2 had some roots. They seem to have recovered from their trip rather nicely :wink:



Right side

Plants in soil
Looks like the Mid Night Snack clone, is finally starting to re-veg. I was a little late taking these

Green Crack auto that I thought I had killed with neglect, figured since it came back to life, I’d let her finish out. I was hoping to get some seeds but, buds will do

Another Viuda Blanca Border Jumper, from the front porch

God Father OG clone that was also gifted to me.

Super Lemon Haze a clone that was also gifted

In the hydro front right side
Another Mid Night Snack clone that has re-vegged

Beside it MAC

The solo cup has a volunteer that popped up in my hydroton bucket. It’s a Juicy Pussy x Don’t Know (Mystery Snatch) :smile: :grin: :laughing: :rofl: :joy:
Center SLH on right, God Father OG on left. These were also clones that were gifted to me.

I had read and seen videos, stating that you could wash soil off of plant roots and put them into your hydro system. Never tried it before but, it seems to have worked

Back. Right side Chocolate Waffelz, left side the other Buddah’s cane clone that was unrooted when I received it

Got some new starts going

Left side rear Purple Lot Lizard, front Wet Orangutan, center left Juicy Moro Tush, center right Wang Dang Psidium Pu-Tang, right side rear Ice Cream Morning, it took 2 attempts but she’s here, right side front Creamy Black Lights, this is my third attempt, with this one and they say that the third times a charm. I hope so, my saying is three tries, then on to the next one :wink: :smile: :grin: :laughing: :rofl: :joy:
I still have these outside. I’m trying to get them across the finish line but it’s getting cold and they are in 45 gallon pots. Not coming inside, in other words.

Liquor Cookies Moonshine x Chem D male, fading fast

Purple Moonshine

Broken Branch clone. It’s a Peyote something, can’t remember what plant I broke it off of in the beginning. Honestly didn’t think it would grow. Just shoved the broken branch in a pot of soil, that’s and kinda smirked and told my wife, that’ll never grow :man_shrugging:t4: :man_facepalming:t4:

Mid Night Snack. This is the one that I took the 2 clones off of that are in my tent

Well, that’s all that I have growing on, right now. I hope that you have a great day and Y’all Be Safe :v:t4:




Nice presentation there, Gary. That Juicy Pussy is on the top of my pop list.


Simply love that purple!! :sunglasses: :clap: :clap: :clap: :v:


Always nice to pop in and see what your up to… Gary you lift me up daily with your messages… just wanted to add to your Karma tonight and say…

Karma ++ to ya brother for all you do here. I’m actually going thru Repins withdrawel this grow and the next… grrrrr… but I’ll be back soon…

Keep up the love for what you do man…


Outstanding update brother! You certainly have it dialed in.