I'm the Black Sheep of the Family's Continuous Grow

Ok! Time for another round of major thanks to this amazing person!! @repins12!!
After a blast of beans, which two cultivars, an Arachnid Pie (had just been chopped earlier today!) and a Charlotte’s Yesterdream (still a child…!) are already in the works! To my surprise, I receive another load of awesomeness!! 6 more packs, 4 autos (which two Juicy Pussy, 1 One Eyed Snake Bait, and a Purple Lot Lizard already got into dirt as of yesterday afternoon!!) and two photoperiod ones!! I’ll keep you posted!! :v:
Thanks again! As always!! Dear friend!! :sunglasses: :upside_down_face: :hugs:


Has anyone ever checked the EC of distilled water sold in the store? My understanding is that Distilled Water is suppose to have an EC of 0 or there abouts and a pH of 7. I just recently purchased some from Food Lion, here in VA. The pH was 7.6 and the EC was 21-22. I have sent a message to the manufacturer and got a 44 page report back. After reading it all, the entire report was on drinking water, not distilled water

Here are 2 definitions of distilled water that I found

distilled water


: water that has been freed of dissolved or suspended solids and from organisms by distillation (as for medical or chemical purposes)

Distilled water is water that has been boiled into vapor and condensed back into liquid in a separate container. Impurities in the original water that do not boil below or near the boiling point of water remain in the original container. Thus, distilled water is a type of purified water.

Does distilled water conduct electricity?

  • To make this easy to understand, distilled water contains no EC because it has no minerals contained in it. Once there is an introduction of minerals, salts are dissolved, and then the solution can conduct electricity.

I have sent another nasty gram to the manufacturer. I plan to test several others, in the very near future. If my suspicions are correct, using distilled water purchased at the store to lower your EC, could be catastrophic or with making STS.
Has anyone else ever experienced this? If I pay extra for distilled water, I expect distilled water. Otherwise, I would just make it myself.
Y’all have a great evening. Be Safe :v:t4:


I never checked that before…might just go the way of making my own next time I need distilled water for STS.


My point exactly can also be used to lower EC. pH up is a waste of money, just use tap water.
I plan to check several other products. Just wanted to bring my findings to everyone’s attention


I use a RO filtering system and my 0.5Ec water comes out at 0.02Ec,Basically almost 0Ec.
Is It good for making my STS for reversing my autos?


Yes. I believe that you are good to go brother :v:t4:


My first test was Berkley Springs Distilled water. I used a freshly calibrated Apera pH 20 and EC 20. I had 3 gallons of Food Lion store brand distilled water, on hand. This is what I intended to purchase the other day but, there was none to be had on the shelf. I even had them go in back to check. The pH varied as it did with the other product. 7.1 - 7.5 but still acceptable and below the lowest pH reading on the first product. The EC was 1.4 - 1.7. 20 times less than the other more expensive product. WTF. Both still higher EC than my tap water but it appears that the Food Lion brand was closer to distilled water, than the more expensive product. I was unable to find any distilled water at all, while I was at Wally World yesterday morning. I was gonna get their store brand and one of the more expensive brands so I had 4 samples for comparison.
The name DISTILLED WATER on these products appear to be misleading to me :man_shrugging:t4:
Just my thoughts :v:t4:


@repins12 you’ve piqued my interest. I’ve only ever gotten a reading of 0 or 1 PPM with distilled water when testing it before making cs and sts.

What do you think could be causing those high EC values? :thinking: possibly the water source they’re using at the production facility? Faulty distilling practices? Contaminated equipment and/or packaging?

Makes me wonder what’s really in that water…


Kinda got me wondering the same thing. Not getting many answers from the one manufacturer. I will reach out to them again Monday. Now I wanna know.


Have any of y’all that I text on a regular basis, received any texts from me the last couple of days? I appear to be having issues with my phone/service/provider. Just trying to figure out how much of an issue before I try to get some answers tomorrow morning.
I hope that everyone has a great New Year. I sure hope it’s better than last year. May the Growin Gods Be Smilin On Ya :+1:t4:
Have a great day. Y’all Be Safe :v:t4:


I have not received anything since Thursday
I even returned one after not hearing from you
Must be on your end


Nothing since Wednesday evening.

Happy New Year bud!!


Nothing from you since Wednesday, sent you a text on Thursday but did not get a response. Figured you were just resting up and taking it easy for a few days. Sounds like it is on your end.


Wednesday was that last I received from you brother. I did send you one earlier today.

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Just wanted to let everyone know. I’m still having issues with my phone sending and sometimes receiving texts. I spent several hours this morning with my provider and was disconnected several times. I finally went to the store and they could not fix it either, they actually even spent over an hour on the phone with my provider, to no avail. It has now been handed over to their engineering dept and I am supposed to have a resolution within 72 hours. :man_shrugging:t4: WTF It appears that there seems to be an issue with my line of service, not my device. What a PIA. It is what it is, I reckon. I hope that everyone has a great evening/morning, whatever it is in your part of the world. Y’all Be Safe :v:t4:


Still a no go on my phone. WTF. My patience with my carrier is about to end :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :volcano::bomb: :boom:


Sounds like you need a new carrier.

:green_heart: :seedling:


My internet connection is toast right now. Spent 2 hrs on the phone with ATT. Still no internet

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AT&T is who I’m dealing with as well. When I couldn’t get anywhere over the internet or phone, I drove directly to the store :man_shrugging:t4:
Actually, called the store again today. If I change my number, I can have everything fixed immediately. Problem is, I’ve had this number for so long, it would take me days to notify everyone. When the person at the store couldn’t get it fixed he called AT&T directly. They couldn’t fix it and escalated it to engineering. They siad that they would have it resolved within 72 hours. Come Friday morning, if it’s not fixed, I’m going to escalate it and they are probably not going to be very happy when I get done. My patience is wearing thin with them. This has been going on for over a week already. WTF :man_shrugging:t4: :man_facepalming:t4:
I’m starting to get pissed and I don’t even like myself, when I get pushed to that point

I’m getting tired of saying, I can’t understand you. After the third time, it’s put someone on the phone that speaks understandable English or let me talk to your supervisor

:hear_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: :poop:


I say in the morning drive to another carrier`s store and have them transfer your number to one of there phones. Solves both of your problems 1. you get to tell your current carrier to F off. 2. get to keep your number, so you don’t have to deal with updating a new number with everyone.