I'm the Black Sheep of the Family's Continuous Grow

Nice link on the stamps, much appreciated amigo


@Cartwright No problem brother. I’m still old school and mail most all of my bills, that way I have a picture of the cancelled check and I have mailed my bills with their stamps, for the last several years, not to mention the 100’s of other packages, I have sent out :v:t4:


Time to get busy

and so on and so forth for the other 4

Still got 4 more in small pots. Probably in their forever pots, weekend after easter

My outdoor grow for this year has started. Still having some issues with the tent grow. I just want it to hurry up and gat done so, I can start over. Hopefully I will be able to find some help at the end of this run, to give me a hand. My step son was a no show right before this grow or I wouldn’t be in a tent where I can’t stand up straighty. I just need help to get the tent down, disconnect the hydro system so I can finally clean it. I think that it is going on 4 or 5 years and screw some angle iron to the ceiling so I can hang my lights, probably to keep a few autos going until I work out the details. Gonna do a little re config on the hydro system, for easiness of fixing a fuck up in the future. One of the up grades will be so I can remove the pump for servicing. I’ve got several other upgrades in mind.
I hope that y’all have a great evening or morning, whatever it is on your side of the world. Y’all be safe :v:t4:


Gary, you know I am not into cursing. I am not a fan of rap. I will, however, share the shit out of this with my friends. Never have I seen the situation we find ourselves in put so eloquently. Thanks for sharing brother.


My sentiments exactly, my brother. A friend of mine shared it with me and I felt like I needed to share the hell outta it. Don’t know why the woke don’t wake up :man_shrugging:t4: :man_facepalming:t4:


Hey Gary,

Thanks for sharing, it’s good to know that at least some of our kids see what’s goin down.

Those 50 gallon pots are going to produce some epic herb for your outdoor grow! Are you already past the last Frost? My outdoor plants are hiding inside till May 1. lol

-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


Can I post something I made? It’s controversial and may get me kicked off but It’s how I feel and it may wake a few people up.
I’ll DM it to you first if you want then you can decide.


Just so you know what “woke” really is.


Those little waste bins look very similar to ones my GF brought home one time. I quickly commandeered one and it became my hash making bucket for my 3 gallon bag set. No idea what she had planned for it :laughing:


I had the plants outside for several days. Looking at the future weather, I’m taking a gamble but :man_shrugging:t4:
It was nice hearing from you. Did I ever send you any of this, Widow Sour Puss? I don’t think that I ever released any of them. I think that I might have 1 or 2 others that I never released.
I hope that you have a great day. Be Safe, my friend :v:t4:


Brother you can always post anything you want on my journal :+1:t4: :v:t4:


I just wish that people would wake up, my friend :v:t4:


I got em from the Dollar tree before they became the dollar twenty five tree :smile: :grin: :laughing: :rofl: :joy:




Good morning my brother, good morning og. Hope all is well. Soon to be starting a new grow. New setup finally showed up after 5 weeks of being on back order. time to finish up my room and get growing.


Outmotherfuckingstanding, my brother. Can’t wait to see it in action. I think that there is a guy from around here that uses them at madman plant on instagram. Might consider a set up like that, when I shed my tent.
I hope that you have a great day, my brother. Be Safe :v:t4:


Here’s the reality though:
To me when someone says “wake up people” or some version, I really hear “I’m red pilling down the rabbit hole into clown world”. That happened to my uncle. I never knew what was going on until I learned about 4chan, and that’s when I first heard the phrase “red pilling the normies”. Then I see him watching fox news, and finally it sunk in. 4chan was porting red pilling over to fox news who were happily diving into clown world.

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Are those sip style pots :thinking: not sure if that’s correct term. Pots that are bottom watered through a tube from top to bottom?

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Watered from the top , there is a thin lid that sits on top of the pots and disperses the water evenly across the pot. Excess drains from the bottoms and runs into the trays which are all tied together with drains Drain to waste . Setting up irrigation with a 55 gallon drum , pump and irrigation solenoid originally we’re gonna be in timers but I switched that up to WiFi plugs , I’ll post pics as I set it up and start another journal

I got the 8 pot setup


Where does the waste go and what do you do with it. Gonna have to do a little research :+1:t3: