Immaculate Conception

This isn’t a problem so much as it is odd. See the plant spontaneously growing out of the root mass? I promise I didn’t plant a clone to trick you.

In all fairness this plant was about as stressed can be when this picture was taken so I wouldn’t be surprised by some weird happenings.

Anyone seen this before?


It could just be from pouring water over the soil and it eroding away from the top roots.

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Not the roots in question, the little clone type thing popping up on the right side. I know some plants grow through rhizomes and can pop out anywhere but I’ve never seen this before on a cannabis plant.

It’s either spontaneous generation from the roots or I broke a little branch and it survived.


Any possibilities of a rogue seed.


Can’t say I’ve seen that on cannabis but it’s called a “sucker” on fruit trees and plants.
I would however put some fresh soil over your exposed roots. Just sayin…:sunglasses:

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That what I thought at first, but that thing almost looks too developed for its size to have come from a seed.

Very weird!


A rogue seed could a possibility.

Long story short - I grew on a balcony with wicked light pollution and ended up with leafy hermaphroditic garbage. Made for some decent hash though.

It could have hermied, pollinated itself, developed seed, sowed and grew itself. The timing was about right.

Sounds like the most likely option


Don’t suckers tend to be at the base of the trunk?

I kind of like the exposed roots. Reminds me of a strangler fig :wink:


Yes it doesn’t look young more like a stunted one that has been growing for a bit. If you decide not to keep it going you can autopsy your way down to see if it really is a sucker. That’s why poplar or aspen Forests depending on where you are is one of the largest organisms around.


I was thinking something like this. Symbiosis in the rhizomic biome (or real science words).


Wish I had the presence of mind to do an autopsy. Too late now, harvested in October.

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So how was the smoke???

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It’s hard to explain. It got stuck in between veg and bloom so the buds were more leaf than bud.

It tasted adequate with weak potency.

I got a 4% bubble yield which is what you might expect from trim.

I’d say this was more like smoking a bag of trim than it was a bag of bud.

I am glad I let them mature otherwise it would have been a total loss. The hash turned out great.

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Also, they didn’t go full herm. Lots of pieces of male parts but few pollen sacks.