Yellow Lines on Cinderella Auto

I’ve never grown a strain that did this. She seems very healthy but wanted to see if anyone else has had Cinderella do this? It is a Fast buds genetic. Growing two others next to it that seem totally fine. I think she’s around 25 days from sprout.

Soil is 50/50 fox farm happy frog/ocean forest. Little perlite, Recharge on week three, just top dressed Gaia Green 444.


Not easy to give a diagnostic but some of the symptoms are like described here and so the “variegation”, check this just as a possibility, not saying it is but could be … beer3|nullxnull



The close proximity of that fan could be drying out the leaves, try moving either and see if things improve?


Thank you both so much for the reply, it has been showing the lines and wilted texture since seedling so HLVd could very well be the culprit. I don’t know much about it, should I give her the chop?

I also wonder if it is a trait in the genetics since it started at seedling stage. Might email Fast buds and will circle back

Emailing Fast Buds is a good idea, being the others fine with same food and conditions make me discard any deficiencies, also thought about broad mites:


trim an affected leave and watch it with a scope to discard, but if it has happened since the beginning my guess is some kind of virus, not a good companion for the rest … beer3|nullxnull


Looks genetic to me. Either it’s a mutant or it’s infected. It’s not nutrient related or something you did.


Adding another pic from when she was younger. The four leaf pattern is making my gut feel it’s a mutant. I emailed Fast Buds with all the details and will keep y’all posted with the response.


That look like extreme heat ! Going up and down .? But you said nothing happing to the other plants at all ?

Id say its genetic, grow it out, see what happens. Might be THE ONE!

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That’s a genetic mutant and it will never do anything useful for you. I recommend culling it asap


Heard back from Fast Buds and they don’t think its HLVd. We got a mutant on our hands. This tent is a bit of an experiment hobby anywho so I am going to grow her out. Unless it herms. She looks really cool today, some updated pics.


Be sure to.let us know how this plant turns out!

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I see we are back on the verigated = hlvd thing again…

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I see we’re back to the negationism while iHLVD is spreading all around, :roll_eyes: THIS is not variegation at all, no breeder is going to tell you it is HLVD, their reputation would go downhill…


If it will be only variegation the plant would be as healthy an vigorous like the rest, not the case …


I totally feel you on that, there’s no way they would say its HLVD. Well I am back to confused. If it IS HLVD, do you think it will affect the two other plants while they flower? I’ll be able to disinfect this tent after these three plants are done.

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It can be transmitted via your hands, scissors, contact between them …

Maybe it’s just a mutant, so I am not going to give any advice about culling it or not. Just keep an eye to see if it’s worth, comparing it with the others, if infected your yield will not be the same …

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Do a HLVD test. You can fuck up everything including seeds you are handling and even send it out to others that way if it’s infected.

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Overgrow rocks, thank you all. I am going to be extra careful George, luckily I have no other grows going on right now. But this does sorta mess up my next run schedule. Bit of a head scratcher. Allotment, thank you. After doing some research it seems the most accurate way is root culture test, I am going to monitor her growth another week or two and see if its worth it to mess with the roots.

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Thanks, I throw an hypothesis just for the risk it brings if it was true, never like to be an alarmist but many symptoms of that plant match with it. Do you remember how were the roots when you transplanted them or you just started in those pots?

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I started the seeds right in the 3-gallon fabric pots. I usually transplant but this is my first auto grow since 2007 and wanted to try the single pot method

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