Immune to edibles

You know I’ll take it back. An OG brother once sent me a single hard strawberry or cherry candy. (You know who you are) That damn thing stoned me for 3 hours solid. How I wish I had another! :wink:




I would love to get that member’s recipe if there’s any way you or they can hook me up. I know these recipes can be simple, but if it worked so well for you (bonus points if it tasted good!), I’d rather repeat what’s been proven rather than trial and error.

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It’s a completely different type of buzz.Not like smoking high so I can see how people can say they are not effected.


This and did you do it right I suspect are the issues.

I think to really see if this works might need a smoke break for a week to bring the tolerance level down. Then try them.

I have enjoyed a bit of boost from melting wax in dark hot chocolate and adding a drop of orange extract. But for the most part edibles have not had a noticeable effect on me.


Depends on the guy making the edibles. I had 1 brownie that knocked me out literally. Very good sleep. Other edibles just give me a slight different perspective. Nothing overpowering but there. Some people one gummy kicks their azz

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think any tolerance to edibles may be because of kidneys and liver,I was highly tolerant to edibles then i had to much one time what a trip lol.

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I’ve never had an edible that affected me while awake the other thing is I’ve not heard of the liver deal but it would make sense after years of being on big Pharmacy medicines my kidneys are shot and the liver is to so thanks for ask the question as always thank you for your time and the best wishes to you and your family


see thats why i figure it must matter liver kidneys I too for a long time was on pills that affect kidneys and liver, during thatr time it was like i could drink all the tequila i could find and only get a mild buzz from it same with edibles, then i had a operation and only had to have a few pills, right away i got a dui and od ed on edibles

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It’s not just who makes the edibles, but what strains went into the butter. That’s why either me, one of my kids, or close friends test drives the edible so that I can let folk know whats coming.

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The best edible I ever had was my home made muffins using Oil that came from LP Tweed under my prescription. When I made 150MG muffins I could trust they were 150mg. I have been a heavy smoker for over 3 decades, those muffins still hit me with an overall buzz that was killer. Half the house thought they were overdosing and the panic of one took down many more. In the end I kept telling them it’s ok, it’s just pot. Than I made a huge dinner for everyone. After half the house woke up from their naps they enjoyed their cold food while I ate another muffin. Never given out edibles again.


I’ll send you some of my brownies … :fire:


Nice, I think really the best part about using the oil I used was specific dosing. Took all the guess work out.


I could send you some Destructo Muffins. You won’t feel them either but you’ll wake up really, really f*cking hungry. Then you’ll realize you’re still high AF 8 hrous later. They might kill a dog. Seriously.

Get a good 1500-2000 mg in you & tell me you don’t feel a bit high. :rofl:



LOL, get 1500-2000 mg in you and tell me you feel anything :crazy_face:


I’ve heard people say this until they try mine :smiling_imp:


How much does it take to kill a dog. My Pug Gordy steals buds off my tray and eats them. But he will eat ANYTHING! :joy::rofl:

Very high in this picture.



That was a very interesting video. Makes more sense.


Dunno. Not something we like to think about, right?
I presume it’s when their heart rate goes off the charts & body temps. :frowning:



I had a heeler named Normal who used to eat bud left out…until he got a big mlep off the cookie sheet fresh out of the oven and his bones melted :rofl:


My german shepherd puppy got into the trash and found the cheese cloth I used to strain my canna butter with.

He was too high to walk I didn’t think he was going to make it. Felt like a total pos for not being more careful but he made it fine.

Loves to munch on fan leaves and bud. He only eats meat/raw etc will never touch anything else but he sure loves weed after that lol.