Immune to edibles

They all do… Lol

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120 mg according to whom?


All’s I know is that the last time I ate an edible, about twelve years ago, is the last time I’m ever eating an edible. A buddy who’s a chef gave me a four gram vial of Sour Diesel canola oil that he made himself and my girl used half of the vial in a batch of brownies. I dunno if the oil got distributed unevenly or what, but she just passed out after about an hour (probably before the brownie could even start to take effect). Two hours after I ate mine, I was high as fuck. Tripping, really. I was having visions of what it’ll actually be like when the wave that washes CA into the ocean happens haha. And that’s not something that I ever even think about. All kinds of weird thoughts. I was up for maybe six hours. And not happy about it haha.

I’ve done tons of things in my life where the next day I’m like,”I will never do that again,” but I do it again anyway. Repeatedly. But I really have never eaten an edible since that last time and have no intention of eating one again.

Like a lot of people here have said, if you can’t get high from an edible, there’s something wrong with either you or the edible.


According to the 10 mg/candy and chocolate we had purchased at the shops in Bothell washington. Everyone else was feeling them. We were flying out the next day so I just ate a bunch, hoping to feel something. But nothing…


For me the most important part of edibles is repeatability.

I have a large quantity of one strain I use for butter and I use it consistently.

I make the butter the same way every time.

I have one recipe I use for cookies and I use it every time.

By my math they are +/- 40mg.

This way you avoid the “I don’t feel anything vs the “I’m going to die” trap.

If I want to get destroyed I can eat x number of cookies but I don’t like getting destroyed by accident.


Ah, okay, I see. I thought you meant it was one 120 mg edible.


I once got a bag that was good herb

But it was extra stemmy.

I finally gave up trying to clean it for joint rolling.

I simmered it in oil, made a batch of cookies.

I ate a cookie, felt nothing.

Ate another one, still nada.

Ate a couple more and started getting the munchies…

Worst trip ever, still destroyed the next day-

Be careful with those edibles…


Ha ha! Edibles are tricky for me also. I believe it’s cuz I rip dabs all day… so what I do when I want to make a medicated treat is I take all my reclaimed oil that collects in the dropdown on my dab rig and melt that into either A. Coconut oil. Or B. a stick of butter. Then you can play around with dosages…

My attorney once told me the highest he had ever been was eating a chunk of black hash at a party. He said he got to the party and the host cut a piece the size of his thumb and gave it to him. He ate it. Lol, he had to show kids around a courthouse the next morning and he was high! Like belligerently high! I don’t think he smoked tho.

Try a two week tolerance break if nothing else works out… that should help.


Is that a poem? It’s good, but I’d move “but extra stemmy” down a line.


Is that a more suitable haiku format?


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Well, no. Haiku is 5-7-5 syllables. You’re way past that haha.

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glad your pup is ok


Hahahahaha! Made me read it two more times!


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And @vaportrail took my advice, too, and moved “but it was extra stemmy” down a line haha.


That would be impressive. :grin:

I’d try 2 of those and hope to feel it. :cookie::cookie:

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Would have to be your tolerance. My cousin said the same thing and I gave him a dose that had him very, very…concerned :laughing: Can’t trust anything an edibles company puts on the packaging. You can make some for yourself with a little fuzzy math:

  • 1oz of weed that feels like ~20% THC = ~5670mg pure THCA
  • Decarb it
  • About 87.7% of the THCA is available after converting to THC = ~4972mg pure THC
  • Infuse into a cup of coconut oil and you’ll have 16 tablespoons, each with ~310mg THC

In my experience, 1.5 of those (~465mg) will do the trick if you usually smoke 2oz/mo, and 1/8 of a teaspoon (~12mg) is too much for a normal sized non-smoker. I’ve seen the same batch take anywhere from 45min to 4hr to kick in. Totally depends on the user’s body chemistry. I don’t even know how a person can enjoy life with the level of tolerance Diaz has :rofl:

I didn’t add oven temps and infusion times because it’s kind of down to preference. Longer infusion will convert THC to CBN and give a sleepier effect.


I just ate 1200mg the other day and phew. Not immune to edibles.

I was too smashed out to do anything except watch lifetime movies on the couch about an evil babysitter.

Good thing Mrs Foreigner was there to help me. I would have been unable to make toast and died of hunger.

Everything I wrote had to be corrected 3 times.


Isn’t every Lifetime movie about an evil babysitter? Haha, I go through phases where I crave those Lifetime movies; they’re so fucking bad. But I only need to watch one to get it out of my system for a couple months.


I saw one where a rapist was the father of one twin out of the set.


Man did you guys hear about that company that made edibles and they put out a few batches that they “forgot” to medicate? How jacked up is that. Selling $75 chocolate bars!

Do you know of a place to send stuff to get it tested? If it’s not crazy expensive I wanna test some stuff.

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